Although Ning Hao hadn't even seen the shadow of the [Filthy Earth Reincarnation Technique] yet, if he wanted this technique, it would still be easy to get.

Maybe it's in the 'Book of Seals', and even if you don't have it, you can find it in Orochimaru, and you can go to Orochimaru to ask for it later, or trade it, and if you don't have a wish, you can get it.

For Ning Hao, he didn't want to use the [Filthy Earth Reincarnation Technique] to summon the Uchiha to stop the water. If he could, he hoped to subdue the Uchiha Shisui.

However, his [Other Heavenly Gods] still have more than a year to cool down, and they can only talk about it after a year.

In addition to the Uchiha Shisui, there are also Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Itachi...... I also want to see if I can control Nagato, in short, Ning Hao complained a little that the cooldown time of [Don't Heavenly God] was too long.

Ning Hao and Sunset Red also left, leaving behind a mess of ground after the battle.

After the three of them left, the two shadows also simply dealt with the traces of the battle, and then continued to follow Ning Hao.

The two-day rest passed quickly, and Ning Hao ignored the visits and invitations of the major families.


Hokage's office.

Ning Hao and Bo Feng Shuimen arrived again, ready to go out on a mission.

"Ning Hao, you should go to the dark department first during this time. "

As Bo Feng Shuimen said before, Ape Fei Sun Slash also suggested that Ning Hao go to the dark department to stay for a while to avoid the limelight.

"Yes, but it's the same for a long-term mission!" After thinking for a while, Ning Hao also agreed, but he felt that it was better to go to the dark part than to come to a longer-term mission: "Why don't you give me a longer-term mission-sama, three months or half a year should be enough!"

"How can there be such a long mission?"

The corner of Ape Feiri's mouth twitched, and Bo Fengshuimen on the side also smiled. Such a long task is generally rare, and usually a month's task time is considered long.

What lasts for a few months, or even half a year, may not be a mission, but a war!

Suddenly, Ape Fei Ri Slash seemed to think of something, and said to Ning Hao: "It seems that there really is such a task. "

"What task?" Ning Hao actually said casually, I didn't expect that there was really such a task?

Sarutobi said: "Before you came back from the Daimyo's Mansion, you must have known the situation in the ninja world now, and Tsunade has been away from Konoha for a while, you go to her to see if she is getting better, and ask her if she would like to come back to help." "

Tsunade suffered from hemophobia during the previous ninja war, and very few people know about it, only Sarutobi Hizashi and Jiraiya, as well as Orochimaru.

It's been a few years since Tsunade left Konoha now, and I don't know if the phobia has improved. If it gets better, I'm sure I'll come back to help, but if it still doesn't get better, there's no way around, after all, hemophobia can only be solved by Tsunade himself.

Originally, Ape Fei Ri Slash was going to ask Zi Lai Ye, but now that Ning Hao is in such a situation, it seems that it is better to let him go than to go to Zi Lai Ye.

The strength of Zilai and Ning Hao is not bad, no matter where it is placed, it is a big help. But in general, it still plays a bigger role in Zilai, and it is also appropriate for Ning Hao to find Tsunade.

"Okay! Leave this task to me!"

Ning Hao heard Ape Fei Ri Slash say the content of the mission, and suddenly felt that his eyes lit up, this task seemed to be specially prepared for him!!

He had long wanted to go around the ninja world, especially the Akatsuki organization in the Land of Rain, to see Nagato and them, and his colleagues to see if they could trigger the mission.

If he wins this task, Ning Hao will be free to go to Tsunade, and it will not be difficult to sneak into the Land of Rain to see the Xiao Organization.

"Well, that's up to you. Ape Fei Ri took out a stack of materials and handed it to Ning Hao: "Tsunade's whereabouts are uncertain, this is a small town in some countries where she appeared before, she likes to gamble for money, you should know, according to the information, it shouldn't take too long to find it." "

"Anyway, don't hold it for too long, be careful yourself, you've already attracted the attention of several other ninja villages. "

Ape Fei Sun Slash reminded Ning Hao, but Ning Hao's strength is not bad, and he can also use space-time ninjutsu, plus the ability to fly, as long as he is not too careless, even if he encounters an enemy attack, there is no problem if he can't escape without defeat.

"I see. "

Ning Hao nodded, indicating that he understood, and then took the certificate of leaving the village handed to him by Ape Fei Ri.

There are no specific things written on this certificate, and the length is up to Ning Hao to grasp.

"Then I'll go first. Ning Hao said goodbye to the ape flying sun, and then waved his hand to Bo Feng Shuimen: "Bye-bye!"


Ning Hao except for the Hokage's office, he directly teleported back to Ning's house instead of leaving Konoha.

"Fuber, when was the last time Tsunade called someone to get the money, do you know who it is, and where did it come from?"

"Yes, I have a record of these, the most recent one seems to be three months ago......" Fu Bo said, returning to the living room and taking out an account book and handing it to Ning Hao.

Ning Hao also took a look, the last time he came to Ning's house to get money was three months ago. The person who came to take the money was someone from a casino in Kaminokuni, which proves that three months ago, Tsunade should have appeared in the small place of Kamanokuni.

"I'm going on a mission, it may take a long time, if Red comes back, you can talk to her. "

"It's a lot, Young Master Ning be careful!"

Ning Hao disappeared in place as he spoke, handed over the certificate of leaving the village at the gate of Konoha and disappeared directly with an instantaneous technique!

He didn't just go to Tsunade this time, so he didn't want to be followed.

With his strong perception, as long as he wants, he can basically avoid being followed by anyone, not even the shadows.

And the two dark subordinates who were responsible for protecting Ning Hao also returned directly to the Hokage Building and reported the matter to Ape Fei Ri Slash.

"This little ghost ......" Ape Feiri shook his head helplessly when he heard this, he knew that Ning Hao didn't want the shadows to follow, not to mention that Ning Hao had already left, and it was useless to say anything, so he asked the two shadows to retreat.

Ning Hao's departure from Konoha was also concerned by many people......

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