Mystic Dominator

Chapter 744: misunderstanding

"Nina was **** nearby?"

"That's right, I didn't know how to get it at the time. Suddenly, I couldn't control my body. One man and one woman took Nina away like this."

"No one will believe me if I say it!"

Not long after walking out of the villa, Ronald heard anxious voices coming from the front.

He looked at the child in his arms.


Probably the time left to find family members.

With an idea in mind, Ronald walked directly in the direction of the sound.

In front of a small market selling frozen pickles in a residential area, a group of two men and one woman were talking nervously.

Then, someone of them saw Ronald appearing at the end of the street, with the child in his arms.

"It's Nina!"

"Damn, just put her down for me!"

Two men and one woman, while one of them scolded, the other two rushed towards Ronald.

They apparently thought Ronald was with the church that kidnapped the kid.

The outright hostility was completely undisguised.

"Several, you misunderstood..."

Ronald naturally wanted to explain.

But the two who rushed over did not intend to listen to his explanation at all, and they punched him in the head when they came up.


As an ordinary person, the opponent's fighting level is really good.

But it wasn't enough for Ronald.

Ronald, holding a child in his arms, first dodged to avoid the attack of the first person, and then grabbed the fist of the second person with one hand.

"You... ah!"

The man whose fist was caught was stunned for a moment, and then he cried out in pain.

Because Ronald, who grabbed his fist, circled behind him at an extremely fast speed, and locked this guy with the simplest joint technique.

Seeing that a companion was instantly locked by Ronald, the remaining women were also anxious:


On the contrary, the person locked by Ronald blocked his mouth:

"Clara, don't come here!"

"This man is dangerous!"


The woman immediately calmed down when she heard the block, and the situation between several people was stalemate in front of the market.

Ronald looked around.

Several people on Entrod Street were attracted by the fight, but because the time was too short, it didn't cause much commotion.

"Three, can you listen to me explain?"

"I rescued this child from the folk church behind me just now. I'm not the one who took her away."


Ronald didn't expect to explain things clearly in just two sentences.

However, the man who was locked by him immediately shouted to his companion when he heard this sentence:

"Seliyer, is this guy the one who took Nina before?"

Another man immediately replied:

"There is no such guy in that man and woman!"

"Don't let your guard down, Dawn!"

After receiving a response from his companions, the man locked by Ronald immediately asked in a low voice:

"Are you... a wizard?"

"Oh?" Ronald raised his eyebrows, "Can you see that too?"

Ronald is very confident in his ability to perceive.

If the two sides wanted to look at each other in the distance, it would be fine, but now he almost locked each other close to his body, and he did not notice any magical fluctuations in the man in front of him.

Such an ordinary person with absolutely no magic power.

Can you actually recognize the identity of the caster from the short fight just now?


At the same time, the tone of the man locked by Ronald also became confident:

"Sir, I probably know this is a misunderstanding."

"When Celier described his state before, I guessed that it should be a wizard who abducted Nina, and there is no reason for the abductor to return to the location of the crime."

"You were able to rescue Nina from the wizard and come here."

"The truth of the matter has become very clear."


Hearing this string of analysis, Ronald let go of the other party:

"Most of your guesses are fine. The next time you encounter a similar situation, you'd better analyze it calmly before doing it."

To resolve the misunderstanding, Ronald gave the child in his hand to the other party.

In the previous few minutes, he had disposed of the spell residues on the child. Seeing that the two men and one woman began to check the child's status, Ronald turned his head and was about to leave.

"Sir, please wait!"

The man named Dawn stopped Ronald.

"We... I'm really sorry for the misunderstanding just now. If you don't mind, can we express our apology here?"


Ronald stopped and looked up at the sky.

Although a lot has happened just now, the time is still relatively relaxed.

Rather than continuing to hang out on the streets of Falls City, it's better to chat with these interesting guys.

Ronald nodded immediately and said:

"Of course, no problem."


After walking with the two men and a woman, Ronald learned the truth of the kidnapping.

This child named Nina is actually the daughter of the owner of the inn where the three of Dawn lived. Today Celier planned to buy some dry food at the market, and happened to go out with Nina.

As a result, at the market, they met the two spellcasters that Ronald had brought down before, and Nina was naturally taken away by the other side.

Went out with the daughter of the innkeeper who lived there, and then the child was gone.

Not to mention their moral responsibilities, the three of them couldn't shirk their responsibilities, so the investigation at the market just now happened.

It's just that things are so coincidental sometimes.

Ronald, who had just left the villa, heard the voices of their arguing, and brought Nina directly here.

The way the three apologized to Ronald was also simpler.

--invite to eat.

After sending Nina back to the hotel, the four of them came to a nice lakeside hotel in Falls City.

The restaurants in Entrod are also very special.

The dining environment here is not like Grid's very obvious European style, but uses longboards made of pine wood as chairs, and people can even lie on them lazily as bedboards.

And in the center surrounded by four longboards.

On the other hand, it is a square table that is slightly higher, and it is filled with foods with bright colors but weak aromas.

Just on the edge of the hotel, a quiet lake reflects the winter sun.

Everything around was so relaxing and When taking a seat, Ronald saw a long cigarette **** leaning against each side of the longboard.

In the land of Entrod, this is actually a standard that only the upper class will enjoy. With the income level of ordinary Entrod people, it is absolutely impossible to come to such a place.

"Sir, please allow us to introduce ourselves."

The four people sat down separately, and Dao En, who was obviously the leader among the three, spoke up:

"I'm Dawn Lyle, a professor of history at George University."

"This is Celière Black, who is currently on a round-the-world trip."

"Clara Saite, global news reporter for New Horizons Weekly."

"We came to Entrod this time. In fact, there is a ruin nearby that is ready to be developed, so we came to help."

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