
Then Ning Hao and Xi Rihong saw Zi Laiye, after all, he was the commander of this battle, such an existence, since Ning Hao and Xi Ri Hong were here, they were dispatched by Zi Laiye.

For Ning Hao, he can only be described like this!

Since he was six years old, Zilai has had a short contact with Ning Hao, and he also knows that Ning Hao's future achievements are definitely not below him, but he didn't expect it to be so fast, this has only been a few years in a hurry, right? Ning Hao has not grown up yet! Although it seems that he is sixteen or seventeen years old, he is very clear about Ning Hao's age.

"Okay, you've worked hard today, it's okay, you two can go down and rest first!" Zilai also said to Ning Hao, and asked again: "By the way, have you eaten?"

"After eating, let's take our leave!"

Ning Hao and Xi Rihong came out after eating in the Shenwei space.

At this moment, it was already night, Ning Hao found a relatively wide place, and sealed his hands: "Mu Dun Wooden House!"

Simple wooden ninjutsu like wooden chairs, wooden tables, and wooden houses, Ning Hao had already studied them by himself, easily built a hut and walked in.

The other people on the side were also surprised, after all, Ning Hao could use Mu Dun, and he couldn't envy it.

And now is the time of spring, it is neither cold nor hot, it is good for them to live in tents, and they are fighting, and the place where they live is not too demanding.

After entering the wooden house, it was impossible for Ning Hao and Sunset Red to rest so early.

Jiraiya and the other ninjas are in a hurry, and they are not very good physically or mentally, so they are arranging for the person in charge of guarding, and the others have rested early.

Not long after, Bo Feng Shuimen and his three disciples stepped into the hut where Ning Hao and Xi Rihong lived.

"Ning Hao, red!"

"Kakashi, Obito, Rin!"

The two sides said hello, after all, they were in the same class at the beginning, except for Kakashi and Ning Hao who graduated after only one year, Sunset Red and Rin and Uchiha Obito took three or four years before leaving the school.

"It seems that there is no hope of catching up with you!" Kakashi also looked at Ning Hao a little helplessly after greeting him.

"You'll be great in the future, too. "

Ning Hao didn't hit Kakashi, but gave a little encouragement, but his attention fell on Uchiha Obito......

Because his [Other Heavenly Gods] has been cooled down and can be used again!

Find an opportunity during this time, and you can use it on Uchiha Obito.

After Ning Hao and Kakashi chatted for a while, Bo Feng Shuimen said to Ning Hao, "I'll be in charge of guarding today, and I'll hand it over to you tomorrow." "

"No problem. Ning Hao nodded and agreed.

Bo Feng Shuimen knows that he has sentience, and there are not many ninjas with perception, and he will definitely not let it go, after all, even if it is the white eyes of the Hyuga clan, in the war, it is still not as good as the perception ninja.

It is especially good to have a good perception, and the range of perception is very large, and it is necessary to make use of it.


The next day.

The entire ninja world is in an uproar!

Ning Hao relied on Mu Dun's name to move the ninja world!

With the power of one person, he forced back the attack of the Sand Ninja Village......

Although he has the help of Bo Feng Shuimen, compared with Ning Hao, the limelight of Bo Feng Shuimen is faintly overpowered.

On Konoha here, whether it's Jiraiya or Konoha Ninja Village, it's all jubilant.

'Thousand-armed Ning Hao' is really famous!

It is expected to be the next 'Thousand Hands Pillar'!

The morale of the sand shinobi has plummeted, knowing that it is Konoha who is hurting their morale, but they still admit it. Originally, they wanted to kill Ning Hao, but they were stopped by Ning Hao and Bo Fengshuimen.

Moreover, the four generations of Wind Shadow Luo Sha also broke out, Ning Hao not only has Mu Dun, but also Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eyes.

If Ning Hao is allowed to grow, it may not only be another 'Thousand Hands Pillar', but also a combination of the Thousand Hands Pillar and Uchiha Madara, Ning Hao will definitely surpass the original Hokage - Thousand Hands Pillar!

The entire ninja world seemed to fall into a brief silence.

Ning Hao's threat is too great!

Mu Dun, Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye, Ability to Fly, Time and Space Ninjutsu......

Back then, the Thousand Hands Pillar only had Mu Dun, but now Ning Hao also has a variety of abilities in addition to Mu Dun, and is even proficient in space-time ninjutsu, and the threat is indeed great!

But to kill......

How easy is it to say?

All I can say is: It's hard!

For this, Luo Sha has a deep understanding.

Ning Hao has grown up, and it is already very difficult to kill.


When Ape Fei Ri heard the news of the four generations of Wind Shadow Luosha, he also shook his head helplessly.

He didn't know that Ning Hao had awakened the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye, he originally wanted to take advantage of this to hit the period of Sand Ninja Village, but he was used by Sand Ninja and pushed Ning Hao above the wind and waves.

And now the entire Uchiha clan is also surprised.

The only people who knew that Ning Hao had the bloodline of writing wheels were only Uchiha Fuyue and a few elders, and of course, Uchiha Shisui, who had fought with Ning Hao, also knew.

But for Ning Hao to awaken the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, this was something that Uchiha Fuyue did not expect, and even the other elders of the Uchiha family did not expect.

Throughout the Uchiha family for so many years, since Madara Uchiha's death, the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye has never appeared, and they never thought that Ning Hao would awaken the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye.

Or that Ning Hao is too young, the entire Uchiha clan, there have been no ten thousand flower writing wheels for so many years, Ning Hao is a teenager? Who would have thought!?

"Fuyue, this matter ......"

In the Uchiha family, Uchiha Fugaku and several elders also discussed this matter.

"Alas~ There is no way to do this matter, you have also heard of Ning Hao's strength, not to mention that he has space-time ninjutsu, it is impossible for us to catch him, even if he doesn't know space-time ninjutsu, hundreds of sand ninjas have been forced to retreat by him, can our Uchiha family compare with Sand Ninja Village?"

One is a family, and the other is a ninja village?

There is too much difference between the two.

It is basically impossible to catch Ning Hao to ask about the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye, or to study the Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eye......

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