Mystic Dominator

Chapter 65: go home

Complete the review of Ronald.

After leaving a meaningful look in the eyes of the people from the investigation bureau, they simply left.

Things went the way Ronald thought.

——These people don’t know what happened at the station.

Or rather, they only knew of a mysterious incident at the train station.

The investigators who entered the area of ​​influence for the first time were thrown around by the power of the original text, and even before they could investigate, they turned into broken corpses and were thrown out.

As for the investigators in charge of vigilance outside, who didn't even come in, they naturally wouldn't know that this was an accident caused by the rampage of the original text.

Otherwise, an original text will appear.

The Bureau of Investigation is by no means only such a few people who come to investigate the situation.

And according to the information Ronald got after he came out.

While the time inside the station kept reincarnating, the time outside was less than two hours in total.

During these two hours, ordinary people who walked into the station were unaware of the distortion of time.

And the mysterious side personnel who want to come in to confirm the problem, the 'car accident' at the station gate is the end.

Therefore, only Ronald and Patricia, two mysterious people who were shrouded in the power of the original text from the beginning, can move freely in this area.

This further became their natural cover.

The information is completely asymmetric, and the original code was also recovered by Ronald first.

From the perspective of the Bureau of Investigation, the tone of the matter is as follows:

——An unknown person came to Burrenwich Railway Station, and the arranged spell enveloped the entire station for two hours.

——Such an action must be prepared and planned.

——But in the past two hours, there were no casualties or property damage inside the station, but the investigators who entered the investigation outside the station died tragically.

——The perpetrator has a high probability of taking the train to Burrenwich, and quickly arranges all the spells to use when the train stops. Finally, and now, the person who did it should have left quickly by train.

The most probable result came out.

This is an operation against the Bureau of Investigation.

Most likely it is a demonstration by a new occult school.

The Bureau of Investigation is a mysterious super organization that shocks the whole country. Some cult members whose brains are ruined by mysterious knowledge, refuse to accept the government's management and come out to provoke them, and they can still meet them every few years.

Under such circumstances, even if the Bureau of Investigation has a follow-up investigation into the local mysterious person, Ronald will not be worried.

As long as the bite wasn't caused by himself, and he didn't attack anyone.

Then he is safe.

For Ronald, things were probably over.

However, this cannot be blamed for the lack of outstanding work ability of the people in the Bureau of Investigation.

According to what Arida said before, the original script is extremely rare and difficult to identify. Under the premise of not knowing the existence of the original tome, as long as the ability is not activated, even professionals may mistake these different shapes.

I have taken advantage of it myself.


Thinking so, Ronald went back to the office, hung up his coat, and sat back in his chair slowly.

The original text I got this time is a very subtle thing.

At the same time, it greatly broadened his horizons.

This thing does involve time and space, but it has absolutely nothing to do with what Ronald thought before.

Not a hymn to the gods, nor a coherent research paper.

Instead, it is an original text that has a close connection with the railway station.

- "Bradshaw Railroad Guide"

Published in 1839 and stopped until 1961, the world's first series of train travel guides with precise train timetables and introductions to travel locations.

It was its rampage that caused a station-scale chaos in time and space.

After starting this original book, Ronald flipped through it and obtained the right to use it.

At the same time, it also refreshed his understanding of the original scriptures.

Unlike The Divine Comedy and The Hammer of Rain and Mist, the Bradshaw Railroad Guide is used under normal conditions and provides two distinct abilities.

——If the location has a railway, the holder can know the name of the location.

——The holder can know the current time, and is not interfered by any time-type ability.

Two intriguing abilities.

Normally, this is a rather tasteless classic.

However, it is interesting to study the article "not to be interfered by any time-type ability".

Not to mention this is a travel guide!

The previous "The Divine Comedy", "The Hammer of the Rain and Mist", and even "The Structure of the Human Body" by Alyta's school.

These magic books are the most influential works in human history.

But what is a travel guide?

Just by virtue of it being the world's first travel guide?

Then, in this world, is it considered a classic?

Then, will you encounter something like the 'world's first weekly comic book' in the future?

If this is the case, the fun will be great!


The comfortable working hours gradually passed.

When the sun was slanting in the distance of the city, Ronald wound up the clock in front of him again.

After checking that it was correct, he picked up the hanging coat and put it on, rolled up the newspaper he brought in the morning and took it away, then pushed the door and walked out of the office.

The work at the train station is day and night, and in about a quarter of an hour, the person who takes over from his work will come here.


"get off work."

Tightening the buttons on his chest, Ronald walked outside the At the entrance and exit, he saw a guy in a thick fleece coat sitting on the edge of the garden by the roadside.

Ronald knew him.

This is one of the staff at the registration office.

After the people from the Bureau of Investigation left, the two of them were probably ordered to follow each other in turn to prevent possible troubles in the future.

Ronald looked down.

With his back to the setting sun, he could vaguely see the white breath exhaling from his mouth.

The increasingly cold weather in Burrenwich is not friendly, and the two of you probably won't feel very well for the next few days.

Shaking his head regretfully, Ronald walked towards his boarding apartment.

Leaving the train station, Burrenwich is still the former Burrenwich.

Except that the number of pedestrians has decreased because the weather is getting colder, everything around is still quiet and peaceful.

All the way back to the apartment without incident, Ronald opened the door and walked into the apartment as usual.

"Mrs. Hudson, the newspaper I took in the morning is on the table."

"It's Mr. Ronald."

The landlady's voice immediately came from upstairs:

"In a few days, new tenants will move in, so I'll be cleaning the house. I'll keep your dinner in the house. If you want to drink porridge, there's still by the fireplace."

As he walked up, Ronald asked casually:

"Is it convenient to clean alone? Do you need me to help?"

The voice of the landlady immediately came:

"No trouble, just do your own thing."


After a few words of courtesy with the landlady, Ronald went back to his room and sat down.

Eating a delicious dinner quietly.

Today is about to end.

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