Mystic Dominator

Chapter 658: wake up

Is this really an underground ruin?

Continuing to **** forward in the ice ring tunnel, Ronald and Yanni couldn't help but have such thoughts in their hearts.

Both of them have quite a wealth of knowledge in their respective fields, so when dealing with some relatively special emergencies, they can also come up with some solutions that can be tried based on past experience.

However, this is not the case...

After passing the transparent creatures that inhabited the top of the ice ring tunnel, the two encountered several other creatures they had never seen before.

A large crawling creature with giant pincers, a strip of plant with poisonous powder on its surface, and several flying insects with icy blue jackets...

After being thrilled enough to dispose of these things.

The two people who shuttled through the pitch-black ice ring were already quite exhausted both physically and psychologically.

Finally, when they came to a clearing without any trace of animal activity.

They sat on the ground almost in unison.

While resting, Yanni took out two small chocolates from his left arm pocket and handed one of them to Ronald with a smile:

"Old Yang, do you think if we can get out alive today, how many Nobel Prizes in biology will these discoveries be worth?"

Ronald took the chocolate with a smile, then tore the package and put it in his mouth:

"If that day ever comes..."

"I think it shouldn't be us waiting for others to give us awards."


"Haha, that's right..."

"It was time to set up awards in our name."

The two sat on the spot and continued to rest and regain their strength.

After thinking about it for a long time, and before they were ready to continue on the road, Yanni suddenly smiled at Ronald:

"Yang, I don't feel right..."


The girl's voice trembled.

Compared with the previous ability to stay calm in the face of danger, even if you do something against your heart, you can quickly stabilize your emotions. At this moment, Yanni's expression suddenly became extremely unstable, and there was even an omen before the emotional breakdown.

Of course, Ronald immediately noticed Yanni's strangeness.

Without hesitation, he stretched out his arms around each other's shoulders, and said in the calmest tone possible:

"Yani, calm down!"

"We will escape successfully, don't lose your mind at this juncture..."


At the same time, Yanni stared at Ronald in front of him.

She kept this movement for a long time without moving, and finally she suddenly asked a question:

"Old Yang, do you remember the scene when we first met?"


Ronald was stunned.

Even Yanni's name was recognized when he saw the sign when he entered the trial.

Now suddenly mentioning the scene when the two met for the first time...

How could he, who has no relevant memory at all, be able to say it!

Seeing Ronald's expression, Yanni's face immediately showed a very sad expression:

"Yang, you don't have to think about it anymore."

"I know, you shouldn't remember anything."

The embarrassment Ronald is facing right now, Yanni smiled again:

"Ha ha-"

"It's not just that you can't remember it, I also have no relevant memory at all."

"It's ridiculous, isn't it?"

"I clearly know that I like you, and even for this reason, I applied for a business trip with you. But just now I recalled the memories of my past life, but there was absolutely nothing about the first time I met you."

Yanni introduced a lot of his own situation in one breath.

But her emotions did not completely collapse, and the expression on her face began to stabilize.

Then it's like telling someone else's experience.

The girl shook her head slightly, and then her eyes fell into serious deductions:

"No, not just these personal experiences."

“Think in the big picture—the current political situation in the world, the international news that happened in the last month; in small things—the recent changes in my hometown, the activities of my relatives over the past few years, and even other things that happened when I was doing my Ph.D. classmate."

"I have no memory of these things."

"But even under this circumstance, I can still clearly distinguish that the creatures in this ice cave are not species that exist on earth, and the research on biology has not been forgotten at all..."

After talking for a long time, Yanni rested for a few seconds because of his breathing, and then stared at Ronald's face and said:

"Old Yang? Do you think we are real?"



Speaking of this.

Ronald has been unable to come up with any plan to deal with the scene in front of him.

- The original test!

In a trial environment composed of original scriptures, he encountered a personality illusion that was only a short-lived in theory, but with his own reason and logical analysis ability, he came to the doubt of whether he really existed?

This is not thinking on philosophical propositions!

It was the girl named Yani in front of Ronald.

She is really aware of the circumstances in which she exists, or that she may be fictional.

Not only the lack of those necessary common sense memories, according to a scholar's knowledge reserve, she also found that in the events just experienced, some creatures are completely inconsistent with the natural routine.

In the end, after so much information was gathered, Yanni finally came to such a conclusion.


"Yang, it hurts..."

At this time, Yanni turned his deep eyes to both sides.

Because of his emotional excitement, Ronald's hands that wrapped his arms around the girl's shoulders unconsciously forced Yanni to feel quite uncomfortable.

"Feel sorry…"

Ronald let go of his hands as if electrocuted.

He immediately took a step back, then stood up straight in front of Yanni.

At this moment, in Ronald's extremely complicated eyes, he couldn't find any solution to the problem at hand.

An intelligent being who finds himself a fiction in his trials.

Does he want to open up a lie to deceive the other party?

Do androids dream of electric sheep?


"Old Yang, I also discovered something when I was reminiscing."

"In my 'only' memories, apart from the necessary parts, the information related to you almost occupies more than 30%. Do you know why?"

Yanni asked again.

But this time, the girl stood up straight from the ground and stared at Ronald in front of her, her tone trembling again.

But even so.

Yanni still tried her best to keep her expression steady, and then used her sincere attitude to look forward to Ronald's answer.

Ronald didn't want to, and couldn't lie now.

So he spoke:

"Yani, let me tell you a story."

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