Mystic Dominator

Chapter 756: Sungai City Ruins

Not long after leaving the tunnel exit, broken relics began to appear on both sides of the canyon.

From the architectural style and location.

This is almost the same as the dilapidated buildings on the other side.


"You keep going down below, and I'll go up and take a look."

"C... Crawford, take care of everyone."

The focus of this trip was the ruins here, and Ronald couldn't ignore them.

After instructing others to move on.

He climbed on the wall with one hand, and in just a few vertical jumps, he went up to 100 meters from the nearly vertical cliff, and then turned over and jumped into the dilapidated building.


Below, Ina, who witnessed this scene, couldn't help but murmured:

"This is... a spell that enhances jumping power?"

Meghan on the side also expressed her own views:

"I didn't feel the magic fluctuation, it should be that his own physical fitness is strong enough."

"It's so outrageous..."

On the other hand, Ronald was a little stunned after he successfully entered the ruins.

The first thing he discovered was not the broken building in front of him, but the top of the canyon.

[Astrology] Feedback from the ability to automatically record terrain.

Although it looks like an open space, the top of the entire terrain is still completely shaded by unidirectional light-transmitting materials.


Ronald pondered a little...

Except for the tunnel into the canyon, the other terrain does not seem like a man-made place.

In other words, it may be that the former Nigalese found a place, and then artificially added a 'cap' here, which created such a special environment.

"Is it just to hide..."

Talking about the possibility of this arrangement, Ronald continued to search the surrounding ruins.

The buildings of the ruins are basically built around the edge of the cliff, and rarely go deep into the mountain directly, and these buildings are connected to each other by a long corridor, forming a very slender building complex.

"House, business, this is a place to rest..."

Maintaining the same speed as his companions below, Ronald traveled the ancient ruins all the way. After continuing to move forward for a certain distance, he finally saw something different from before in a relatively narrow passage.

——It was two human bones lying on both sides of the pass.

——Only the worn-out clothes survived on them at this time.


In the narrow terrain, the two of them stood in the left and right directions.

These two people are either the guards in charge of this place, or they are guarding here, trying to block some enemies from passing here.

Ronald took a closer look.

Although the level of ash accumulation here is very serious, it looks like a deserted place that has been untouched for hundreds of years, but the deadly wounds left on the bones still tell what happened.

Left side - two vertebrae in the lumbar spine were deformed and cracked, and there was a slender penetrating wound in the skull, which were the two most fatal wounds.

Right side - the ribs protecting the heart are also broken, and the skull has a completely consistent penetrating injury.

Look again at the vaguely recognizable clothes.

Except for decayed parts, there are hardly any sharps scratches on the fabric.

The result is obvious - the two should have been defeated by the enemy head on, and then they were stabbed in the head in the same way to ensure the complete death of the two.

"Has a strong frontal attack power..."

Confirming the condition of the two corpses, Ronald kept up with the speed of his companions below and continued to deepen.

This pass seems to be the dividing line between tombs and ruins.

After passing here, corpses began to appear frequently in various positions of the ruins, and regardless of men, women, children, and children, there was an absolutely fatal penetrating wound in the skull.

——The attacker can use this attack frequently, even as a way to make up the knife.

——And act decisively, showing no mercy to the enemy.

If Ronald is not mistaken.

To be able to obtain information from an ordinary explorer like Celier, the Nigalese should be a group that still exists after the Dark Ages, right?

Therefore, the situation in the ruins should be something that happened after the Dark Ages.

During the period when the mysterious side means were severely restricted, what happened in this place?


Ronald's confusion didn't last.

Just after moving on for a few minutes in this quiet boneyard, he came to a fairly open platform on the cliff.

Consider the difficulty of building open buildings here, and the series of buildings just experienced.

In this special city founded by the Nigalese.

The importance of this platform is evident.


"Looks like I'm lucky?"

Ronald glanced around, and soon saw something that could obtain information.

On the outer side of the platform, a billboard-like shelf stands on the ground.

This thing is also very lucky not to be completely destroyed by time.

Ronald walked in to check, and several stone slabs, which were extremely beautifully crafted, and even had patterns on the edges, were nailed to them in sequence with stone nails.

The very distinctive slate in front of him is exactly what the Nigalese use to announce information. The sturdy material also ensures that most of the information above is intact.

At this moment, Ronald's ability to understand language works again.

【Celebration of the fortification - After a long journey of five years, the great new king of Nigal led us to find a place to live here. Inspired by the spirit of the ancestors, the city that belonged to the king was named Sungai City. 】

[Warning Letter - There have been frequent external wars recently, and Sungai City will be closed, prohibiting all going out except the guards...]

[Opening Notice - The ban on going out will be officially lifted from today. At the same time, the great king was enlightened by the spirit of the ancestors, and discussing sacrificial activities and other acts will bring disaster to the city, so ordinary citizens are prohibited from discussing in the future...]

[The new prince - a new life is born to the great royal family. To thank this gift, Sungai City will hold a three-day celebration. 】

[New King——Following the revelation of the spirit of the ancestors, Prince Nierram will become the new king of Sungai City...]

[Ancestor Revelation - Suspend sacrifices in the city within two months. 】

Probably because of Nigal's After these slates were nailed up, even if they exceeded the time limit, they were not dismantled by later people, but remained on them as a commemoration and symbol.

Ronald just scanned it roughly.

I have a general understanding of the establishment of the city and many important events that occurred later.

Just what's on this bulletin board.

It has ended forever in the last [Ancestral Revelation].

"Suspend the sacrificial activities in the city within two months... Could it be that the demise of this city has something to do with this so-called sacrificial activity?"

Ronald was mumbling his thoughts.

But right now.

There was a sudden burst of obvious magic fluctuations below.

Ronald could tell very clearly - it was a reaction to Costart's activating spells!

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