Chapter 1088 Against the Sashio Maru

After Mukuro expressed his intention to join the war, Inuyasha gave a cold snort and took the initiative to step aside.

He must have already seen that even if he continues to fight, he cannot be the opponent of Sesho Maru. The probability of dying in the hands of Sesho Maru is more than 90%. No matter how unhappy he is, he can only hand over the battlefield to Mukuro and let Mukuro help him to get the iron shattered teeth back. But even if Mukuro made the shot, Inuyasha was a bit worried.

After all, Iron Broken Teeth has a completely different power in the hands of Sashengwan.

He had already experienced it with his body just now.

Seeing that the blade of iron shattered teeth accidentally hit Mukuro, Sesei Maru’s relaxed expression finally faded, gradually becoming solemn. But he was an extremely conceited monster, and he certainly wouldn’t want him to admit that the attack just now was just a misunderstanding. He has always looked down on humans, and letting him say something like that to a human is tantamount to bowing his head and admitting defeat. It’s harder than killing him.

He smashed his teeth in front of him, sternly said: “Interesting, the most powerful human being is finally willing to take action. Come on, let me see how much power you, the most powerful human being has.”

Mukuro didn’t say a word, and approached the Sasaomaru all the time. White gas gradually emerged from 16’s body, which was the result of exploding in a normal state. Although Mukuro is absolutely sure to defeat Sasomaru even if he doesn’t do this, it is at least a little easier to do so. Ari and Maitreya were slightly startled when they saw the changes in Mukuro’s body.

“Have you seen?! Mukuro’s appearance has changed again, and a white light appeared on his body, a bit like the last time.”

“It’s a little different from last time. When he became blond hair last time, the light that emerged from his body was also golden, but this time it became white.”

Amidst the discussions between Ari and Maitreya, the distance between Mukuro and Sasei Maru has become closer and closer. Sesho Maru probably had never seen anyone daring to approach him so aggressively, and couldn’t help getting angry.

He vigorously shook out his broken teeth: “Weak humans! Don’t be arrogant in front of me! Who do you think you are?!”


The blades that Sesumaru cleaved this time were far stronger than any other time. The sharp blades directly cut a series of bottomless marks on the ground and slashed towards Mukuro. Only the blade light touched Mukuro’s qi, like a huge wave hitting a cliff, and disappeared with a loud noise.

Shashengmaru’s face changed drastically and said, “How come?! What’s the matter with the white light on your body?!”

A Li and Maitreya were speechless.

Inuyasha snorted and said: “Huh! The gap is so big, and Sesho Maru is not his opponent at all. And he seems to be far inferior to the blond hair last time. How powerful should this human be?!”

“Impossible! How could humans have such a powerful force? You monster!” Shisheng Maru let out a long roar, and then swung several sword lights in succession.

The sword light just now is probably the limit of the power of the sasheng pill. Since quality can’t win, he can only choose the amount. However, several sword lights hit Mukuro at the same time.

Even if the power is superimposed, there is still no way to break the Qi that Mukuro uses to protect the body.

Mukuro said lightly, “Don’t you want to know what’s going on with the white air current on my body? Don’t be afraid to tell you, it’s actually just the energy that naturally radiates after I increase my strength, not even one ten thousandth of my true strength. You can’t break even this level of energy, and you want to beat me?!”

Mukuro stepped forward and appeared in front of Sesei Maru in the blink of an eye, and a finger popped out.

Mukuro’s fingers flicked on Sesomaru’s chest, and immediately shattered the armor on his body, and at the same time, he vomited blood and flew out. The moment he flew out, Mukuro raised his right index finger again, letting the index finger shine with white light, and slashed towards Sesumaru’s left shoulder. After condensing the qi on the fingers, Mukuro’s fingers were like invincible soldiers, and he cut off Sesho Maru’s arm all at once.

The broken iron teeth in Sesei Maru’s hands naturally fell into Mukuro’s hands. Mukuro threw the broken teeth back to Inuyasha, and said, “Inuyasha, take your knife, don’t get robbed again.”

Inuyasha got the iron shattered teeth and couldn’t help but be overjoyed. When he kicked his feet, he was about to kill the Sahseng Maru, but he staggered under his feet and fell to the ground before he took a few steps out. When I was fighting with Sesho Maru just now, the injuries he suffered were so serious that even if he rested for so long, he couldn’t recover much.

With his current state, it is simply unrealistic to chase Sesho Maru.

Sashengmaru stood up slowly, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, stared at Mukuro firmly, and said coldly: “Just a flick of your finger…Okay, very good. You, the human power, subverted mine. Cognition. With you here today, it seems that I don’t want to take away the broken teeth. We will have a period of time later.”

Sesho Maru flew up and ran away with the evil views of his men.

When the Sesho Maru walked away, Mukuro condensed his qi, and at the same time put away the protective cover that protected Maitreya and Ari.

Ari quickly trot to Mukuro’s side and said with a fascinating look: “Mukuro, teach me how to use your power. I also want to be as strong as you.”

“Don’t be stupid.”

Mukuro directly turned back and said: “If this level of strength is so easy to develop, how can others mix!? And there is no suitable environment in this world for you to practice. If you can learn the art of dancing, you can even burn high incense. of.”

In the world of Dragon Ball, the easiest way to exercise is to borrow gravity. However, in the world of Inuyasha, trying to use gravity is simply an unrealistic fantasy.

A Li was disappointed and said: “Okay, but the power of Wukongshu and you use the same system? When I learn to fly, maybe I can become as strong as you.”

Mukuro smiled lightly, and 337 ignored Ari’s unrealistic fantasies.

If there is no illusion, it is not a young girl.

At the moment, Mukuro used teleportation to bring Inuyasha and Ari back to Granny Maple’s village. Inuyasha was injured a bit severely this time, and he had to cultivate for a period of time.

During Inuyasha’s training, Ari went back to the modern world.

At Granny Maple’s house, Mukuro sat against the wall and said, “Inuyasha, you should find a way to improve your strength, and the true power of the iron shattered teeth must hurry to Master. Otherwise, with your current strength, even your brother can’t beat it. Let alone Naraku.”

“What?! You mean that Naraku is stronger than Sesomaru?!”

When the news came out, not only Inuyasha, but also Granny Feng and Maitreya, as well as Qibao were shocked. The strength that Shisei Maru showed last time has made them secretly startled, but Mukuro actually said that Narok was stronger than Shisei Maru, which made their hearts almost unbearable.

“Mukuro, do you keep asking us to exercise because you know you can’t beat Naraku?! Do you want to use our power?!” Inuyasha asked solemnly.

“Um, what are you thinking?!” Mukuro looked defeated by you, and said helplessly: “You think too much, Naraku is not as scary as you think.”

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