Mystic Dominator

Chapter 755: cold valley

Ina, who was 'rescued' by Ronald and the others, was extremely well-behaved.

Be more accurate.

When Costart smashed the despairing ice block with three kicks, the girl became trembling, and didn't even dare to say a single extra sentence.

In this way, we formed a team of six to return to the original path.

In the pit where the support team split up at the beginning, they sat at the intersection for a short rest while waiting for Dawn's side to return here.

It was only at this time that Ina dared to speak to Megan in a low voice.

— but still let Ronald hear clearly.

"Uncle Megan, who are these two?"

"They came here to support us in developing the ruins. You have been missing for the past few days and the camp has asked for help from outside. They can be trusted."

"But I've never heard of such a powerful caster before!"

"It's the one brought by Professor Dawn. It's normal that you haven't heard of it."

"Which school of Entrode has such a powerful guy..."

"I don't know if you ask that."


Meghan and Ina have a good relationship.

When the two discussed in a low voice, there were even helpless wry smiles and emotions mixed in, which was completely the attitude of a close friend.

But one thing is clear anyway.

- Ina has been trying to ask Ronald the identity of the two.

It's just that Meigen doesn't know much about this kind of thing, so naturally he can't give her an accurate answer.


"We've been waiting for a long time, and things may not be right on Dawn's side."

After a while, Ronald suddenly stood up.

He was still confirming the situation of Dawn and several people through magic. But at this moment, a magic barrier that isolates insight suddenly appeared in front, directly blocking external spell detection.

— There is danger over Dawn.

— and possibly also targeting Ronald's probing abilities.

Now the team is completely following Ronald's command, only Celier said one more sentence after getting up:

"But we agreed to meet here before."

Ronald replied immediately:

"Dawn and the others are on the same path as us, and it's a complete one-way street. As long as they turn around successfully, we'll definitely meet—besides, if they're also blocked on their way, it's not necessarily ours. The ability to turn back and forth."

If the reasons are fully explained, no one will refute it.

The team of six returned to the road, this time walking towards the road that Dawn and the five explored.

Walked down in ten minutes.

The situation here is actually similar to that of Ronald and the others.

Monotonous underground tunnels, a gradual upward slope, and a quiet environment.

Only after the thirteenth minute, when the passage in front of them was blocked by icy rocks, did they confirm that the truth was what Ronald thought.

The retreat of the five Dawn has indeed been blocked.

It's just that, unlike the solid ice they encountered, what blocked the way here was a harder, harder-to-destroy rock.

"This thing... has been strengthened by magic."

At this time, Ina in the team took the initiative to walk out.

The girl lightly touched the rock in front of her with her palm, and immediately came to the conclusion:

"Its structure is several times harder than normal rocks, and the difficulty of breaking it can't be compared to the previous ice..."

"Get out of the way." Ronald told Ina to go away calmly.

This time he didn't ask Costat to deal with the problem.

As he walked forward alone, the incantation of "The Great Completion of Astronomy" immediately blurted out:

"From the relationship between the whole earth and the sky will begin to constitute our cognition!"


Magical power from the stars.

How can a rock stop it?

Ronald didn't plan to smash the rock at all, but directly controlled the rock with the power of [Keunura]!

The rock blocking their progress flew out straight upside down!

After about ten seconds, it was deeply embedded in the front mountain with a loud noise, like a gem set in the crown by a giant.


"What kind of monster is this?"

Facing this scene far beyond reality, although Yina was also a member of the mysterious side, she still muttered uncontrollably.

The volume and weight of the rock, she knew by eye, was not a level that human beings could handle. Even a powerful spellcaster can deal with this obstacle with a single spell...

Isn't this outrageous?

Beside Ina, the middle-aged magician Megan patted her shoulder lightly and comforted her in a skillful tone:

"Ina, that's probably what happened."

"We have a great person to help us this time, just simply follow along."

"Yes... that's right." Ina nodded in a daze, and then suddenly followed the few people walking out of the tunnel.

Walking out of the tunnel, the environment here is different from Ronald and the others.

Although it is also a canyon here, the plant coverage rate is much lower, and green is rarely seen in the icy land. Only frigid plants can occupy the living soil here.


Standing here, Ronald frowned and looked at his feet.

He can now feel that the object covering his spell perception is below, and the depth is more than 100 meters. The person who arranged this thing is obviously well prepared, and it is difficult to deal with it in a short time.

Is there anything else I haven't found yet...

With that in mind, Ronald checked the surrounding situation with his eyes.

But Cellier among the six had his own ideas. The explorer walked directly to the right side of the tunnel exit, then crouched down in front of a more obvious plant, and pushed aside some branches at the bottom.

He found what he wanted—

A uniquely knotted strip of cloth is wrapped around the bottom of the plant, with the knots positioned deeper into the canyon.

After confirming what was in front of him, the explorer immediately said to several others:

"There is a mark left by Dawn here. Because they couldn't return, they continued to go inside."

This is obviously the contact mark that the three had agreed upon. UU reading

With Cellier's information, Meghan followed suit and said:

"Leave a mark after being blocked, which means that they are not in direct danger. After all, ordinary people do not have such powerful spells as adults, and their only choice is to continue to explore."

Celier looked at Ronald with complicated eyes:

"To be honest, I have encountered this state of having to choose to move forward when I took risks before. The ability to implement one's own wishes is indeed too important."

The envy and admiration in these few words of the two were not concealed at all.

In the face of such flattery, Ronald first reminded himself of his helpless attitude when he first crossed, and then he enjoyed the comfort of being flattered.

"It's more important to catch up with Dawn and them now."

"We move on."

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