Mystic Dominator

Chapter 657: parted ways

"Yang, how are you feeling now?"

On the other side, on the way to the ice ring of other layers.

Yanni and Ronald are discussing their current state and their decision to leave the shrine.

"Although that guy Arian's eyes are not right, we shouldn't just run away like this, right?"

"Don't underestimate people's greed, think about how Grady died before."

While groping forward to find a way, Ronald said to Yanni at the same time:

"A person with a character like Arianne will have a high probability of taking the risk when faced with these things today."

"Even if the so-called legend of gems is just something on the fresco that I don't know is true or false, now he will probably want to try it."


Hearing Ronald's answer, Yanni bowed his head and was silent for a few seconds.

Compared with the unfamiliar mercenary, she still trusts Ronald behind her more, otherwise she would not have chosen to leave with him just now.

So Yanni then asked another question:

"If that's the case, why didn't you just throw a grenade?"

"In that deep enough ice cave, there should be no chance of Ariane dodging the explosion."

Ronald showed a complicated look:

"No, there are too few people now."

"After experiencing such a special event, I think it is a very bad choice to continue fighting and reduce the number of personnel. Even if there is a serious gap between us now, it is better to go our separate ways than face to face. suitable."

Ronald didn't want to deceive the people who stayed with him in the end.

So he told Yanni his thoughts frankly.

Of course, at the same time, Ronald was weighing one thing in his mind—the true purpose of the original test.

The previous state of speculation is no longer appropriate.

The various encounters since entering the ruins, as well as the various signs he found, all indicate that the goal of the original test is not as simple as investigating the ruins, but there are some more hidden conditions.

So what is the truth behind the surface?

Ronald has some ideas now.

After all, this is the unification test of "The Divine Comedy - Purgatory".

Then refer to the encounters he has experienced in several original trials before.


your current environment.

Is it related to the seven deadly sins, the most important attribute in purgatory?


"That's it..."

Ronald moved on in thought.

Hearing his answer, Yanni nodded slightly, and then stopped talking.

The nodes connecting the corridors in the ice are not difficult to find. With the lighting rods inserted like guiding lights, it didn't take them long to walk into the upper ice ring.

Right now there are headphones that monitor what's going on in the surrounding environment.

As soon as Ronald and Yanni got together, they simply did not turn on the lights on the helmets, but only used the lighting sticks inserted on the ice wall to slowly move forward.

Then there is the question of direction.

According to the message Grady left before his death, they still have a chance to return to the ice surface by going around in the direction they came from here - this is the stupidest choice.

Those blue-skinned animals have a high probability of still guarding the ice layer above. If you really choose the original path and return successfully, then the probability of being caught directly by that creature while groping out of the tunnel will be close to 90%.

——At that time, it will not be called escape.

- That's called death!

So under this consideration, Ronald and Yanni chose to move in another direction instead.

There is no reliable and safe passage for them to leave on the ruins of the houses in the underground ice layer, so continuing to explore the possibility is the only option.

Even if you take another 10,000 steps back, this direction is still a dead end.

After they bypass the entire Ice Lake, the risk of returning the same way is much lower than going out directly now.

with this consideration.

The distance between the two groping in the ice ring tunnel is getting farther and farther

And as their progress continued, the location where the two set foot also came to a place that the explorers had not reached before.

It's pitch black here.

No lighting sticks plugged into the walls to illuminate the road.


Standing in the last light, Ronald and Yanni looked at each other.

They saw what the other was thinking, and then they turned on the lights on their helmets again, and then continued forward with a cautious attitude.

In the dark and deep ice.

The two figures with bright lights above their heads supported each other in this way and continued to move forward.

Although the environment is dangerous and abnormal, and there is no guarantee that there are no terrifying creatures lurking in the dark, but at this time, it is possible to have the other party to rely on, and it is possible to maintain a calm state of mind.

The first is especially true for Ronald.

He even had a sense of familiarity in his work experience before he crossed over, and a feeling of being trustworthy and trusting his colleagues at the same time.



Suddenly, Yanni shouted as he went forward.

The girl threw herself on Ronald at the moment she spoke, and a movement with all the strength of her body directly made them roll into the corner of the wall of the Ice Ring Tunnel together.

"Yani, what's wrong with you?"

Ronald raised his head in confusion.

Then they saw - in the direction they were heading, some light blue transparent creatures like jellyfish were clinging to the top of the ice wall tunnel. Because these things just lurk there quietly, without making any sound.

Even if Ronald and the two wore headphones, they couldn't detect the existence of these things.

If not Yanni stopped in time.

He's definitely got right under these things.

"What is this……"

Ronald murmured involuntarily.

Seeing the things in front of him, the first thing he thought of was the barnacle monster in "Half-Life" - these two things are very similar, but the colors are very different.

Then there is the most basic analysis of this thing-

There was movement but no movement.

This should be the behavior of animals in ambush hunting, so...

"I'll shoot one down and try."

Ronald observed the creature's appearance and analyzed the other's possible activity habits. And Yanni, who rescued him, took out his weapon in a rather unhappy moment, aiming at a creature on the ceiling and an arrow.


The current Yanni is completely different from the performance when he cherished animals before.

The arrow hits the target with precision.

Then, the blue creature that was hit by the arrow immediately became loose, and then fell from the top of the ice ring tunnel along the end of the arrow.


The subsequent development was also the same as Ronald The other blue animals that were also lurking at the top immediately protruded from the center of the body with a thin and long tongue-like organ to put the The thing was pulled back, and then each tore a piece and threw it into the mouth to wriggle and digest.


"Looks like we can go..."

Looking at the scene in front of them, Ronald and Yanni began to move forward with confidence and boldness.

With a certain knowledge reserve, they all know that this kind of creature that stays in place and hunts must spend a lot of time eating after catching its prey.

And before they digest the prey they got this time.

Aggressive behavior will be temporarily stopped.

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