Mystic Dominator

Chapter 684: sower

Look at the green dryad flying closer.

Before Ronald could speak, Costat took the initiative to step forward, slapped the guy and pressed it.


Face your environment right now.

This tree spirit clearly intends to resist.

However, Kostatt's grasp of the action was extremely clever. While the dryad tried to dodge, her nimble palm quickly bypassed the obstacle and slapped the opponent's head in the blink of an eye.



With a single blow, the magic power fluctuations disappeared in a flash.

Under the seemingly random action of the maid, the dryad's body twitched violently, and the wooden torso made an unpleasant creaking sound.



A distorted, non-human voice came out of this guy.

It was clearly suffering excruciating pain.

Even just a few seconds.

The original green body of the dryad began to show a trend of withering and yellowing, very similar to the appearance of the plant before it decayed.


It's just that Kostat didn't care about the dryad's violent reaction.

When the other party was still on the ground and struggling in pain, the maid had already turned around and saluted Ronald:

"Sir, this thing is pure plant life, and my spells can't forcefully extract its memory. But one thing can be confirmed - the magic power on it definitely comes directly from the original scriptures."


Ronald raised his eyebrows.

Since the magic power comes directly from the original text, then this thing must know something.

The problem now is that when Costart cannot extract the memory of the other party, he has pried open its mouth across language and other barriers.

thought here.

Ronald bent down, reached out and patted the struggling dryad on the face:

"Hey, can you talk?"


The dryad didn't answer, but stopped struggling briefly and began to stare at Ronald with dangerous eyes.

Ronald froze.

Can understand their own movements, and there is very obvious feedback...

So this tree spirit has wisdom and can understand the meaning of his words?

With such speculation in his mind, Ronald also realized the attitude of this thing towards him——

Remaining silent despite being tortured, the attitude of refusing to cooperate is already very obvious. It is difficult to pry open the mouth of this kind of "people".

At this moment.

Ronald turned his head and looked behind him.

Facing the corpses on the ground near the lair, the little girl Hull was venting her anger at the corpses of these monsters, while Layton stood by, protecting the little girl from accidents as much as possible.

I want to ask the news from the dryad's mouth.

These two probably won't be of much help either.

"Sir, maybe we can extract the magic power from its body alone. Although the target trail may be misleading, as long as our actions are efficient enough, we can still search for it one by one, and finally get the location of this original text."

under these circumstances.

Costat, who was on the side, gave Ronald timely advice.

It's just that Ronald didn't take it this time, because he had a random and bold idea in his mind.


Ronald stared silently at the dryad in front of him

After thinking for a few seconds, he immediately activated the power of the [Chief Angel] to control the dryad firmly on the ground. After completing this step, he took out the Veritaserum from the inner pocket of his clothes again.

"The words of plants..."

"It may not work very well, but please give it a try..."

With a low voice in his mouth, Ronald did not hesitate to drop this precious potion directly into the dryad's mouth.

- The potion is quickly absorbed and digested.

Probably because the tree spirit itself is a plant physique.

After exposure to this potion of Veritaserum effect, it did not appear to have changed to any degree.

It's just that Ronald noticed some details.

After the dryad absorbed this Veritaserum, the dangerous look in its eyes just now began to fade, and the eyes of the rational existence became dull.

This fits perfectly with a response.

That is, what Ronald has seen before, the effect of humans using this potion.

So Ronald tried to ask:

"Tell me about your identity?"

The dryad really spoke this time:

"I am the child of the Great Mother, the apostle, and the sower of her seeds."


This thing... actually speaks human language!

If it is said that Hull, who eventually tends to be human in shape, speaks, Ronald can fully understand it.

So at this moment, this tree spirit surprised Ronald a little.

Although the speed of evolution of life can be advanced by leaps and bounds under the intervention of the original scriptures, he does not think that these newly emerged species will be able to establish civilization and have a mature language translation system in just a few months.

So it must be that these dryads came into contact with humans through some channel.

So when it asks itself, it will use human language to answer.

A well-deserved thought came to mind.

It is very likely that the caster in the Yoiz Forest has become the key to the accelerated change of these creatures - the endowment of civilization.


Realizing this, Ronald frowned.

Beside him, the maid Kostatt, who was willing to share the work for her master, continued to ask:

"Where did you learn human language?"

The dryad continued to answer truthfully:

"The great mother gave us wisdom."


Another surprising answer.

Although in the previous question, it has been known that the tree spirit still has superior units.

But even wisdom is entirely endowed by it...

What this answer means only makes Joiz's situation more complicated.

"Who is your mother?"

"What's your purpose in sowing seeds?"

Questions were thrown one after another.

Under the control of the potion, the dryad continued to answer honestly:

"Mother is the great master who nurtured all our races, and sow the seed so that her love may come to every living being."

Ronald frowned and continued to ask:

"Apart from that, is there any other purpose?"


This time the dryad was silent, and it did not respond.

As one of those who walks and scatters seeds in Joiz, it does not understand the whole purpose of the 'mother'.

On the other hand, Ronald could confirm from his eyes that this guy was still under the control of the potion's effect - indicating that this dryad really didn't know anything about other things.

So Ronald and Costat looked at each other.

After a simple eye contact, the final question follows:

"Your mother, where is she now?"

The Dryad answered honestly:

" Central..."

Ronald breathed a sigh of relief.

With such an answer, this operation can be said to be smooth sailing.

But just as he and Kostat stood up, ready to get rid of this worthless dryad.

behind them.

The cry belonging to the little girl Hull came into my ears:

"Layton! What's wrong with you? Thunder Shield!"

"Get up!"

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