Mystic Dominator

Chapter 770: easy to solve

Start with past practical experience.

The enemies Ronald encountered were basically in a state of tension before the battle.

Today, however, things seem a little different.

Kirill of the Mosan Chamber of Commerce, while leading his two apprentices to the road, naturally saw Ronald and the three of them.

Kirill didn't know the transformed Ronald, nor was he familiar with the cult warlock Reis who was leading the way tonight, but he only saw the last person other than the two, after Kostat.

The core member of the Mosang Chamber of Commerce immediately recognized his identity.

The expression on his face also changed from indifference at first - to surprise - to confusion - and finally to relief.

Then, Kirill made a somewhat unexpected reaction.

I saw him stop, whispered a few words to one of the two apprentices behind him, and finally let him leave quickly. After completing this action, he continued to take another apprentice towards the direction of Ronald and the three.


This is a sense of possible danger.

So send someone to save the most basic information.

Ronald immediately realized the purpose of Kirill's behavior, and immediately commanded:

"Costat, don't let the young man leak the news."

"Sir, I understand."

The maid's response was still calm and decent.

And because she didn't want to interfere with Ronald's fighting environment, she turned around and walked into the alley beside her, and soon disappeared from the street.

At this moment.

Kirill, with another apprentice, also happened to arrive at Ronald's location.

The core figure of the Mosan Chamber of Commerce looked at Ronald, who was expressionless, and the cult warlock next to him who was flushed and even quite excited.

He sighed slightly.

A polite smile appeared on his face:

"I followed the teacher from the next to the mysterious side, and then went all the way to today. I have encountered battles big and small, and it's already countless."

"But for some reason - I feel that today's level should be a situation where you can rank in the top few."

"Hahaha!" Before Ronald could speak, the cult warlock standing beside him immediately began to laugh wildly.

This guy has implemented his natural disposition as a villain.

His tone was almost arrogant.

"You guy's hunch is quite accurate!"

"I'm not afraid to tell you the truth."

"Today! In this place! This street! It's where you **** is buried!"

The little atmosphere he just created was directly destroyed, and Kirill naturally frowned.

Taking a closer look at the extremely arrogant cult warlock in front of him, his tone was no longer as friendly as before:

"Cult Warlock?"

"Although I did hear that you were messing with right and wrong in Waterfall City recently, I didn't expect to be so complacent that even our Chamber of Commerce dared to fight?"

The cultist didn't care that Kirill recognized himself.

He even replied with some joy:

"Since you are right in front of our development path, you should be prepared to die."

"But you can rest assured. The fact that you died here today will become one of the important nodes for the entire human civilization to move forward, and you can even be grateful!"

At this time, Kirill's face was already dark to the extreme.

Hearing this series of speeches from the cult warlock, he naturally understood that this was not a guy who could communicate.

"What a lunatic!"

The cult warlock Reese generously admitted:

"You are quite insightful!"


At the same time, Ronald on the other side couldn't stand it any longer.

Whether it was Kirill's pompous conversation trying to stall for time, or the illness of the cult warlock next to him, Ronald was in a bad mood at the moment.

Now complete the agreement in the transaction.

And then getting out of this matter is what he wants to achieve.

"Although it may be a little sudden, I'm sorry."

Ronald read a sentence in his mouth with no sincerity and a very polite apology.

The next second, he reached out and grabbed in Kirill's direction.


The powerful magic wave of the original spell appeared on the street in an instant.

As the direct target of this spell, Kirill also showed the reaction speed of an elite spellcaster at this moment. Almost at the moment when the spell appeared, he also realized what kind of existence his opponent was tonight.

Almost without hesitation.

He raised his hand and threw the apprentice who followed him forward, at the same time activating some kind of quick spell that he prepared with him.

In this way, Kirill successfully made the apprentice the target of Ronald's spell in his place.

So the young man was pulled over by Ronald and held it in his hand at a distance of more than ten meters.


Ronald snorted coldly.

Anyway, tonight was for the cult warlock, so he casually threw the young man in his hand to the cult warlock beside him. Moreover, Kirill's way of sacrificing his own people without hesitation and blocking the sword for himself just made him more open to his hands and feet!

Immediately, the magic power that had been maintained and strengthened in the body was fully activated.

At the moment when he exerted his strength, Ronald relied on his outrageous physical fitness to cross the distance between the two and came directly to Kirill.

"So fast?"

The magician of the Chamber of Commerce only had time to ask a question.

And that was his last surprise.

The next second he realized everything, Kirill only felt darkness in front of him, and he collapsed unconsciously to the ground.


Ronald looked at the enemy at his feet, then shook his head slightly with a dull expression.

This is the truth.

The strength gap between the two sides is too great.

Not to mention fighting back, this guy doesn't even have time to chant a spell.

More practically speaking, Kirill was already outstanding when he blocked Ronald's first spell at the expense of his apprentice without mastering the original.

Just a few breaths.

Reith, who was behind, also dragged the unconscious apprentice to Ronald's side.

The cult warlock looked at the mission target who was already lying on the ground, with a considerable degree of shock and disbelief in his eyes.

"Ronald... Sir, is this the end?"

As a cult warlock traveling around the world.

Reiss still has a clear understanding of the division of strength on the mysterious side.

A spellcaster like Kirill who can be a core member of the Chamber of Commerce is absolutely powerful in terms of ability.

Realize the situation.

Even the leader of their school, Baproul, came to the scene.

If you want to subdue it quickly and I am afraid it will take a lot of work.

But what about Ronald?

It's just a face-to-face, like this caster is crushed underfoot.

This is a bit too exaggerated!

Or—Miss Shasta, who is leading their activities in Falls City, is really the one chosen by the great existence in this world, so she can have such a powerful leadership?

The cult warlock was still in shock.

Ronald has long lost interest.

Very simply beckoned to the other party, he turned his head and walked in the direction where Kostatt disappeared:

"Okay, both guys will give you one buy one get one free."

"This is the end of the deal between me and Shesta."

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