Mystic Dominator

Chapter 769: on the street

In all fairness.

Before coming to the Mosan Chamber of Commerce to see this scene of the underground auction.

Ronald was still a little skeptical about whether Shesta might be misleading herself by using the 'art of language'.

But now it's easier.

In addition to human trafficking, an additional layer of fraud technology can be added.

This kind of pioneering technological progress in the industry can be made, and it is obvious how good the Mosan Chamber of Commerce is.

As for the target they plan to kill tonight - Kirill.

Those who are close to Zhu are red, those who are close to ink are black.

Not to mention that as one of the core members of this chamber of commerce, you don't have to think about it and know that this guy must be involved in a lot of core business - certainly not a good thing.


Finally, looking at the auction scene where the atmosphere was still getting hotter, Ronald shook his head slightly, then turned and walked in the direction of departure.

He certainly wasn't some sort of pro-slavery madman.

There is also some compassion in my heart.

However, the existence of slaves in this world is still a thing that is very in line with people's values. It's still a bit whimsical to want to turn the whole society's atmosphere with one's own opinion.

With a rather complicated mood, Ronald crossed the passage and returned to the ground.

There were also some people who left the auction in the middle of the auction, and the testing when leaving was not as strict as when entering.

He didn't even have to continue to cast words on the three casters.

He just walked out from the entrance of the auction hall generously, and then returned to the chamber of commerce hall smoothly and undisturbed.

His eyes swept around the crowd in the Chamber of Commerce, and Ronald then lowered his head slightly.

Through precise perception of time.

He was sure it was nine o'clock after nightfall.

If there is no problem with the information provided by the cult warlock, tonight's target should appear here at this time.

So...what about people?

After all, the other party is also a magician on the mysterious side, and he is the core of the chamber of commerce.

In order to prevent his actions from being detected by the opponent as much as possible, Ronald switched to the enemy search spell in "Hell", which was more subtle than the power of hell.


When the spell is activated, the corresponding effect is immediately unfolded.

The location of the other party is just in the perception, and it is indeed approaching the street where the chamber of commerce is located.

If we extrapolate at this guy's current speed...

In two minutes at most, Ronald could see Kirill entering here at the main entrance.

"It's not too late..."

After confirming the current situation, Ronald did not hesitate any longer, turned around and walked straight towards the gate.

His idea is very simple -

You don't have to wait for this guy to come to the Chamber of Commerce, just settle it outside.

After all, Ronald's strength can guarantee high enough efficiency and speed. Moreover, he is not a cult warlock who needs the crowd and the environment for cover. As long as he finds a suitable position, any place can become a suitable place for him to fight.

So thinking about it according to this line of thinking, looking for a place with better personnel density than the Chamber of Commerce is obviously more in line with Ronald's actual needs.


"Sir, have you changed your mind?"

Ronald's actions naturally caused other changes as well.

For example, Kostatt, who was originally guarding outside, immediately approached Ronald after noticing Ronald's figure leaving the Chamber of Commerce, and naturally the cult warlocks did not fall behind.

Looking at the companions who followed in a short time, Ronald immediately explained:

"Yes, I sense that people are coming."

"It's just that there are many people here in the chamber of commerce, so it's better to move ahead a little bit."

"Wait! This doesn't conform to the rules and regulations!" This time, it was the cult warlock who reminded in a subtle tone.

Although I know Ronald's strength, I also understand the gap between the two.

But in the face of this situation, the cult warlock who was entrusted with the task by Shesta still said without hesitation:

"According to the mission given by Miss Shesta, we should honestly wait for the other party to arrive there, and then conduct an ambush, right?"

Facing the state of the cult warlock, Ronald's eyes were very strange at the moment.

These cult warlocks...

When did you become so strict about the details of tasks?

In the end, Ronald's previous perception of these people was wrong, or because of what Shesta did.

Ronald decided to try it out.

"According to normal circumstances, isn't our mission tonight a success simply by killing the target?"

"This...this is different!" The cult warlock became a little stammered, but still tried to explain, "You are not strict! Procedure, only by following the procedure can we get the best results."

These cult nurses are really weird.

Looking at the cult warlock who was there trying to explain the situation, Ronald couldn't help but have this thought.

Not to mention this one, this Reese is barely one of the 'partners' in tonight's action. In order to prevent the other party from causing unnecessary problems due to panic, Ronald comforted:

"Reis, don't worry, there will be no problem with me."

"And if something goes wrong, the responsibility can be taken by me alone, and it is even possible - compared to the result of our successful killing of this guy tonight, Shasta may wish to see The result of our failure!"

"Miss Shesta..."

The name of the cult girl is very easy to use in front of this group of cult warlocks.

When Ronald brought the topic to Shesta, the cult warlock who had a lot of opinions just now went silent.

on the contrary.

There were only a few murmurs in the mouth, and then followed a few steps.

The expression on the cult warlock's face has become positive again, and it is obvious that he wants to complete the task well.


Look at the cult warlock with such a stark contrast before and after.

Ronald was also slightly emotional.

If it weren't for the fact that these guys are really bad in actual Just looking at such easy-to-handle personalities, Ronald actually wouldn't mind being friends with each other.

Unfortunately, past experience has proved everything.

The 'cult' in the cult warlock is no joke.

Apart from maintaining a superficial friendship under the current situation, it is absolutely impossible for Ronald to take the initiative to have anything to do with these guys.

A few words on the way.

Time also passed by more than a minute.

Just across the street where Ronald and the others were walking, three figures had already appeared on the road in Waterfall City.

It was a middle-aged man with a group of two young apprentices.

At this moment, he is walking in this direction without any hassle.

Ronald's footsteps paused, and then he quickly realized very clearly that this was the target they were going to attack tonight.

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