Mystic Dominator

Chapter 662: this thing works


Erion's physical strength has indeed been significantly strengthened.

When a piece of ice about the size of two knuckles was thrown by his simple arm, the speed of its flight in the air was even close to the effect of a tripwire.

Just by seeing the power of this 'ammo', you know that this is a dangerous attack that can kill people!

In the face of such an attack, Yanni reacted extremely quickly.

Without hesitation, she hugged the crossbow arrow into her arms, and at the same time bowed her head and rolled to the side.

Although the donkey roll is awkward, it is still a very useful way of evasion. With such an emergency strategy, Yanni managed to avoid the original position before the ice particles hit his body.


A crisp sound.

The extremely fast-flying ice particles hit the ice floes under Yanni's feet, and then immediately turned into finer ice crystals in the impact, and then scattered and shattered into pieces.


Yanni looked down at the traces on the ground.

After being hit by this, there was a small pit visible to the naked eye on the ice, and she couldn't help frowning.

Yanni is quite sure—

If she fails to dodge Erien's attack, she may immediately lose any mobility.

"Miss Yanni, it seems that you don't like my greeting to you very much!"

At this moment, Arianne on the other side laughed loudly:

"When you shot me just now, didn't I see that you were very happy?"

"Come on! Now I'll give you this chance!"

"The two of us continue to play, you give me an arrow, and I throw you an ice pellet."

"Let's come and go, a fair duel!"

Arianne's tone was full of jokes.

However, Yanni, who stabilized his mind, didn't pay any attention to his intentions.

Seeing that the other party entered such a frenzied state because of her strength, the girl's eyes quickly swept around, and then immediately half-knelt on the ground, using her hands and body to put the crossbow on her body.

Yanni is doing this in the safest way.

Once again, he aimed at the opposite Arian with the weapon in his hand.


Facing Yanni's silent attitude, Arian narrowed his eyes:

"Since I don't want to talk, then I don't mind..."



Just when Ariane's words were not finished.

A grenade whose insurance had been pulled out in advance was just thrown onto the ice floes at the feet of the mercenary.

Just the right time.

The result is just the right explosion.

With a huge noise of more than 160 decibels and a strong flash of millions of lumens, the shock bomb exploded instantly at the location of Ariane.


The mercenary, who was extremely arrogant a second ago, howled almost uncontrollably.

After all, Ronald is very familiar with the feeling of this kind of physical strengthening.

- Enhanced physical fitness.

- Brings a certain enhanced body senses!

In this case, Arianne must be more sensitive to the shock bomb explosion. And through Yanni's tentative action just now, Arian's behavior of dodging the crossbow arrow also proves that this guy's actual defense is not amazing.

A body that is not yet otherworldly.

It was impossible for Arian to quickly adapt to this violent movement.

So Ronald knew - shock bombs must be the best means of attack!

At the same time, the mercenaries, who had been badly hit, had fallen to the ground. With his balance devastated, he waved his arms indiscriminately, trying to ward off subsequent attacks that might come to him.

Ronald's analysis is absolutely correct.

While the feeling of gaining power made Arian stronger, the sudden power gain wasn't so easy to adapt to. As a mercenary, Ariane has noticed the mistakes brought about by arrogance at this moment, and things that he didn't care about before have been recalled.

Yanni and Ronald, scholars sent by these two companies to support...

Has an incredible fighting instinct.

The first was Yanni. Before posing in that half-kneeling attacking stance, the girl first glanced around—this action was to confirm Ronald's condition.

Then, in just a blink of an eye, the two used eye contact to confirm each other.

Tactics were then decided without verbal communication.

Yanni put on that seriously serious attack mode, drawing Arian's own attention with her safety. At the same time, Ronald took the opportunity to pull out the insurance on the other side, and then threw the shock bomb that had a great impact on him at the right time.

This back-and-forth cooperation.

Even close friends who live and eat together, it is difficult to do it in an instant.

not to mention……


Suddenly, Arianne, who was in a panic, stopped moving.

At this moment, his state was actually extremely bad, his hands and lower abdomen had been directly hit by Yanni's crossbow arrow. If it weren't for the improvement of his physical fitness, the current damage would definitely be enough to take his life.

But this kind of arrow wound is nothing.

Because Ariane tried to poke the attacking palm away, and just hit a short cylindrical object.

It's over - another bomb!


Aware of the crisis, a violent explosion ensues.

Ronald and Yanni on the other side of the ice floes did not let go of his thoughts. After confirming with several crossbow arrows that Arian was really unable to resist, Ronald took out the high-explosive grenade in his hand and threw it over.

This is also the most correct choice right now.

Fragment grenades - Erion's constitution will weaken the damage effect; incendiary bombs - the lake is next to it, it is best not to consider it; smoking gas and the like will not have any effect.

Only high explosive grenades are such critical supplies.

Best for dealing with the now-undefensible Irene!

The change in battle was just as Ronald had expected. He was blasted head-on by a high-explosive bomb, and Ariane exploded with the ice floes under his feet. It was impossible for him to block such an attack with a mortal body.

And watching this scene, Ronald felt a little emotional for a while.

The weapons brought about by technological progress are so gratifying.

If placed in the era of cold weapons, Ariane, who has such physical qualities, can almost kill Ronald and Yanni without any risk without any accident.

- But what about now?

Just do a good job of observing this and summarize the information to make a suitable plan. Even with their physical fitness completely belonging to ordinary people, they can kill Arian so efficiently and quickly.

Can be called a model of the weak overcome the strong.

thought here. Ronald couldn't help looking at his waist, where there were a few grenades that he had not yet used.

"This thing... it's much better than spells."


Afterwards, however, when Ronald finished with emotion, he raised his head.

Something very unexpected happened in sight.

In the process of the explosion, the ring gem that Ariane carried with him actually happened to fall on Yanni's current position!

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