Mystic Dominator

Chapter 772: key

Mysterious Ruler https://

"In the previous battle, the library on the side of the court was severely damaged, so the more precious books and materials were changed to this side."

It is still led by Lalaiye.

Their entry into the Consulate is naturally unimpeded.

The spy chief of Entrod, while introducing Ronald to the nearby situation, also brought Ronald to a very back position in the entire building for the first time.

During this period of time living in Entrod, Ronald has a basic understanding of the architectural style here. A location as deep as he is now should already be the last area of ​​the ruling court to live in.

in other words.

This is where the royal family of Entrod once lived.

"So all the books in the original library have now been moved to such a back position?" Ronald asked Lalaye curiously.

And the spy chief of Entrod just showed him a complicated smile: "It's normal to put precious things closer to you."


In a few chats.

The two walked through the intricately decorated corridor and finally entered the door of a house that looked like a collection room.


Laleye stepped forward and opened the door.

The magic power fluctuations that the guardian spell was temporarily lifted also appeared.

Ronald looked around the house, there were no human guards here, and the ruler of Entrod placed great trust in the guardian spells here.

Immediately, Lalaye generously brought Ronald into it.

Inside the candle-lit collection room.

The desk and chair are neatly placed in a conspicuous position, and a wooden box that has been prepared is now placed stably on the desk.

Just see the screen in front of you.

Ronald knew that preparations had been made here.

"Then shall I start now?"

Ronald gave Lalaye an inquiring look.

The spy chief skillfully took ink, paper and pen from the side, put these items on the desk, and made a gesture of inviting Ronald to take a seat. Lalaiye explained in a gentle tone:

"Mr. Ronald, you can start anytime."

"But for the most basic confidentiality work, I hope you don't leave this room until you finish cracking this original. If you have any needs, you can ring this bell, and you will be notified within a minute. Someone will take care of all your needs."

Following this explanation, Lalaye took out a golden bell from his arms and placed it in front of Ronald who had just taken his seat.

The two sides explained their work well and related questions were answered.

After that, it is natural to crack the original code.

However, in view of the time-consuming nature of this work, Laleye, who was also involved in official business, immediately left the same path, and then carefully closed the door again.


The door is closed.

With the reactivation of the defensive spell, the outside world and the inside of the house seemed to be instantly separated into two worlds, and everything around was quiet and scary.

throughout the room.

Except for the sound of Ronald's own breathing, and the light of the burning candle.

No more subtle movements were noticed.

"Okay, work begins..."

Since it is the beginning to agree to the other party's request.

Ronald naturally wouldn't do anything about the actual work at this moment.

After relaxing his arm a little, he first placed the pen and paper in a convenient position according to his personal habits, and then took out the original text to be translated today from the wooden box.

This canon is not in an active state.

Although the pages are yellowed, they do not have the vicissitudes of the old classics of the past.

If only judged from the first impression, Ronald felt that this should be a book close to modern times. At the same time, there are only a few pages of paper, which also shows that there is not much content in this original scripture.

So...what kind of book would this be?

With such curiosity, Ronald set his eyes on the first line of writing on the page.

"At the age of thirty, Randolph Carter lost his key to the door of dreams..."




The first second he saw the first sentence, Ronald actually hadn't reacted for the first time.

But soon.

He couldn't count on reading poetry and books, and he realized what the body of this thing was.

Even if the manuscript-like pages do not directly indicate the true name of the original, Ronald can be 100% certain that this prose-length work...

It should be the "Silver Key"!

So... do you really want to translate it yourself?

Or sitting in such a claustrophobic environment, after translating this kind of thing, you won't have any problems, right?

Ronald now has countless questions in his mind.

There are also subtle surprises after the previous conjecture was directly verified.

Sure enough, this series of works with considerable influence in the cultural field has also become an original in this world.

At this moment.

Ronald didn't even have to think about the content of the canon.

As long as you see the name itself, you can guess how difficult the trial of this original book will be.

Even if he were to list out the scriptures that Ronald had come into contact with, I am afraid that the learning difficulty of the scriptures would not be more difficult than the simple pages in front of him.


Ronald took a deep breath.

In order to ensure that his cognition of the things in front of him is He continued to read along the first line of text:

"Before that year, as a compensation for his unremarkable life. Carter had wandered every night in some strange and ancient city that was not in this world at the same time; On the other side, beautiful and full of wonderful gardens."

All right!


It is absolutely impossible to go wrong!

This must be Lovecraft's book - "Silver Key"!

Ronald can even boldly guess that the mystery that requires the content of this original book to be cracked is probably also one of the original books of the Cthulhu series.

Maybe it's "Through the Gate of the Silver Key"?

What should I say...

The former royal family of Entrod really has two brushes, dare to put this kind of script in their own palace!

And also because of the appearance of this original.

A question that Ronald had previously thought might be a coincidence was brought to the fore again - Lalaiye.

After it was clear that the original Cthulhu series existed in the palace, the spy chief who wrote his name as a certain underwater city...

Wouldn't he actually be even crazier, more wicked, and more contradictory than those cult warlocks?


"Haha, interesting."

After a brief thought, Ronald chose to continue translating the original.

Of course now is different from before.

He didn't intend to get away when the translation was over, and everything would be fine.

It is one thing to abide by the promise to complete the translation of the original, but to ensure that the other party will not use the original translated by himself to make any big news, that is also what Ronald intends to guarantee.

But what to say...

To sum up, it's really exciting...

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