Chapter 1066 Brothers war

“That’s it, hit him! Hit him!!” Ari yelled very excitedly: “You should keep beating him, you’d better beat him so hard that Inuyasha can’t recognize him.”

As he said, Ari excitedly waved his fists into the air, as if he could hit the Sesho Maru in this way. Mukuro once told Inuyasha and Ari that he was not here to be a nanny, so of course it was impossible to listen to Ari’s words.

Stretching a bit, Mukuro walked aside nonchalantly: “Ari, did you forget what I said? I went to find the jade of the four souls with you just for fun. If I have fun, I can accompany you. Play a trick, beat your opponent, but I won’t help you solve the enemy.”

Ari was stunned, and the fist that was recovering in the air stopped, and quickly hid behind Inuyasha.

Sasaemaru slowly stood up, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, “I see, it turns out that you are in this relationship, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Inuyasha, don’t think that you can beat me by getting the broken teeth left by your father. , The powerful demon power of Iron Shards is not something that a half demon like you can control.”

There was a beast-like roar from Shishengwan’s mouth, and his body changed tremendously, turning into a huge white dog monster.

His figure inflated dozens of times at least in an instant, and a cloud of smoke spurted out of his mouth, which was obviously poisonous. For a kennel, this is undoubtedly the essence of the Sesho Maru.

After changing back to the body, the aura of the Shashengwan also became stronger many times in an instant.

“Interesting, I didn’t expect to increase so much power after transforming, but unfortunately the body shape after transforming is too large, for a sufficiently flexible opponent, it is a huge target, and it won’t take much advantage in the battle.”

This transformation of Sesei Maru and Piccolo’s larger body shape in the martial arts club back then are too similar. Such transformation is meaningless. The loss of flexibility is far from being able to make up for the increased strength. .

Ari asked suspiciously: “Really?!”


Mukuro replied affirmatively: “No matter how strong it is, it doesn’t make much sense if it can’t hit the opponent.”

After hearing Mukuro’s words, Inuyasha howled with excitement, waving his iron teeth and rushing up.

He stood on top of Sesumaru’s head with a knife and said, “Sure enough, as Mukuro said, after transforming into this shape, you become so dull that you can’t even dodge this kind of attack. Just attack you slowly and grind you down. It’s fine to die.”

Mukuro looked at Inuyasha triumphantly and couldn’t help covering his eyes with his hands, and couldn’t stand it. Because although Inuyasha used iron shards to chop the head of the Sesho Maru, it did not cause any harm to the Sesho Maru.

The gap between their strengths is really too big. Mukuro said that the body transformation is invalid, which is based on the premise that the strength of both parties is similar.

Sesumaru stood motionless, looked up at Inuyasha, and said coldly, “Is this your attack? Half-demon is half-demon after all, and will never become a climate. I will kill you, lest you give us a clan. Shame.” Shashengwan raised his head vigorously, and shook Inuyasha away with just this force.

Before Inuyasha hit the ground, Shisheng Maru slapped it again, and it seemed that Inuyasha was about to be slapped into minced meat.

At this critical moment, Ari suddenly shouted: “Sit down!” I saw Inuyasha, who had been flying upside down in mid-air, suddenly seemed to be pulled by some force and hit the ground heavily.

Only then did Mukuro notice that the old lady Feng had already brought Inuyasha’s rosary to Inuyasha, so that Ari could control Inuyasha, but this thing that was originally used to control Inuyasha actually saved his life in a critical moment.

Mukuro laughed and said, “I didn’t expect Inuyasha to be saved by this kind of thing. If this was known by Kikyo, I really don’t know what it would be like.”

At the same time, Sesumaru waved his huge paws and attacked Inuyasha again. Inuyasha was taken aback, no matter where he was still spitting out Ari, and immediately scrambled to escape. Sessumaru’s claws grabbed the place where Inuyasha had just landed, and suddenly left a bottomless hole in the ground.

Ari shrank his head in fright, and said, “You were right to take us out just now. If Inuyasha and his brother were to fight in the village, I don’t know how many people would die as a result.”

“That’s not necessarily.”

Mukuro said disapprovingly: “As long as I am willing, it is very simple to save the villagers. Although I will follow you to play, I will not intervene to help you, but I can’t watch the villagers who have no power to bind the chickens die?!”

“Then why do you have the heart to watch me encounter danger?” Ari looked at Mukuro and said quietly, “Then I am also a person who has no power to bind a chicken.”

Mukuro flipped over Byakugan and said, “Where do you look like a person without the power to bind a chicken? Don’t forget that your previous life was the person who sealed Inuyasha. There is still a very powerful force hidden in your body. You could use arrows last time. Ya pierced the comb of the woman who controls the hair. It’s the best example, but you don’t know how to use that power.”

The comb of the female monster was wrapped in a skull.

The skull is the hardest part of the human body. Not to mention a weak woman, even a strong man who exercises regularly would never want to pierce the head with an ordinary arrow.

A Li was able to do this kind of thing, absolutely because of the strength of his previous life burst out of his desperation.

A Li thought for a while, but couldn’t refute it.

On the other side, the battle between Inuyasha and Sesho Maru continued. Inuyasha relied on his flexible body, constantly looking for space to chop Sesho Maru, but the iron shattered teeth had no power at all, and could not hurt the Sesho Maru at all. But Sesumaru relied on his huge size to keep attacking, that is, the mission rate was lower, which also caused Inuyasha to be dangerous. As long as Inuyasha is a little careless, he will definitely be mashed into flesh by the Sesho Maru.

If you don’t want to hurt the Shashengwan, the result is almost doomed.

Inuyasha must have noticed this too, becoming more and more anxious, and said angrily: “Isn’t it said that the broken teeth are very powerful? Why I don’t feel at all? The broken teeth can’t hurt the Sanshengwan at all.”

After a pause, Inuyasha seemed to think of something, and shouted at Mukuro loudly, “Didn’t you say that Sesho Maru will give me weapons?! Why is the iron shattered tooth that you boasted about is useless?!”

“That’s because you didn’t find the correct usage of broken iron teeth.” Mukuro said faintly: “If you don’t believe me, give me broken iron teeth, I’ll show you its power right away.”

Without thinking about it, Inuyasha immediately threw the broken teeth in his hand to Mukuro. Mukuro used gravity to pull the broken teeth to his side from a long distance away, and clenched it with one hand.

Seeing this scene, Shisei Maru couldn’t help but yelled: “Inuyasha, do you know what you are doing?! To give such an important thing to a human?!”

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