Kamui Space!

After Sunset Red was admitted to the Shenwei space by Ning Hao, although he was sitting quietly on the wooden chair, his face was worried!

Until, I saw Ning Hao enter the Shenwei space.

After all, the disparity in the number of people on both sides is too great, there are only more than 20 people on Konoha's side, and more than a dozen have died, basically only Ning Hao and Bo Feng Shuimen are left to fight, and the two of them can resist the attack of hundreds of people?

I can't help but worry about Ning Hao.

"Ning Hao, are you alright? Quick, sit down!"

Ning Hao's figure entered the Shenwei space, and Sunset Hong immediately stood up, looking at Ning Hao, who was already pale and crumbling, he immediately rushed over and helped him sit on the wooden chair.

"Whew......" Ning Hao let out a heavy breath, and barely squeezed out a smile: "It's okay, it's just a bit of a big consumption, just take a rest!"

Ning Hao is indeed a bit consumed, and the rest is fine.

[True Thousands of Hands] and [Top Transformation] consumed more Chuck than he expected.

Mainly because of the relationship between the immortal chakra, if it is an ordinary chakra, it will not be so weak, but the immortal chakra has restrictions on the inhalation of natural energy, and it needs to be consistent with physical energy and spiritual energy in order to constitute immortal chakra.

This also means that the recovery and production of immortal chakras is less and slower than that of ordinary chakras.

But it's still powerful!

If an ordinary chakra comes out in actual combat, the power may drop a lot.

Sunset Hong checked Ning Hao's body, but found no wounds, plus Ning Hao did seem to be overconsumed, so he was also relieved, sitting quietly on the grass at his feet, watching Ning Hao slowly recover......

Time passed quietly when Ning Hao recovered his chakra and spiritual power.

After the withdrawal of the Sonic Army, preparations began for the next long war, and the supply routes and garrisons were also built.

And in the afternoon, the dusty Zilai also arrived with a team of more than 100 people.

And Bo Feng Shuimen also went to greet him, and when Ning Hao used [True Thousand Hands], the seven people who were evacuated also returned, and went to pick up the large army of Konoha from Zilaiya with Bo Feng Shuimen.

When Bo Fengshui told the matter again, even Zilai was stunned.

Especially when the people who also brought Konoha rushed to the previous defense line, they saw that all they saw were large and small potholes, and a radius of 10,000 meters was in ruins, where did the original defense line still exist?

Disappeared in previous battles......

"It's terrifying!"

Seeing large and small potholes, everyone present was surprised, even if they saw a wave of wind and water.

At the same time, the people of Jiraiya and Konoha can also think of Ning Hao and Bo Feng Shuimen before, plus more than twenty ninjas of the defense line, holding the defense line, how fierce this battle is.

"That guy...... Is it already strong enough to this extent?!!" Kakashi, who was walking with Jiraiya, looked at the large and small potholes on the ground, and an inexplicable emotion had risen in his heart, and it seemed impossible to catch up with Ning Hao.

Subsequently, Zilai also arranged for people to start moving, setting up garrisons and supply lines.

"What about Ning Hao's guy?" I didn't see Ning Hao either, so I asked casually,

Bo Feng Shuimen shook his head: "It should be too expensive, after using the Mu Dun Secret Technique, I directly used the Time and Space Ninjutsu to leave, maybe where to rest!"

"That's right...... It's okay!" Jiraiya nodded.

Konoha didn't take this opportunity to attack the sand ninjas, after all, it had been a few hours since the previous battle, and the sand ninja had almost recovered, although they had brought more than a hundred people, less than two hundred, compared to the sand ninja, there was a slight gap.

If he goes to attack now, the logistical preparations on his side will be insufficient, and he can only postpone it first.

There is Jiraiya, plus Bo Feng Shuimen and Ning Hao, this battle with Sand Ninja Village, Konoha has absolute confidence here.

On the other hand, the sand ninja will seem less confident.

That's morale!

The main thing is Ning Hao's move, which was forced to retreat by Sha Ren, and even Shou He fought back alive, which made Sha Ren feel a lot of pressure, and he was afraid that Ning Hao would come again, and when they wanted to open more, it would not be so easy.

Towards the end of the night, Ning Hao and Sunset Hong had eaten something in the Shenwei space before reappearing.

And outside it was already brightly lit, and the ninjas of Konoha everywhere were on alert.

When Ning Hao and Sunset Red appeared, the ninjas of Konoha surrounded them, and when they saw Ning Hao's appearance and Sunset Red, they breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, a smile flashed on their faces: Be careful, worship, and be gratified...... These smiles contain so much of this.

With Ning Hao in this battle, their pressure was greatly reduced.

This is a member of the Senju family, a descendant of the first Hokage, and a user of the wooden escape.

Ning Hao and Xi Rihong also nodded to these people, although they did not know each other, and the people who surrounded Ning Hao and Xi Rihong also returned to their respective posts and were responsible for vigilance.

"Ning Hao, have you recovered?"

In the slightly dim firelight, Bo Feng Shuimen appeared instantly, looked at Sunset Hong and Ning Hao, and was very happy to see that he had basically recovered.

"Almost!" Ning Hao nodded.

Bo Feng Shuimen gave Ning Hao a thumbs up: "Your trick Mu Dun is really too powerful! I'm sure that you will be able to move the ninja world tomorrow and steal all my limelight!"

Although there is a joke in the sentence of Bo Feng Shuimen, there is one thing that can be determined.

That is, Ning Hao will definitely move the ninja world.

Because this is an opportunity to hit the opponent's morale, it is impossible for Sand Shinobi to release the message, but Konoha may take the initiative to release the message......

Even if neither side releases the news, with Ning Hao's previous moves, someone must have noticed it, and other ninja villages will definitely come back to investigate, and this matter can't be hidden.

When the time comes, what will bring Ning Hao is a lot of fame and fame, and at the same time, ...... And the danger!

No one would want Ning Hao to grow up!

After all, he is only more than twelve years old, and if he still grows, will he become another thousand-handed pillar in the future?

(I've been a little out of state lately.,Definitely not just me~囧~)

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