Mystic Dominator

Chapter 661: turn over

Ronald and Yanni didn't even have to guess.

There is only one possibility for the owner of this figure - Arien.

Among the four people still alive, Ronald and Yanni are walking together, and Ivy, who has completely collapsed psychologically, has no ability to move.

In the end, only Arian was left.

However, it is different from the state of the two groups when they are separated. At this moment, the mercenary was jumping back and forth on the scattered ice surface. In this extreme environment, he even felt like he was walking on the ground, and his agile and agile posture was completely unobstructed by the harsh environment.

He approached the speed of Ronald and the two...

Even faster than the average person trotting on flat ground!


Faced with such a situation, Ronald and Yanni looked at each other.

- There is definitely something wrong with this guy.

- Or make some bolder speculations.

The violent vibration that completely destroyed the entire ice lake and its surrounding environment system just now may have been caused by Erion!

After all, the gem that was frozen under the ground and was said to have great power.

In the end, it was in the hands of his mercenary.

Between eye exchanges.

Ronald and Yanni had seen each other's thoughts.

There is no doubt that the current Ariane is very dangerous.

Therefore, in addition to contacting each other as carefully as possible, it is best to prepare in advance.


It was at this time.

Ariane crossed the last piece of ice.

The strength of the mercenary stepping on the ice floes caused the part of the ice block to surface slightly tilted, and before the weak balance was restored, he stood in front of Ronald and Yanni with a smile:

"You two, it's great to see that you're all right."

"I just encountered this suddenly..."

"Enough, why perform like this?"

Arian was about to continue speaking.

But just before he said a few words, Yanni took out his crossbow arrow and aimed it at his head. The split arrow shone under the surrounding blue ice light, and the hostility in it was self-evident. .

"Miss Yanni, what do you mean?"


"What do you think?" Yanni said without hesitation, "Being able to move freely between ice cubes with such agility, you must have gained a lot of power from that gem, right?"

Arianne's expression froze.

However, in the face of the very obvious hostility in Yanni's tone, he still squeezed out a stiff smile and continued:

"What are you talking about? I don't understand at all..."

"Don't say anything you don't understand." After Yanni, it was Ronald's turn to interrupt Arianne this time, "If you don't understand, then tell me where Ivy is now? Everyone has seen the things on the mural. With such power, I am afraid you have done a lot of things, right?"


"Aren't you two who gave up on Ivy first?"

Finally, the smile on the mercenary's face disappeared completely. He stood motionless on the ice cube, looking down at Ronald and Yanni who were in a weak state with condescending eyes.

"Instead of arguing with me here now, why don't you take Ivy with you when you leave?"

In the face of Erion's rhetorical question.

Yanni held the crossbow arrow steadily in his hand, and his tone was not weak at all:

"There is no legal requirement in any country - people need to do more good than they can when they run away."

"Leaving Ivy there is to hope that the good side of your humanity will not dissipate, but you..."

"I'm not going to discuss any moral bottom line or legal standards with you!"

Arian suddenly interrupted the conversation with a big wave of his hand, and then continued with a grim expression: "If you guys are interested, you'd better take the initiative to cooperate with me in the sacrifice now, so that everyone can get a more comfortable ending."


Just this moment.

Yanni pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The sharp crossbow arrow was shot towards Arian's head!

generally speaking--

This kind of extremely close crossbow arrow shooting is completely too late to deal with the reaction speed of a normal person.

However, the current Arian is obviously not in this list.

Not only did he dodge Yanni's shot, he even turned sideways to dodge the arrow that came to him with his right hand.


"Ha ha--"

The man looked at the arrow in his hand and sneered suddenly, his tone revealing a very artificial satisfaction.

The immersion in one's own power did not last long.

Ariane quickly threw the arrow in his hand into the lake water on the side very casually, then turned around and looked at Yanni who had just attacked him with a very menacing look.

"You actually plan to use the weapon I gave you to attack me in turn?"

"Miss Yanni, I thought you were a smart scholar, but this kind of thinking is too naive, isn't it?"

At this time, a sneering contempt flashed in Arian's eyes.


"Since you have already guessed that I used the goddess's gem, do you still think that I will be a mortal like you?"


The voice fell.

Ariane stomped **** the ice below.

The ice cube, which was not too big, shook in an instant.

The gap that was not completely cracked in the previous vibration has also completely expanded and spread at this moment, and the already unstable structure has reached its limit state in a blink of an eye.


Only a few clicks were heard in succession.

The ice cube that Ronald and Yanni were still living in just now burst into pieces that could not bear the weight of a human body. Only Arian, who had the strongest physique, jumped up ahead of time and came to another intact ice cube. superior.


In this helpless attitude fell into the water.

Ronald buried his head in the water and swam directly to the big ice floe closest to him.

Although his current body does not exceed the boundaries of ordinary people, it is also much stronger than the weak boy when he first crossed. Coupled with the swimming skills he has practiced a lot, Ronald quickly climbed up. The target's ice floe.

Half leaning on his body to get up, Ronald hurriedly looked back.

It was at this joint that Yanni also broke away from the lake on the ice floes in the other direction.

Only Arian was sitting leisurely on the ice floes in other directions, and at the same time watching Ronald and Yanni's movements with interest .

At this moment.

The positions of the three people almost form an equilateral triangle.

Probably because Yanni took the lead, Arien still first targeted the girl:

"Since I want to do it, then I don't mind playing with you."

"Come on, try this first!"


As soon as the voice fell, Arian broke off an ice particle the size of a gravel from the ice block beside him, aimed at Yanni's position and threw it away!

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