Chapter 1067 The power of iron shattered teeth

“It’s so noisy!”

Inuyasha yelled impatiently: “Why don’t you grab it back? Do you dare not give what he wants? He really wants to grab you, what can you do?”

Shashengwan opened her mouth lightly, and she was speechless. But no, with Mukuro’s strength, no one here can fight him. If he is really determined to smash his teeth, let alone Inuyasha or Sessomaru, even if their father is resurrected in his heyday, he would never want to hold on to Mukuro’s hands for a second. In the face of an opponent whose strength is so disparity, it is the most correct way to clearly know the current affairs as a talented person.

Inuyasha continued: “Anyway, when his strength reaches his level, the use of weapons is no longer useful, so he won’t not return it to me.”

Mukuro took Inuyasha’s broken teeth, and then according to his memory, burst out with a strong idea of ​​protecting the earth. In the Dragon Ball world, Mukuro saved the earth more than once, and he can easily recall that mood.

Mukuro remembers that in order for Iron Broken Teeth to exert its true power, it must have a strong determination to protect humanity. Protecting the earth and protecting mankind should be the same thing. When this thought swelled in Mukuro’s heart, the broken iron teeth in his hand burst into a dazzling light, and at the same time regained his strength.

Compared with the original rusty Madara Madara, it now looks like a real magic weapon.

Shashengmaru was shocked, and muttered: “Is that the true power of the iron shattered teeth?! It was actually used by a human being.”

“Really succeeded? Why does this guy know the real use of iron shattered teeth?” Inuyasha was stunned.


Ari was surprised: “Mukuro, are you really a human?! Why can you use a monster’s knife?!”

“What is a monster?! What is a person?!” Mukuro said lightly, “After all, it is just life. As long as the Master corrects the way to become stronger, is there too much difference between a monster and a human?”

Mukuro threw the knife in his hand at Inuyasha: “Catch it, think about the person you want to protect. As long as your determination is strong enough, Iron Shard will respond to you.”

“It turns out that this is how Iron Shards are used?! Good!” Inuyasha yelled, holding the handles of Iron Shards in both hands, and then closed his eyes, as if he was brewing.

Ari hid behind Mukuro and said, “Will Inuyasha have someone who wants to protect?!”

“Yes, I have.”

Mukuro pointed at Ari and said with a smile: “You are not, the only person who needs protection here is you. Isn’t the feeling of being liked by a dog complicated?!”

Ari was startled, his expression suddenly became strange.

Mukuro laughed and said, “Don’t take it seriously, don’t take it seriously, I’m just joking with you. Inuyasha wants to protect you only because you are too weak. He wants to protect the weak. It has nothing to do with love. And he wants to brew this mood. , I can only imagine protecting you here.”

A Li snorted and stopped talking.

When Iron Broken Teeth was in Mukuro’s hands, it did exert a very powerful force. But after leaving Mukuro’s hand, it returned to its original appearance. At this moment, in Inuyasha’s hands, it may be that Inuyasha’s thoughts were sensed, it changed back to its original appearance, bursting with a dazzling light.

Of course, the demon power it exudes at this moment is far inferior to when Mukuro used iron to smash his teeth.

Sasumaru hated and jealous, and grabbed Inuyasha with a paw: “Huh! Do you think I will wait for you slowly?!”

The power of Sesumaru’s claws was very terrifying, and the strong wind alone made Inuyasha’s white hair dance frantically, clearly determined to kill Inuyasha. He has already seen that if Inuyasha is allowed to exert the true power of iron shattered teeth, he will be in danger.

Inuyasha sneered, and used his broken teeth to face the claws of Sesho Maru:

“Come on! Let me cut you to pieces!!”


The iron shards in Inuyasha’s hand pierced through the claws of the sasei pill, and blood was splashing. A sorrowful scream came from the throat of Shashengwan.

Inuyasha chased after victory, and slashed at Sesomaru again.

Sesumaru wanted to evade, but as Mukuro said at the beginning, although he changed back to his body, although he added a lot of strength, he also sacrificed flexibility. Facing the same agile Inuyasha, his avoidance had no effect at all. He was hit by Inuyasha all at once, and his entire arm was chopped off as a result.

The blood gushing from his body stained Inuyasha’s body red. The entourage who had been following the Sesho Maru was shocked and said:

“Impossible! Master Shishengmaru was defeated by a half-demon!”

After losing his arm, Sesho Maru did not dare to love the battle anymore, turned around and ran away, disappearing into their father’s grave…

It has to be said that the Sesei Maru that becomes the main body has the ability to fly, but Inuyasha does not have such ability. When Sesumaru was determined to escape, Inuyasha was helpless even if he wanted to chase.

Watching the Sesho Maru run away, Inuyasha gritted his teeth and said, “Damn it! I almost killed him just now.”

“Forget it, you are also brothers anyway.”

Mukuro said indifferently, “Maybe Sasomaru can change his mind in the future. A brother who can help you is better than a dead brother. Even if it is a monster, the mind will change. You are the best proof. You never saved A Li before.”

Inuyasha’s face blushed and he snorted and stopped talking.

Even if Mukuro is telling the truth, it is harder for Inuyasha to admit such a thing than killing him. After Sesumaru left, Inuyasha basically spent his time studying the use of iron shattered teeth, and caught Mukuro asking questions whenever he had the opportunity.

And A Li discusses where to go next with Granny Feng.

Mukuro was so annoyed by Inuyasha that they simply urged them to leave the village and officially embark on the journey to find the jade of the four souls.

After leaving the village for a while, when Mukuro and Inuyasha passed by a certain village, they suddenly saw many girls with their hands tied up on the side of the road. A young man was hiding in the grass beside him, observing the woman in front of him secretly, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Some passers-by were whispering when they saw the girls being taken away. Their 4.4 voices were very quiet, but with Mukuro’s strength, it is still very simple to want to hear. The content of their conversation is nothing more than the city lord’s body being occupied by the monster, and the monster needs a lot of girls to eat.

This type of statement is basically an rumors in the public, and the more they spread, the more exaggerated they are.

However, in the person who took the girls, Mukuro did sense the anger of the monsters. It seems that even if the rumors are exaggerated, they are not necessarily false.

“Let’s go and take a look.”

Mukuro opened his mouth and said, “That city lord may really be a monster. If it is a evil monster, wouldn’t it be good to help eliminate these innocent villagers?”

Inuyasha paused and looked back at Mukuro with a weird look: “Why are you so active when you want to help these people, but you can’t do anything when you want to help us?!”

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