Mystic Dominator

Chapter 773: truth and admonition

"The Silver Keys are here..."

"Will 'Through the Gate of the Silver Key' still be far away..."

Gently humming a happy tune, when translating the original text in front of him, Ronald always felt that the candlelight in the room was strange.

But Ronald was obviously not interested in taking care of this subtle change in atmosphere.

His whole mind was basically thinking about what changes might happen next.

The high probability that the "Silver Key" is needed to open is "Through the Silver Key Door", right?

Then after opening it?

Think of the result as the most exaggerated mode, perhaps this canon can summon some very full Cthulhu-style creatures.

The picture at that time...I can't imagine it.

On the land of Entrod, Waterfall City is the most serious area where summoned creatures are mixed.

If there are some indescribable things lurking in it.

That excitement!


The thoughts in Ronald's mind were indeed quite complicated.

But the truth is, that's actually what The Silver Key is about.

This is not a long serial novel story, but a short article with limited space for submission.

On the premise that Ronald has seen it more than once.

He can even jot down the actual content of the article on another line while keeping the phonetic accuracy accurate. Almost six and a half hours later, the translation of the entire article was over, and Ronald also slowly stretched.

"Hey, you're done!"

With rather subtle emotions.

Ronald stacked up his translations and put them back into the wooden box.

After more than six hours of translation.

The magic of this original book has naturally been mastered by Ronald.

Probably due to space limitations, the spells provided by the original scriptures with a length of about 10,000 characters are similar to the labyrinth picture books, and they are also relatively simple.

The specific ability is to enter other people's dreams, and then reflect some conditions in the dream to the dreamer, so as to achieve the effect of affecting the spirit and even directly interfering with the body.

- It sounds relatively simple.

——But actually quite useful abilities, vicious and violent at the same time.

As long as those who hold this scripture are careful enough.

Assassinations and other things are not a problem, and it can only be said that it is easy to destroy a person's life.

And because this kind of dream interference is different from direct spell competition, even if the target is some highly capable spellcasters, once the looted person does not make any preparations, it is easy to be caught in a deep sleep.

Ronald made a simple estimate.

If you say that you cast the spell without holding the original code, you can basically solve any guy who does not hold the original code. And holding the original scriptures naturally has the same level of lethality.

"It's dangerous enough."


Whispering in a low voice, Ronald stood up and glanced around.

From a more conservative point of view, he still wants to see the situation around him, is there any weird thing staring at him?

Unfortunately, the reality is not as outrageous as imagined after all.

After more than six hours of translation work, and even the candles have been replaced several times, the atmosphere in the room is still a bit claustrophobic, but there is nothing special.

Ronald lowered his head to check his body again.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with himself, he picked up the golden bell that Lalaye handed him and shook it gently.

Jingle Bell--

A crisp and pleasant voice came from his hands.

This golden bell was indeed casted on some kind of special spell, and at the same time as the bell rang, a special magic wave also radiated out.

Only ten seconds before and after.

Immediately, someone pushed the door from outside and walked in.


At this time, the effect of the protection spell in the collection room faded from Ronald and the room, and the young soldier who came in immediately spoke:

"Mr. Ronald, do you need us to prepare some food?"

The idea of ​​the young soldier is very simple.

After all, more than six hours had passed since Ronald walked into this room. Normal people need food when they are not drinking or eating.

It's a pity that Ronald's reaction was beyond the imagination of the young man.

Facing the young soldier's question, Ronald clearly pointed to the manuscript on the desk.

"I didn't want to eat. I called you here, just because I finished the work here. If there is no problem, please ask Lalaiye to come over and verify the results of my work."

Young soldiers are also the ones who know what's going on here.

So when Ronald said such words, he was immediately shocked by the speed at which the man in front of him deciphered the original code.

But his most professional qualities still support his actions.

Nodding slightly to Ronald, and leaving admiration and admiration in his eyes, he turned his head and trotted away:

"Mr. Ronald, please wait here for a while, and I'll call your lord over right away!"


However, at this moment, Ronald's expression in the rear sank.

- He sensed the problem.

According to his own habits, would he happily translate such a dangerous scripture as "The Silver Key" like before?

This is obviously not his usual character.

So Ronald's eyes shifted to something he was completely defenseless against - the door.

When the door is closed, the protective spell will appear on the building and the people in it, and normal people will naturally not guard against this kind of thing used to protect themselves.

But maybe, this is the culprit that caused his strangeness just now?

Otherwise, except for this interference.

Nothing else could be found around.

Ronald walked slowly to the door, staring at the door in thought. It was at this moment that Lalaye, who received the notice, hurried over and saw Ronald standing at the door.

"The room's spells are used to defend against attacks and also have the benefit of boosting the spirit."

"Don't think about it, Ronald."

The spy chief also knew Ronald's character well.

After simply nodding and saying hello, he walked around Ronald to the table, picked up the manuscript paper he had written, and turned it over. With the reading of the original text of "Silver Key", the expression on Lalaiye's face was also rarely excited.

In the end, he even took the initiative to take out the original scriptures in the wooden box, and then read them in comparison.


The accuracy of Ronald's translation is evident.

According to the standard phonetic transcription on the translation, after Lalaye tried to recite a few sentences, the magic of the original script began to be gently mobilized.

There is no need to doubt anymore.

This is indeed a perfect translation of the original text in front of you.

With a clear understanding in his heart, Lalaye took a deep breath, turned his head as if a heavy burden had fallen, and said:

" About that base expedition, you'll probably have to wait a few days."

"But you can rest assured that this is definitely not an excuse, but there will be some relatively big actions in Waterfall City these days, and we must focus on dealing with these issues."

"I can guarantee on my own reputation that before the team leaves, I will definitely put you and Costat in there."

"It's nothing, this was just a small request of mine." Ronald's response at this time was already quite indifferent. "Since there is no problem here, then I will go back to the hotel first."

The voice fell, and Ronald walked out the door.

But before he left here completely, he still turned around and glanced at the other party with a rather complicated look:

"A warning to you."

"Attempts to touch uncontrollable forces will only lead to disaster in the end."

"The end of the Nigalese is at hand!"

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