Chapter 1089 Naraku’s origin

Mukuro calmly replied, “Naraku is not as powerful as you think. At least, not for the time being. Any one of you can now kill Naraku. Of course, this does not include Qibao and Ari.”

Ari is not here, I don’t know what Mukuro said.

Qibao heard Mukuro’s evaluation, even if he knew it was the truth, he could only snorted uncomfortably.

Mukuro continued: “Naraku is now in a period of transformation. It is his weakest thing. As long as he is not stupid enough, it is impossible for him to come to your bad luck in this era. So wait slowly. Before Naraku really grows up, you There is a long time to improve your strength. Of course, if you want to know more about Naraku, you can ask Granny Feng.”

“What do you mean?” Inuyasha looked at Granny Feng suspiciously, a little suspicious in his eyes.

After all, in Inuyasha’s eyes, even though Granny Maple had a little bit of strength, she was actually not enough. The strength of Grandma Maple is not to say that it is comparable to Mukuro, even if it is insignificant compared to Inuyasha and Kikyo.

Inuyasha asked suspiciously: “Mr. Maple, do you really know about Naraku?!”

Granny Maple shook her head and looked at Mukuro strangely.

Mukuro said calmly: “It’s normal if you don’t know, after all, time has passed too long. But Granny Maple, even if you can’t guess the origin of Naraku, you should remember that Kikyo saved a person named Ghost Spider back then?!”

Granny Feng exclaimed and suddenly realized: “It turned out to be him! There was such a person back then, but he disappeared later.”

Granny Maple said this, which immediately aroused Inuyasha’s intense interest, and Inuyasha kept asking questions. After Feng’s patience, the situation of the ghost spider was basically clear.

It turns out that Kikyo used to treat a wicked person with severe burns. The guy was seriously injured and basically wasted in the second half of his life. So even though Kikyo knew he was malicious, he didn’t care, and that person was exactly the ghost spider in Mukuro’s mouth. Because that guy was taken care of by Kikyo, he slowly began to covet Kikyo. Exactly at this time, Kikyo already had the shadow of Inuyasha in his heart at that time.

The ghost spider resented very much, but he couldn’t move his body, so he could only attract a large number of monsters with pure malice, and let the monsters cannibalize him. Then, the evil thoughts of the ghost spider brought the monsters together and turned into a powerful monster, and that monster was later Naraku.

Even when Kikyo and Inuyasha later killed each other because of a misunderstanding, it was Naraku’s ghost.

Of course, this is what Mukuro said.

Granny Feng said, “The truth makes sense, but I’m not sure if something like this really happened back then. Why don’t we go to the place where the ghost spider rested? That place was burned down by the fire, the ghost spider So he disappeared, and I don’t know if he was burned to death.”

After some discussions, Mukuro, Inuyasha and others immediately followed Granny Maple to the place where the ghost spider rested. It was a hidden cave outside the village. The entrance of the cave was already covered with weeds. If it weren’t for Granny Feng to lead the way, ordinary people would never have discovered the existence of the cave.

After arriving here, Mukuro noticed that there was a slight aura remaining nearby, and there was also a weaker aura nearby, and the two auras were exactly the same.

Mukuro didn’t tell the discovery, but walked into the cave with Granny Feng and the others in silence.

It may be because no one has been here for too long, and the cave has been overgrown with weeds. However, in the place where the ghost spider lay there, there was no grass growing, and the bare ground formed a sharp contrast with the surroundings.

Inuyasha said strangely: “What’s going on here?!”

Granny Feng looked around and replied, “Probably because of evil, in a place where monsters have lived for a long time. Because evil has eroded the ground, it will prevent that place from growing in the next few decades.”

“But aren’t ghost spiders human!?”

“Didn’t Mukuro say that? The ghost spider was eaten by the monsters. As long as he can get platycodon, it doesn’t matter if he pays his soul.” Granny Feng replied, “It may be because of this evil thought. The influence of the place unexpectedly exceeds that of many monsters.”

At the same time, Mukuro, Inuyasha and others all smelled a faint scent in the air.

Kikyo suddenly appeared in front of them and said, “I have been waiting for you here for a long time.”

Inuyasha was startled, and his expression became a little demented.

Mukuro trampled a lizard to death and said, “Don’t be deceived. You have hallucinations only because you smelled the smell. It is impossible for Kikyo to appear in such a place.”

Kikyo couldn’t have the slightest nostalgia for ghost spiders, let alone know that Inuyasha would come here, of course it was impossible to wait here.

Even if you can’t see the taste just now is artificial, it can be easily judged.

When Inuyasha realized that he had been deceived, he became angry immediately, chased out the cave, and shouted: “The person who arranged the hallucinations must have not gone far! Find him out! He is very likely to be Naraku!”

Mukuro followed Inuyasha out of the cave, and could still instinctively feel the non-strong qi nearby. Mukuro was basically certain that the owner of that qi was Naraku. So, he pointed to the direction where the Qi was, and said: “Just over there, chase it. After a while, Inuyasha opened the way with iron and broken teeth, and soon rushed to Naraku.”

It was a man hiding under the fur of an ape, only his mouth was exposed.

He smiled faintly: “It was discovered by you. It’s amazing. You guys can find here because of the human named Mukuro? He is really powerful. But Inuyasha, you are not Mukuro. You stayed behind when you fought with Sessumaru. The injury has not fully recovered, are you sure you want to fight me?!”

“Stop talking nonsense!”

Knowing that he and Kikyo had been instigated by Naraku back then, Inuyasha hated Naraku a little bit deeper, and directly slashed with a knife.

His knife directly chopped off the head of the fur of the ape, otherwise Naraku didn’t seem to be hurt at all.

When Inuyasha wanted to catch up again, Naraku suddenly burst into a strong miasma and surrounded Inuyasha. Even Inuyasha’s clothes, which was said to be stronger than any armor, could not withstand the erosion of the miasma. With Inuyasha’s current physical condition, it was too reluctant to fight against Naraku after all.

Mukuro used gravity to pull Inuyasha out of the miasma, and at the same time drove the miasma back with repulsion, and said: “Inuyasha, don’t worry, Naruto is more cunning than a mouse, not so easy to be killed by you. You wait for the injury to recover, slowly It’s not too late to ask him to settle accounts after increasing your strength slowly.”

At this moment, a guy with armor on his body, a bit like a wolf, but a guy with a much rounder head appeared nearby. The guy opened his mouth, and suddenly wolves ran out of his mouth and rushed towards Inuyasha.

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