"It's actually under the desert of the Land of Winds. "

A whirlpool appeared in the void above the desert, and Ning Hao's body appeared in the air, and he looked at the surrounding environment, and he probably just got here.

"Presumably, the people of Sand Ninja Village would not have thought that after Scorpion killed the three generations of Wind Shadow Sand, the base would be in the desert of the Land of Wind......"

"It's not bad to come out for a while and go back slowly. "

Ning Hao looked at the sun on the day and the shadow cast by his body, roughly discerned the direction, and rushed towards the country of fire.

The speed at which Ning Hao went forward was not fast, and at this speed, the time was about the same.


Border of the Bird Country.

After Ning Hao dealt with the traces of the battle, he felt that five people were approaching, so he quickly left, and then went to look for the scorpion.

And not long after Ning Hao left, the four generations of Wind Shadow wearing the Wind Shadow Imperial Divine Robe, with the Wind Shadow Hat, and the four shadow guards arrived.

It can be seen from the formal attire of the five people that this is very formal, and it is generally only dressed like this when work or some big things happen.

And the fourth-generation Wind Shadow Luo Sha also brought four shadow guards, who should have visited other villages or discussed alliances.

And looking around the country of wind, it seems that there is also a country of rain that allows Luo Sha to visit in person so officially. After all, the Land of Rain has an important strategic position as the connecting point of the three major powers of wind, fire, and earth.

As for other countries like the Land of Birds and the Land of River, although one of them is the link between the Land of Wind and the Land of Earth, and the other is the link between the Land of Wind and the Land of Fire, their military strength is not strong, and they don't need to discuss the alliance in person at all.

Generally, it is up to the sand ninja organization to discuss.

Only because the country of rain is located between the three kingdoms, and there is also the rain ninja village, it still has a lot of combat power, so Luo Sha will personally discuss the alliance.

It's just that before he got close to the country of rain, he heard a roar, and it was obvious that someone was fighting, so he quickly rushed to the place where he came from.

"This ...... It's!"

When Luo Sha rushed to the battle site, he didn't see anyone, and when he looked at the battle scene, he suddenly showed a very surprised expression.

As a fourth-generation wind shadow, Luo Sha generally doesn't show such an expression, after all, he is a shadow of a ninja village.

"It's ...... Three generations of Kazekage's iron sand!!"

Beside Luo Sha, there are four Wind Shadow Shadow Guards, all of whom are the elite of the upper ninja, but they are Iron Sand who has seen three generations of Wind Shadow.

The four generations of Kazekage's magnetic escape are made of gold sand, while the third generation of Kazekage is made of black iron sand, which is magnetic and very powerful, and the magnetic weapons cannot cause any effect on the three generations of Kazekage.

Therefore, the three generations of Kazekage are also the strongest Kazekage!

It's just that a few months ago, the three generations of Kazekage suddenly disappeared, and everyone trusted the strength of the Mikazekage, believing that they had just been kidnapped or injured while fighting the enemy.

That's why the sand ninja will desperately look for it, but after looking for several months, more than half a year, there is still no news.

I didn't expect to see iron sand here!

Such a large area of iron sand can only be made by the magnetic retreat of the three generations of wind shadows.

In other words, the people who fought here before must be the three generations of Kazekage!

So here's the problem......

Who are the people who fought the three generations of Kazekage?

The three generations of Wind Shadow are not dead, why don't you go back to Sand Ninja Village? You must know that he is the shadow of Sand Ninja Village!

A lot of questions surfaced in the minds of Luo Sha and the four shadow guards, but there was no one on the scene for a long time, and even if they had questions in their hearts, it was impossible to get answers, unless they found the three generations of wind shadows.


With a wave of his hand, the four shadow guards behind him suddenly disappeared, looking for traces of the three generations of wind shadows around to see if there were any people around.

And Raksha himself is carefully surveying the scene.

There were many potholes and large scorched trees at the scene of the battle, and the whole ground was charred and blackened, and it was a mess when the whirlwind blew it.

Because this place itself is a forest, plus the big trees have been burned and blown by a whirlwind, basically no one would have thought that it was Mu Dun, nor would they have thought that it was Ning Hao who was fighting with the three generations of Wind Shadows.

The reason is also very simple.

The third generation of Wind Shadow is the strongest Wind Shadow, Ning Hao is just a little ghost, Luo Sha and the four shadow guards could not have thought that it was Ning Hao who was fighting with the third generation of Wind Shadow.

"Huh? This is ...... Golem parts!"

Luo Sha looked at a few pitch-black parts on the ground, as a wind shadow, he naturally knew about puppets, these burned parts seemed to be puppet parts.

It's just that the three generations of Wind Shadow have a magnetic escape, which can be described as the nemesis of the puppeteer, and basically does not use puppets, but how can there be puppet parts here.

"Could it be that the people who fought with the three generations have a puppeteer? Or is there a puppeteer who is helping the three generations of Kazekage?" Luo Sha was a little puzzled, and after a careful look, he didn't find anything of useful value.

When Ning Hai left, he destroyed the puppets that were imprisoned by the wooden thorns, and even the big pit created by the [Spiral Shuriken] was disturbed by the whirlwind, and he couldn't see anything. Although it is still a big pit, the iron sand of the three generations of Kazekage can casually blast out a big pit, so there is nothing strange about it.


The four shadow guards returned shortly after, landing beside Luo Sha: "Lord Wind Shadow, there are no traces of the three generations of Wind Shadows around, and there are no other people or clues left behind!"

The answers of the four shadow guards were not bad, and no trace of the three generations of wind shadows was found.

"Magnetic Escape Dust Gold!"

Luo Sha pressed his hands to the ground, and a sparse sound suddenly came from under the entire ground.


Immediately, the entire ground instantly collapsed, except for a small place where Luo Sha and the four shadow guards were sitting intact, the ground in a radius of thousands of meters around it directly cracked, and a large amount of golden sand poured out from the ground, burying countless trees.

The ground instantly turned into a golden patch.

The eyes of Luo Sha and the four shadow guards swept over Jin Shazhi, but they didn't find any figures.

"Let's go, go back to Sand Ninja Village!"

Luo Sha said and set off directly towards the Sand Ninja Village......

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