Mystic Dominator

Chapter 775: Mirror


"Torex, come back!"

"It's too late! Lalaiye, don't come here! Tell Barty and the others that there is no [truth] behind the gate, this is a strange thing that cannot be described in words-"

Ronald only took a few steps, and there were painful shouts and desperate reminders from below.

problem occurs!

Are all the things in the Cthulhu series really this style?

Thoughts were spinning in his head, Ronald quickly realized that there was something wrong with Lalaye and Torrex below.

Almost subconsciously, he quickened his pace and rushed down.

This downward staircase is not very long, only about five meters deep, and passes through a white stone door that has just been opened.

Ronald saw it all.

In a basement with a large area, a very conspicuous full-length mirror is located in a third of the position. Laleye, who has just walked down, is now kneeling on the ground holding the original script of "Silver Key".

And in front of the emotionally depressed spy chief.

There was a smoothly spinning grey spiral on the mirror, and there seemed to be something dangerous emanating from the silent movement.

What happened here before is already obvious.

The two who opened the door entered the basement, and Torrex probably misunderstood something, and then rashly touched the mirror.

So after leaving the conversation just now.

Here was the only one left, Lalaye, who was kneeling on the ground.


At this moment, Lalei, who sensed the movement, turned her head and glanced at Ronald.

The spy chief's eyes were still vicious.

Although he is in a low mood now, and Ronald has changed his appearance, he still recognized the identity of the other party immediately:

"'s you..."

"That's right, it's inevitable to have curiosity after translating such an original text."

Lareye didn't appear to be pursuing Ronald's trespassing.

The man kneeling on the ground quickly turned his head and continued to stare at the gray spiral on the mirror in front of him, as if he wanted to see something from it.

pat- pat-

Slow footsteps sounded in the basement.

Now that he has reached this stage, Ronald certainly has no intention of leaving without asking.

He turned to Lalaiye with steady steps.

Just like that, he looked down at the caster in front of him with a condescending posture.

"Laleye, I have a question."

Lalaye opened his mouth with a wry smile and said:

"It's impossible for me to answer for matters involving state secrets..."

"I don't want to ask about the mirror, or the "Original"!"

Ronald directly interrupted Lalaye, and while his tone became stronger, even the magic power on his body became active.


Lalaye's eyes finally changed.

The spy chief realized Ronald's current attitude, and the sad expression he had lost just now disappeared instantly. Immediately afterwards, he stood up and stood opposite Ronald as if nothing had happened.

The tone also became very "outside":

"Mr. Ronald, don't you have something unique to say about Entrod?"

At this moment, Lalaye bowed his head slightly and narrowed his eyes.

It's completely like dealing with the enemy.

It's just that Ronald didn't care about his actions at all, just said in the same tone:

"Stop doing these pointless performances."

"As a person who can lead this secret agency, you will never be someone who behaves like this."

One sentence punctuated Lalaye's performance, and Ronald then asked his own question:

"What I'm asking is simple."

"First of all, Lalaye, what's the deal with your name?"


Lalaye's eyes widened.

Looking at Ronald in front of him at this moment, for the first time this man showed his inner vigilance and fear.

How is this possible?

How could Ronald want to ask this question?

However, Lalaiye is Lalaiye after all, this unique look just flashed on his face, and then he said very lightly:

"This question is nothing, this is one of the inheritances of my school."

"As long as you master the core scriptures, inheriting this name is naturally a matter of course."

In a flat tone, Ronald said the extremely shocking question to Lalaiye:

"In "The Structure of the Human Body", there is not even a single word of the word Lalaiye in the whole chapter. Do you want to say something more?"


In the next second, the magic power surged out of Lalaiye.

The spy chief looked at the young man in front of him, and said in a very confident tone:

"Ronald, you can't possibly know!"

"The Structure of the Human Body has not been read in its entirety by anyone but me!"

Lalaye's acuity as a caster is still very qualified.

After shouting such words, he immediately checked whether Ronald read his memory or mentally interfered, but also thanks to his superb technique, Lalaiye determined that he was not being controlled.

So... how did Ronald know?

It's just that Ronald didn't cooperate with Lalaye's idea.

After several consecutive sentences of full-fledged dialogue, he has further ideas!

Spacious basement.

Ronald took another two steps forward.

Almost in front of the extremely nervous Lalaiye, Ronald asked in a voice that only each other could hear:

"That Torrex just now, did you deliberately induce him here?"


From a very close distance, Ronald could clearly see Lalaye's pupils shrinking.

When such words enter the ear.

Laleye's emotions and expressions were quite obvious, but there was only one thing - at the corner of the spy chief's mouth, a strange smile appeared at the moment.

Rona's eyes and various spells were locked on Lalaye.

So he was very sure.

The man in front of him didn't have the reaction after realizing his true purpose, and his emotions were mixed with some anger mixed with doubts.

But for the smile on the corner of his mouth.

Laleye seemed completely unaware, as if it wasn't an action he made.


At this moment, all the emotions created on Ronald's face faded.

People also distanced themselves from Lalaiye once again.

" do you mean by that?"

"Why did I deliberately induce Torrex here?"

Lalaiye continued to ask at this moment, but Ronald had lost the idea of ​​answering this guy's question.

Looking at this man who was affected by spells and might even have physical problems, Ronald said sincerely:

"Seriously, I hope you can stop using spells or leave the Mystery side and find some nice countryside to rest and rest."

"It's definitely good for you."

It's just that Lalaye's attitude is still very alert:

"I don't quite understand your words."

"That's fine." Ronald didn't care. "Since that's the case, we might as well continue to study this mirror."

"You want to save Torrex after all, right?"

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