Mystic Dominator

Chapter 683: Surprise harvest

Ronald holds the absolute right to speak to the team.

After he made this suggestion, Layton, who accepted the reality, and Hull, who was emotional, naturally would not have any ideas, and Kostatt unilaterally and unconditionally complied.

So the four of them rectified a little, and immediately walked in the direction that Kostatt had detected.

The season here is winter.

But the trees in the Yoiz Forest are still luxuriant, and as the location goes deeper, the surrounding towering trees are everywhere.

After passing through Hull's house, it seemed like a different world.

Ronald saw a lot of things in the process of moving forward, fallen leaves, insects, soil... The residual magic of the original text is almost everywhere, and the dryad in Kostatt's mouth obviously loves their work very much.

In addition, Ronald also found more strange creatures moving in the forest.

Some things that look like beasts, or may really be beasts, run in the forest, and occasionally stop in the forest and see Ronald and a few people, and they will make strange noises - this is very likely to cause them to immediately stop. It may be eaten by animals or plants next to it, and it may also be handled by Ronald from a distance.

And so on for half an hour.

Following the maid's whisper of "We're coming", Ronald saw the killer's lair in the distance through the dense woods.

This is an aggressive monster in appearance.

They are covered with a layer of gray scales with a distinct chitin feel, their heads have the characteristics of fish, but their bodies are more like lizards, and the large blood basins under their eyes are very dangerous just to look at.

What is more special is the back of this monster.

A long strip of skin flashing red light beats rhythmically, and at first glance it is a dangerous attacking officer.


Looking at these strange creatures, Ronald clearly recognized their threat to ordinary creatures.

What's more, the power of the original scriptures is not completely exhausted on them, and these things even have the possibility of rapid evolution!

"Costat, get ready."

After confirming that these things do not have wisdom and are just pure beasts, Ronald immediately ordered to the maid beside him:

"Don't let Layton and Hull fight, we'll deal with it if possible."

Costart nodded slightly:

"Sir, I understand."


The brief discussion ends.

The battle in the forest is about to break out.

This dangerous creature is gregarious, and the lair that Ronald and the others found had a size of forty to fifty.

Yet even so.

The difference in strength is still too obvious.

The organs behind this creature can spew a highly corrosive liquid as its strongest means of attack.

But even this strongest attack could not destroy Ronald's defensive spells, nor could it catch up with Kostatt's swift combat speed.

Ronald didn't even need to worry about them running away suddenly!

Because these 40 or 50 monsters have a good level of building their nests, under the premise that they will take a lot of time to destroy themselves, as long as they block the entrance and exit, they can control the battlefield well.

Of course, this weakness is also relative.

As far as Ronald's personal experience is concerned, although he and Kostatt can easily solve one with one move, if it is replaced by Layton behind him, trying to deal with both at the same time will become a dangerous situation. Ordinary people with spellcasting ability are difficult to deal with.

Unless you are proficient with weapons like firearms!

But even so, dealing with this kind of creature is not an ordinary trouble, and danger will come all the time.


Deal with these monsters in front of you.

Ronald sighed in thought.

What he's most worried about right now is actually microbes.

What the naked eye can see has reached this point, so what kind of scene will it be in the invisible realm?

"Sir." At this time, Kostatt, who noticed Ronald's reaction, turned his head, "Please pay attention to the entrance of the lair, I will solve it as quickly as possible."

The voice fell, and magic power emerged around Kostat's body.

I saw that the air around the maid began to distort, and finally formed a chaotic vortex.

At this moment.

Ronald can only see the existence of Costat with the naked eye, and other methods such as spell reconnaissance and magic induction are completely unable to detect the existence of this maid.

Maintaining such a special posture, Kostat rushed directly into the monster's lair.


Ronald listened intently.

It was as quiet as a deep night inside, and there was no movement at all.

For hundreds of years, a system of gradually collecting spells with Gestalt as the core, Kurpis 'hidden filth' to supervise all kinds of dangerous and mysterious things.

Based on various conditions, it is really difficult to judge how many spells Kostat has mastered and how powerful he is now.

Just like Ronald thought.

Costat was quick to clean up these monsters.

In less than a few minutes, everything in the monster's lair had been swept away by Kostatt.

And under the watchful eyes of other companions.

The maid dragged a three-meter-long giant monster corpse with one hand, and walked to the front of the other companions.


Back to Ronald.

Costat released his palm, and one end of the corpse slammed into the ground with a dull sound.

But the maid didn't care about that at all.

She only took a slight step back, and then said to Ronald politely:

"Sir, this is the leader of this ethnic group, and the original magic test in his body is extremely high."

"To this extent, I can track it based on its magic residue."


"Good job."

Ronald nods in praise of Kostatt's excellent work ability.

But just as he was about to say something, on the monster's lair—the kind of wall made of hard plants.

A green shadow suddenly broke free and separated from it, and then immediately escaped deeper into the Yoiz Forest!

Ronald's excellent eyesight saw clearly.

This is a creature with a green plant body and a certain human form.

And after it appeared.

Very obvious original magic power manifested in this guy.

- Dryad!

——This is undoubtedly the dryad in Kostatt's mouth!

It's just that Ronald didn't expect After they cleaned up the monsters in this lair, this guy would actually appear in front of him in this form.

"From the relationship of the whole earth to the sky will begin to constitute our cognition."

Faced with such a situation, Ronald recited a spell very simply.

Although this dryad moves very fast in the forest, it is under the terrifying power of [Astral Traction] that cannot be resisted.

It was ripped off the ground in an instant.

Then it flew in front of Ronald and the others like a sharp arrow.

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