Mystic Dominator

Chapter 776: Mirror of Dreams

"Ronald, this is Entrod's most secret thing, you can't..."

Seeing that Ronald was going to touch the mirror, Lalaiye naturally opened his mouth to block it.

It's a pity that the person he wants to stop is not in the mood to continue to argue.

Hear movement from behind.

Ronald simply turned his head and gave Lalaye an indifferent and unquestioning look:

" want me to change my approach - for example, now help the maid in my family to bring back her original property, and by the way, help her recover the **** feud that destroyed the family and the country?"


See Ronald's expression now.

Lalaiye chose to shut up for a moment.

The head of the spy is very aware of Ronald's current strength. Although the two are in the hinterland of Entrode, once the war begins, he has no absolute certainty to escape from the man in front of him.

You must know that in the battle of Springs, Lalaiye was also present.

Although he was hampered by Shesta's problem at the time, Ronald's strength in battle was still perceived, and if he was judged by that level...

Briefly summarize.

Although Lalaye works for Entrod, he has not yet made up his mind to sacrifice his life for the country.


"Mirror... That one named Torrex, what did you do to finally cause him to be sucked in?" Seeing that Lalaiye had no opinion, Ronald naturally stared at the mirror in front of him again.

There is no magic fluctuation in this thing, the gray vortex seems to have spirituality when it rotates, but other than that, there is no movement. It was as if everything was a painting reflected on a mirror.

Behind Ronald, Laraye recalls before.

The eyes are a little dark:

"The door to here was only opened tonight. After Torrex and I came in, we saw the Ring of Dreams Mirror, and we didn't have time to do anything. He just touched the mirror surface, and then this vortex appeared and sucked him directly. go in."

Ronald frowned and continued to ask:

"Is there any other information besides this?"

"The rest are just some records of the Entrod royal family." Since it was about the safety of Torrex, Laleye knew everything at the moment, "The Entrod royal family has always collected treasures from them. The habit of hiding, and even a few hard-to-decipher originals are clearly marked.”

Having said that, Ronald already knows what happened before:

"So this basement and this Mirror of Dreams are where the Entrod royal family hides their treasures? The reason why you invited me here is to enter here to obtain the original texts left by the former royal family?"

Laleye did not hold back at this time:

"Actually, it's not just the original. Entrod's recent state finances have been in trouble, and the property left by the former royal family is also one of the most needed help in this country."

"Isn't there some people's selfish desires in it?" Ronald interjected sarcastically.

Lalaye just put on an expression that you and I both know.

The spy chief was not at all embarrassed by this kind of question, and continued to follow the previous words:

"It has always been only the king of Entrod who has been in charge here, and it is only handed over to his successor when the kingship is passed on. With the old king dead, there will be no additional sources of information."

"All right……"

Ronald nodded slightly, turned and stared at the mirror in front of him again.

This information is not to say that it is completely useless, but it does not help to solve the problem in front of you.

"Lareye, The Silver Key."


Ronald spoke suddenly, and Lalaiye didn't seem to react.

He stood there thinking for a few seconds, and then asked with a strange expression:

"This scripture is only used to open the door lock, and it should have nothing to do with this mirror of dreams."

Ronald looked back with a subtle look:

"Do you know how many books Randolph Carter wrote in his life?"

"And since your original script is related to those monsters in the Cthulhu series, you should understand that these things have something in common with each other. The former royal family of Entrod used the "Silver Key" as a prop to open the door. Do you think the two Are there really no connections between them?"

Lalaiye looked at Ronald, as if seeing a weirdness that he couldn't understand:

"You shouldn't know this, it's impossible."

Ronald replied flatly:

"You might as well think about why I dare to talk to you about these things so openly."


The reason is too simple.

In Lalaye's wisdom, such questions don't even have to be thought about.

Ronald would say such things to him, must be out of confidence in his own strength and consideration of the crisis of the current situation.

After all, if it was the original book of "Silver Key", Ronald would have had a better chance than this.

Finally, Laleye sighed:

"This is the first time I have doubts that I have a problem with my decision-making."

While speaking, the spy chief of Entrod took out the original script of the "Silver Key" and handed it to Ronald.

"Don't worry, I don't want to rob you."

Ronald took the "Silver Key", then looked up at the Ring of Dreams Mirror in front of him.

Throughout the process, the gray swirl on the mirror remained unchanged.

Nothing in the basement affects it.

If that's the case... then give it a try.

Ronald didn't intend to let something get out of control tonight, so he reached out and touched the surface of the mirror in one direction.


"Don't worry, I'm just trying."

Seeing this scene, of course, Lalaiye immediately blocked it.

Only Ronald blocked the action of the spy chief with a smile.


The moment the finger touches the mirror surface.

Ronald's body seemed to react in some way with the Ring of Dreams Mirror in front of him.

With this unique mirror at the center, his body twisted into a curved light-like shape, and soon completely merged into the gray vortex.


In just a few seconds, the basement fell silent.

The subtle expression on Lalaiye's face also returned to calm in these few seconds.

At this time, Lalaiye took out a handkerchief from his trousers pocket and wiped his fingers.

The man looked indifferent to everything around After scanning the basement to make sure there was nothing else that needed special attention, Lalaiye walked to the ground without looking back.

With that attitude of complete indifference to things, it is impossible to imagine the various emotions this guy just showed.

As if... everything just now had nothing to do with him.

He's just doing a logical job.


Soon, the sound of the door closing sounded in the direction of departure.

The basement entrance, which was finally opened tonight, was closed again by Lalaiye.

until on the way back to the office.

Lalaye was thoughtful:

"It seems..."

"I should find a way to deal with that maid, 'sir'."

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