"I'm not interested in the Hokage or anything...... But I'm still very interested in your strength!" Ning Hao looked at the Uchiha Zhishui, his eyes also turned scarlet, and the three hooks slowly rotated in his eyes: "How about it?"

"Three hooks jade writing wheel eyes!"

Uchiha Zhishui was slightly moved, not many people knew about Ning Hao's Writing Wheel Eye, and among them, Uchiha Zhishui didn't know. received a message from Uchiha Fugaku, and asked him to invite Ning Hao, with a word by the way.

Originally, he was still wondering why he invited Ning Hao to join the Uchiha family, but he didn't expect that Ning Hao actually had a writing wheel!

And Ning Hao is only eleven years old, right?

Immediately, Uchiha's eyes also turned scarlet, and the three magatama slowly rotated in their eyes. In terms of the current age of Uchiha Shisui, he is at most fourteen or fifteen years old, and being able to start the writing wheel of the three magatama at this age is enough to be called a genius.

"Illusion: Writing Wheels!"


Uchiha Shisui and Ning Hao's three-hooked jade writing wheel eyes swirled slightly, and the two entered the battle of illusion.

A kind of fight that almost brings illusion to the substance, and even as an outsider, Sunset Red can be seen!

"It's so strong!"

Sunset Red itself is also proficient in illusion, but seeing that Ning Hao and Uchiha stopped the water at all, they used illusion to create a self, and the two sides are fighting fiercely!

This kind of miraculous illusion, Sunset Red can only be seen, and it can't be done at all.

In a few minutes of illusion duel, Uchiha Shisui and Ning Hao almost brought the three hooks to the extreme, and the two fought no less than dozens of times in the illusion.

"Very strong!"

"You're not bad either!"

In an instant, Ning Hao and Uchiha Shisui ended the illusion fight.


The words of the two fell, and their bodies disappeared directly in place, and they quickly fought!

"Ding Ding Ding~!!"

A sound of kunai colliding sounded, and almost any figure could be seen, and only at the moment of kunai collision, two figures could be seen colliding, as well as a trace of firelight.

In the previous illusion hands, the two had already tested each other's details, so the real fight, the strength they showed was relatively strong, and they didn't try it again.


Ning Hao and Uchiha Shisui held kunai in their hands, and they met again in the air, and the writing wheel eyes of their eyes slowly rotated, slowing down each other's speed, and then kicked out a kick towards this opponent!


The legs of the two collided violently, Uchiha Shisui frowned, and his body flew backwards, this collision and the previous collision of kunai, he also found that his own strength was actually not comparable to Ning Hao.


The Uchiha stopped falling towards the trunk behind him, but Ning Hao completely violated common sense, and his body did not descend and retreat in the slightest after colliding with him, and even flew directly towards him.

The ability to fly.

Not many people know about Ning Hao's ability in the Daimyo's Mansion, and they are basically the high-level of the major families, as well as the high-level of other major ninja villages.

Ordinary ninjas don't have the ability to go back and collect that information, and they don't have the ability to collect information.

So for Ning Hao to have the ability to fly, Uchiha Shisui didn't know.

"Fire Escape: Hao Fireball Technique!"

"Water Escape: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"

Ning Hao flew towards the Uchiha to stop the water, and when he had just sealed it, Ning Hao knew what kind of ninjutsu he wanted to perform.

With a slight shake of his right hand, Ning Hao instantly completed the seal with one hand, and a water dragon appeared condensed on the snow, the wide dragon body, and the scales were very clear, and even before the Uchiha stopped the water, the huge water dragon instantly rushed towards the Uchiha to stop the water!


The Uchiha retreated backwards, his hands also completed the seal, and a huge fireball was released from his mouth, rushing towards the water dragon.



A huge fireball and a water dragon are packed together!

Both of them have completed the change in the nature of the water attribute chakra and the change in the nature of the fire attribute chakra, water and fire collide together, and the competition is the power of ninjutsu and the amount of chakra and the control of chakra!

The collision of water and fire also made a sound, and then a burst of water vapor rose!


In the mist, the water dragon with teeth and claws rushed out of the mist and rushed towards the Uchiha to stop the water.

And the Uchiha stopped the water, and his body landed on the trunk of the tree, and then a little bit later, instantly avoiding the attacking water dragon.

"Boom~" The water dragon attacked, although it was blocked by the fireball, the power was not very strong, but it washed away a tree and rushed out of a large hole in the snow.

"Illusion Decapitation!"


When the Uchiha stopped the water to avoid the [Water Dragon Bullet], his body just fell, and his body paused slightly, and then he felt a pain in his arm!

He's hurt!

When Ning Hao's illusion struck, the pain of decapitation also made him a little unresponsive, the most important thing was that Ning Hao's speed was too fast, and it flew out of the air, which made people wary of it.

"You are very strong, you deserve to be the youngest ninja, you deserve your name!"

Uchiha Shisui looked at Ning Hao, reached out to cover the arm of his left hand, and donated blood to say that his palm was dyed red.

"You're not bad, you must be forbearing!"

Ning Hao held the bloodstained kunai and stared at the Uchiha Stopping Water, and the illusions and instantaneous techniques expressed with the Uchiha Stopping Water were not something that ordinary ninjas could resist.

"En!" Uchiha nodded his head, he was fourteen years old, and compared to Ning Hao's eleven years old, the difference was not a little bit like that.

"I'm sorry I hurt you, so go back and deal with it first. Ning Hao looked at the Uchiha with some apologies.

And the Uchiha Shisui also nodded, and disappeared in place with the teleportation technique.

"Let's go!" looked at Sunset Red, beckoned, and casually released the bloodstained kunai back into the Kamui space.

"I hope I won't use it......"

This time in the competition, it is not that Ning Hao seems to have nothing to do, or his hands are itchy, but there is a purpose!

The purpose is naturally to collect Uchiha waterstop cave cells, and if you can use them in the future, you can use the [Filthy Earth Reincarnation Technique] to summon the Uchiha waterstop water......

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