Mystic Dominator

Chapter 743: too lazy to ponder


The sound of confusion and fighting immediately came from the front of the villa.

Ronald listened to the movement of these people rushing in, and did not even have the idea of ​​​​activating the power of 'Rage'.

Because the voice came into his ears, he guessed who was coming.

Ronald hugged the child he had just unfastened from the pillar, turned around and walked towards the hall.

But it wasn't until he reached the hall.

At the location of the corridor, a few spellcasters dressed casually rushed in, and then someone pointed at Ronald:

"You, give me the person in your hand, the child..."


Suddenly, someone next to him gave a slap from the back of the head, and then corrected:

"Shut up, what we should be shouting now is 'put the hostages down!' and then lie on the ground and don't move!"

The person who was slapped immediately raised his head:

"Yeah, put the hostages down quickly, and I won't let Lao Tzu curse you to death tonight!"


Ronald's expression was a little helpless when he was caught by these people.

"I'll make it clear that I just rescued this child from behind, and the original caster here was put on the ground by me."

Hearing Ronald's defense, some of the people who broke into the villa immediately went to the back room to check:

"There are indeed two poured here, that kid is right."

The person who stayed in the corridor to guard Ronald didn't ask much, and immediately commanded Ronald when he got a reply:

"You go to the lobby and wait, the child will take care of yourself."


Ronald shrugged.

The magician in front of him is obviously here to deal with the problems of these folk churches, but he doesn't mind temporarily cooperating with the work.

Ronald returned to the hall with the child.

At this time, more than 70% of the people in the villa were driven here, so that the originally spacious room seemed a little crowded.

In the back of the hall, a curtain that had been pulled up was torn off.

A sumptuous seat and podium were revealed behind it.

However, in this position that should be reserved for the patriarch, a girl in a black robe is now on it.

She stared at the 'audience' below with her beautiful green eyes.

Then waved in the air with one hand:

"Cute little fellows, don't be deceived by such heretical guys! The voters who are truly blessed by the gods are pious people like us, the great beings who dominate everything in the world, and even bestow blessings on us! "


As soon as the words came out, a cloud of green mist exploded out of the girl's hands.

She then changed her form back and forth under her manipulation to reveal her mysterious and unpredictable power.

The 'audience' at the bottom is the person who will be attracted by the folk church.

Witnessing the girl's miraculous magic, someone immediately asked with a trembling voice:

"This... what is this?"

The girl manipulated a bird made of green mist to sweep across the questioner's face. When the person reached out to touch because of the coldness on his face, she answered with a smile:

"This is naturally the knowledge given by the great master."

"As long as you take refuge in the right path, you will also have the opportunity to accept this glory and learn all kinds of knowledge that mortals can't imagine."

At this moment, the girl's expression was pure and pure, and a layer of divine light seemed to cover her beautiful face.

The ordinary people watching below have never seen this scene.

Some people even fell to their knees immediately, and then swore an oath to the beautiful **** the stage.

The spread of this belief often has a group effect.

The first person knelt down, and the others immediately followed. In less than a minute, Ronald, still standing in the hall, was alone.

At this moment, someone around Ronald even kindly pulled his trouser legs:

"Hey, get down on your knees too."

"Such a good opportunity, if you miss it now, there is no hope in the future."


However, in contrast, Shasta almost fell off the table.

The cult girl stood there and saw Ronald holding the child and staring at him, his brain could only process information in its own way.

" and Kostark made such a big baby in just one week?"

Ronald immediately corrected:

"This is what I rescued from behind just now!"

Lead your subordinates to raid the rally, and then begin to recruit believers' casters on the spot.

In fact, it was Shesta who was brought all the way to Falls City by Lalaye.

Ronald didn't react as violently as Shesta did.

He just had a slightly subtle expression, and then pointed out the direction to leave the villa:

"Shesta, let's go out and talk."


Shesta clearly understood the seriousness of the matter, and immediately accepted Ronald's suggestion.

Hand over the follow-up work of the villa to your subordinates.

They quickly walked to the front yard of the villa that had been cleared.

"Explain, what's the matter with you." Ronald asked with a complicated expression while walking on the lawn that was obviously well-tended.

Shesta didn't dare to be perfunctory at all, and replied honestly:

"It's all instructed by Lalaye!"

"That guy turned me all the way to Falls City, just want me to use my identity to unite the power of cult warlocks, and then integrate the messy sectarian forces in the city."

"We are the most professional in this regard."

Ronald frowned:

"Let you cult warlocks integrate beliefs?"

"I can understand that the magician on the mysterious side is in charge of this kind of work, but let you guys do it, Lalaiye is really not afraid of accidents? It's not that he has no one under his own who can do it."

Ronald's shopping in Falls City these days is not for nothing.

Relying on his excellent perception ability, he is very convinced that the supervision of the city by Lalaiye's spellcasters and secret police is definitely more outrageous than the investigator's protection of Springs.

If you really want to put in the effort to do it.

They definitely have this ability.

Facing Ronald's puzzlement, Shesta spread her hands indifferently:

"I don't know that."

"Perhaps Lalaiye intends to cultivate forces outside the government's supervision, or he wants to save money in this way, or he intends to use this to wipe out the cult warlocks lurking in Falls City."

"There are too many possibilities, I'm too lazy to think about it."

Ronald's expression darkened:

"It's possible that you want to kill you all in one Are you too lazy to think about it?"

"The people of our school are like the weeds on the prairie, cutting off a lot of grass!" Shesta was quite confident at this time, and even answered proudly, "Especially in this unrestricted spread of knowledge. In this era, who is afraid of such a thing!"


Ronald looked at Shesta for a long time with a subtle expression.

When he finally reached the door of the villa, he gave Shesta a thumbs up.

"You guys are really good."

"Since you all have your own ideas about things in Waterfall City, so be it."

After speaking, Ronald walked out of the villa, ready to send the child in his arms back.

Before his figure disappeared, the cult girl immediately shouted from behind:

"Ronald, there is a mysterious banquet this week. Come and join us!"

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