Fighting with Ning Hao just now, the dozen or so puppets he completed were all destroyed, which was really a pity. After all, it takes a lot of effort to make this kind of puppet, and time and materials, as well as money are indispensable.

Money naturally needs to be used to buy materials, and the most important material is undoubtedly a ninja, so to make a puppet, you need to catch a ninja first, so it takes a lot of time.

In the scorpion's laboratory are the corpses that have been processed for a long time, as well as the medicinal materials and tools that have been sequel.

These are all used to make 'human puppets' things.


Behind the scorpion, the space rotated like a whirlpool, and Ning Hao's body suddenly appeared behind the scorpion!


The scorpion was shocked, he didn't expect someone to enter his base!

You must know that the entire base is several meters deep in the desert, and after he enters it, the location of the base has also moved several hundred meters, and it is not easy to find it accurately in the vast desert.

As for wanting to enter silently, it is simply impossible.

Because the entire base is in a sealed state, if you want to enter, you can only destroy it from the outside, and there is no air in the base, ordinary people can't survive, the scorpion is because he has transformed his entire body into a puppet, and the heart only needs the flow of chakra to sustain life.

But...... In fact, someone appeared behind him just now, surprising the scorpion.

The vigilant scorpion wanted to dodge, but found that its body was directly bound by a wooden tree!

"Mu Dun!" Seeing the trees wrapped around his body, the scorpion naturally knew who it was!

"Ning Hao!" the scorpion asked in surprise, "How did you get in!"

"Of course that's how I came in...... Ning Hao's body was suspended in the air, his right hand stretched out~, and in his hand~ a wooden strip stretched out, binding the scorpion, and the eternal kaleidoscope in his left eye rotated slightly.

An invisible enchantment wrapped the scorpion, directly transferring the scorpion to the Shenwei space, and Ning Hao's body also began to twist, turning into a vortex into the body space.

"Where is this?"

The Shenwei space was a little dim, but there was air, and because of Ning Hao's wooden escape, it was full of flowers and plants, and the entire ground was also a lawn.

The change in the environment made the scorpion very puzzled, and he looked around vigilantly: "Is it space-time ninjutsu?"

"That's right, it's space-time ninjutsu. "

Ning Hao entered the Shenwei space, said lightly, and then sealed his hands;

"Mu Dun Senluo Vientiane!"

Roots sprout from the ground, enveloping the entire body of the scorpion, leaving only one head.

"How do you know my weakness!" The scorpion's body was wrapped in roots, and it looked at Ning Hao with horror.

The roots around him wrapped him, but the tip of this root was as sharp as a blade, all piercing his body and falling next to his heart, Ning Hao only needed one thought, and his heart would be pierced in an instant!

The scorpion's body has been completely transformed into a puppet, but no one knows that his heart has not been transformed, and this weakness is not known to ordinary people.

"I have the ability to perceive, and I also have a special ability to perceive a kind of qi emanating from your body, which is coming from the part of your heart...... So that's your weakness!"

Ning Hao said lightly: "Okay, now it's time to talk to you!"

"What do you want to talk about?"

Ning Hao caught him, but instead of killing him, he also brought him to this strange place, in short, at least not for now.

"Of course I want you to be my subordinate, or cooperate, otherwise why should I arrest you?" Ning Hao looked at the scorpion and sat down on the wooden chair beside him.

"Impossible!" Scorpion directly refused: "There is no need to talk about this matter at all, and I am a traitor from Sand Ninja Village, you are from Konoha, even if I join you Konoha, the three generations of Hokage don't have to agree." "

"I didn't ask you to join Konoha now, just to become a subordinate!a special existence!" Ning Hao said, "When I become the Hokage, you will naturally be Konoha's people;

"Moreover, even if you go to Konoha, you will not appear in front of everyone, your existence is like the dark department, but it is much stronger than the dark department, it is the sharp blade in my hand!

Ning Hao did not shy away from saying his purpose, becoming the Hokage, and conquering the ninja world.

"It's possible that you want to become the Hokage, but if you want to destroy the other four ninja villages, it's impossible to unify the ninja world. "

The scorpion looked at Ning Hao, feeling that the whole guy was crazy, even crazier than him, and he was going to rule the real ninja world.

"Nothing is impossible!" Ning Hao looked at the scorpion with confidence: "At the beginning, the Thousand Hands Pillar and the Uchiha were able to dominate the ninja world, but the Thousand Hands Pillar was just unwilling!"

"And now, I have Mu Dun and Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eyes, why can't I rule the ninja world?" Ning Hao said seriously: "I know the situation in the ninja world, even far more than you know, but I am still confident that I can win the entire ninja world, how about it? Do you want to help me!?"

"Impossible...... Since yours is really so powerful, without my help, you can lead Konoha to defeat the ninja village who asked for him, with or without me. The scorpion still refused, but he was also very surprised that Ning Hao had a kaleidoscope writing wheel.

Ning Hao said a lot, but there were many things that he didn't say, so he naturally couldn't tell them all, and he couldn't say a lot of things.

Regarding the scorpion's refusal, he was not in a hurry, but said: "The ninja war is about to break out, you should be able to collect a lot of puppets during this time, I will not stop you from making puppets, as long as you are not Konoha people and do not cause a riot in Konoha , I won't care, if you miss this ninja war, if you want to collect puppets, it will not be so easy." "

"Take care of this time, when you think about it, I'll let you out......"

After speaking, Ning Hao disappeared directly in place, left the Shenwei space, appeared in the scorpion's laboratory, moved all the things inside into the Shenwei space, and then left directly......

(Wait, there is a more, please subscribe~)

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