Mystic Dominator

Chapter 766: reasonable transaction

"Ronald, our folks on the south side did reach out to my father."

"You didn't lie to me!"

Pulling Ronald to the interior of the tavern, Shesta's mood is a little high now. Contacting Baproul is very good news for her, or for the entire cult warlock camp.

Ronald replied indifferently:

"I can't do it, and there's no need to lie to you on this kind of issue."

"Anyway, the Pablo people are there. With that guy's character and ability to act, you will receive news sooner or later."


Shesta smiled lightly.

The young cult warlock took Ronald all the way back, through the reception hallway of the tavern, to a location quite inside the building, and finally into a room that looked like a living room.

Then, something embarrassing appeared in front of him.

On the bed in this living room, a man and a woman fell asleep peacefully at this moment.

When Shesta brought Ronald into it, the female side immediately opened her eyes, and stood up respectfully and wanted to salute Shesta.


However, Shesta gently waved her to lie back.

This quiet negotiation quietly disappeared.

The young **** the bed is obviously Shesta's subordinate, and then look at the sleeping man next to him who is completely unresponsive to the outside world...

You can also see how the cult warlocks occupied this tavern.


Cope with this little episode.

Shesta then walked generously to the right corner of the bedroom, then opened the drawer and took out a small box.

Immediately, the girl turned to look at Ronald.

It seems that because of the things in hand, the expression on Shesta's face at this moment even brought a hint of expectation:

"Ronald, I heard you were collecting this, right?"

"Come and take a look at my goods. This is something I got by chance in Waterfall City before. I think you will be satisfied!"


Ronald stared at the wooden box in Shesta's hands.

He did not sense the magic fluctuations from above, and did he have any other special reactions.

So... what is this?

Even if he is a cult warlock with an abnormal mind, as a member of the mysterious side, this guy, Shesta, won't show himself with money or something, right?

A little bit of caution.

Ronald took the wooden box handed by the girl, and then opened the lock on it.


The lid of the box was opened, and it was in such a wooden box the size of a jewelry box.

Several stones of different shapes, but uniformly darker in color, lay quietly inside like this.

"This is…"

"Wait! Is this a meteorite fragment?"

Stones being collected by myself.

Thinking of this, Ronald immediately realized what was in front of him.

"Yes, it's meteorite fragments." Shesta on the side immediately confirmed the guess.

Shesta was very satisfied with Ronald's ability to recognize the origin of these items. She even immediately took out these meteorite fragments from the box and held them in front of Ronald like a treasure.

"How? Are you surprised?"


Needless to say? Of course it was a surprise!

The spells of "The Great Completion of Astronomy" have always occupied considerable weight in Ronald's ability system. It's just that Ronald's development in this area has been quite limited because the original spells require different types of meteorites to activate this limitation.

At this moment, the opportunity to continue to advance this series of spells is in sight.

Ronald just sensed it for a while and realized that among the meteorite fragments in Shesta's hand, one of them was indeed a type that he had not collected before.

But now I can't accept the temptation in front of me right away—

After all, this kind of thing, no matter from which point of view, is a great favor...

Thinking of this, Ronald backed away a little.

He looked at the girl in front of him seriously, and said with the same serious tone:

"Shesta, is this what you want me to do?"

"Now that you know that I can use it to activate brand new spells, then you should also understand the real value of these things to me. Even if you cult warlocks have some problems in their minds, they will not come to me for no reason. Okay?"

"Hey hey hey..."

Seeing that Ronald didn't put the meteorite in the first time, Shestahan smiled and put the meteorite in his hand on the cabinet next to him, and then continued to explain:

"That... Actually, it's not too important, you just need to do us a little favor!"


Ronald is more alert!

If it is a transaction with a normal mysterious side caster, that's all.

But you must know that what he is facing now is a cult warlock who is ranked the most dangerous in the world!

Once I accidentally jumped into a pit today.

There will definitely be troubles later.

For Ronald, the original spell is certainly attractive. But if it comes at the cost of such a result, it is not necessary!


Shesta is a master at manipulating and playing with emotions.

As soon as Ronald's little gestures and expressions came out, the girl immediately realized the man's guard against her.

Shesta was in a hurry:

"Hey hey hey! Don't be in a hurry to refuse!"

"Even if we don't have a good reputation on the mysterious side, but you're not like this? This is an original spell. Can't you think about it like a normal caster and get the materials?"

Ronald frowned:

"If you have any purpose, just say it directly, don't do these twists and turns!"


Seeing that Ronald had spoken to this point.

Shesta then continued to speak with a somewhat regretful expression:

"Actually, it's not a big deal, it's just helping to solve a difficult opponent."

"Laleye's side is also constrained by the identity issue, so it is inconvenient to do it; and if we want to take him down, the price we need to pay is not acceptable; the final result can only be considered. Imagine a powerful foreign aid like you, Ronald."

Shesta was very eloquent in stating her purpose directly.

Then seemed to think of Ronald's character, and the cult girl hurriedly added:

"Of course, you can rest assured about this goal."

"That guy is a super villain involved in human trafficking. Even if you have a character like Ronald, there is absolutely no problem with him!"

"In that case... I have no problem." Shesta said bluntly, and Ronald agreed simply.

Because of the previous encounter, Ronald was actually using the spell to identify lies at the moment. Combined with the ability of emotional perception, he was basically certain that Shesta in front of him had not deceived himself.

So - the deal is done.

Ronald took the initiative to grab the meteorite fragments on the table in his hands.

The result was the same as what he had sensed before.

While most of the fragments were already within Ronald's collection, there was one exception.

The familiar way of magic power is unfolded at will.

Ronald immediately understood that he had obtained a new spell—【Precession】.

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