Mystic Dominator

Chapter 765: best friend

"The Bull Tavern on the east side..."

Leaving the Consulate on the Great Falls, Ronald walked alone to the Falls City below.

Although he had magic by his side, Ronald didn't do anything out of the ordinary, but just like other ordinary people, he walked down through the long bridge built in the gap between the waterfalls.

This long bridge is very interesting.

Not only did they select only a few locations to drive deep piles above the waterfall, but the predecessors even drove countless anchor cables on the cliff along the waterfall to stabilize this inclined bridge that challenges hydraulic shock.

Normally, if this kind of ghostly design is put in reality, it must be dragged out and nailed to the pillar of shame.

But due to the unique circumstances of this world, there are casters who can reinforce it with spells, which makes the otherwise outrageous design feasible.

"Probably the only place to see it..."

The rushing waterfalls roared down on both sides. In this natural landscape, although the long bridge is small, it still supports the pedestrians above.

Ronald admired a unique sight.

Then walk to the lake below and the city built around it.


"This young man..."

"Look at this blond hair, it must be a noble noble of pure blood!"

"But I remember, hasn't the previous royal family been driven away, how dare he go back to the waterfall?"

"You don't understand this, the noble circle is in chaos!"

"Is there a princess like Villanica in the current royal family?"

"Shut up, people are no longer called princesses!"


Leaving from the other end of the underground long bridge, Ronald heard some subtle discussions in the distance before he walked too far.

Many taverns and hotels were still operating in Entrod at night. Those who were engaged in such traditional consumption saw Ronald come down from the long bridge leading to the court, and immediately started various discussions related to it. .

Ronald certainly wouldn't care about such a situation.

He looked at the alcoholics who were discussing him, and the Entrod spy behind the other party who looked wrong, and walked eastward with a smile.

Laleye's reminder was unclear.

But he didn't mind taking the time to visit.

"Bull Tavern..."

After half an hour, Ronald found the location that Lalaiye said.

There are actually quite a lot of similar business establishments on the eastern side. Entrode has recently been promoting art performance industries such as opera, and traditional industries such as drinking and entertainment have also not fallen behind.

On such a lively winter night.

Ronald pushed the door and walked into the seemingly unremarkable Bull Tavern.


As soon as he walked in, Ronald felt the special here.

A very concealed spell that can only be sensed by the holder of the original works in the tavern.

So... this is a tavern that only serves spellcasters?

Ronald's curiosity was quickly sated.

Because he bypassed the front screen, he immediately saw everything in this tavern called Bull.

There are more than 30 guys in robes sitting here.

Some of them held their glasses intoxicated, as if they were tasting some peerless wine, and experienced the inferior beer inside; some looked at the stage with admiration, as if they were believers who watched the saint come to the world.

- The facts are actually quite similar.

The tavern was supposed to be where the dancers performed.

The cult warlock Regan is Miaohong, and Shesta, who has absolutely no problem with her background, is standing there, holding a gem-encrusted staff in her hand:

"Dear family, we've had a great week!"

"In Falls City, the number of devout people cheering and preparing for the arrival of a great being is increasing day by day. This is the most direct manifestation of our excellent work ability, and it is also the fact that the profession of cult warlock is being accepted by society!"

"Society is developing and the times are progressing. It is definitely a rare opportunity for us cult warlocks to seize the opportunity in this world situation. Family members, cheers—!"

"Oh oh--"

"Long live!"

"Bless Entrod!"

"Oh huh-"

There were hundreds of cheers and shouts in the tavern with only more than 30 people, and many of them activated spells to join in the fun. This scene lasted for nearly half a minute, before Shesta nodded her staff to signal silence.

Afterwards, the promising young cult girl continued to speak:

"I don't think...that's right!"

"I declare... that's not right!"

"I have decided that the city of Entrod will be the holy city of our cult warlocks in the future. The supreme honor of welcoming the arrival of a great existence is also bestowed on this praiseworthy city!"

"Now... eh? Ronald!"

Shesta was about to continue speaking, but when she glanced down, she saw Ronald standing near the entrance, staring blankly at everything in the tavern.

Shesta shivered in place.

She analyzed the situation at a very fast speed, then immediately put on an excited smile, and pointed the staff at Ronald in front of everyone:

"Family, welcome to our cult warlock's best friend!"

"The man from Grid's powerful spell family, the strongest spell caster in the world, and my future husband - Ronald Adler!"

The surrounding cult warlocks immediately turned their attention to Ronald.

Although this series of introductions by Shesta was not very real, it still allowed these cult warlocks to clearly recognize Ronald's identity and abilities.

"He's really good!" Suddenly, a cult warlock spoke up, "I had a good brother who played with everyone in Burrenwich before, and this Ronald took care of it."


"Cheers to Ronald!"

"Oh oh--"


Seeing the opening of the last cult warlock, Ronald subconsciously thought he was going to do it.

He once sabotaged the cult warlock's plan in Burrenwych, and it was a matter of course that he met an acquaintance of the other party and was hunted for revenge.

It's just the brain of a cult warlock...

It's a bit of a problem to determine more or This kind of "story from the past" has not become the starting point of intensifying the contradiction, but has become a catalyst for them to welcome Ronald more and continue to stir up the atmosphere.

"It's really yours..."

Ronald looked around with complicated eyes, and these self-satisfied cult warlocks didn't have the idea of ​​pulling him together.

In this case, Ronald naturally walked towards the stage.

Came to the smirking Shesta:

"L'Alaiye told me there was a surprise here, but don't tell me that's what it is?"

"It's okay for you to take this as a surprise..." The cult girl was about to go on, but when she saw Ronald's dangerous expression, she immediately shook her head: "No no no, I'm joking!"

"Come with me, let's talk later!"

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