Mystic Dominator

Chapter 64: ask

Outside the railway station office building.

Three guys in brown robes and wide-brimmed hats stood in front of the steps.

Ronald on the second floor couldn't see their faces.

But from the attitudes that people around them avoid, you can understand the identities of these guys.

Secret police—

There are two types of Grid's secret police.

One is the real secret police. They are secret agents who protect the regional and national security order with extremely high authority and keep their identities secret.

There is another kind of secret police on the surface.

Although the same identity is kept secret and has extremely high authority, the second type of person is only wearing this identity that is convenient for activities, and the two parties are not a department at all.

They are actually members of the [Grid Mystery Investigation Bureau].

The mysterious policeman.

The official kind.

Before Ronald entered Burrenwich, he was scrutinized by the local Bureau of Investigation.

Although the gentleman who censored him was not in front of him.

But as long as you see the momentum of these three people blocking the administrative building of the train station, you know that the people from the investigation bureau have not escaped.

On the station side, Adams was the only person responsible for negotiating with them.

The real top people actually rarely come here.

As a middle and high-level member of Burrenwich Railway Station, Adams is already the highest-ranking staff member on duty.

It's just a pity because this 'highest' doesn't work very well now.

Even because he was in a hurry when he ran out, Adams was wearing only a thin shirt at the moment. Like his secretary Martina, he could only hold on to the winter cold.

Ronald only watched for a few seconds.

One of the people in the investigation bureau quickly looked up.

At this moment, very few people came out on the second floor who noticed the movement. The gaze of the man who raised his head was immediately nailed to Ronald.

Without any hesitation, he immediately asked Adams in front of him.

Adams then looked up, and after a while he said loudly:

"Ronald, come down."

"This gentleman has something to do with you."

"Run fast!"


Shrugging, Ronald turned his head and walked towards the stairs.

This is not different from what he thought.

There are only three mysterious side personnel in the entire vicinity of Burrenwich Railway Station.

Apart from themselves, the remaining two stayed in a house outside the station all year round, and that was one of the registries where the mysterious person entered Burrenwich.

Strictly speaking, it is also a subordinate unit of the Bureau of Investigation.

If Patricia really just got off the train, she should be sitting there to register by now.

So Ronald is the only 'outsider' at Burrenwich Station.

It is only natural to be called down immediately.

Just as he walked down the stairs, one of the three took the initiative to walk towards Ronald.

Adams was in the back, and he didn't forget to shout at Ronald, "You can answer whatever they ask."

However, compared to Adams, the investigator in front of Ronald was less domineering.

The face under the brim was half obscured by shadows, but it wasn't too hard to make out.

This is a young man who looks less than 30 years old.

When he came to the front, he first nodded slightly to Ronald:

"Hello, Mr. Ronald."

"I don't mind if we find a place with few people to talk, it's not very convenient here."

"Of course." Ronald took it upon himself to suggest, "We can go to the conference room on the second floor of the office building, it's quiet and no one will disturb it."

The investigator nodded:

"Then let's go."

Ronald took the Bureau of Investigation to the second floor.

Because the conference room was used just now, the two went in and randomly picked two chairs to sit down.

Immediately, the investigator chanted a spell in a voice that only he could hear.

Then he turned his attention to Ronald:

"We can start."

"no problem."

Ronald didn't know that the ability the opponent used originated from that original book.

But that didn't prevent him from knowing the effect of this spell.

Before entering Burrenwich, Arida popularized common sense for this mysterious novice.

As long as the members of the [Gridiron Mystery Investigation Bureau] join the organization, the first thing they get is a spell for lie detection, in addition to the school mark.

This ability is not a discriminative machine of the hierarchy of causality.

It is the ability to judge whether the other party is lying or not based on the physiological response of the dialogue target.

If the interlocutor has undergone rigorous training, he can be completely fooled.

Of course, Ronald didn't have this kind of training, so he planned to talk to the other side honestly.

The kind with a little bit of skill.

At first, the investigator asked a seemingly insignificant question:

"When did you arrive at the train station today?"

Ronald answered honestly:

"It's a normal work time like everyone else, about 7:00 in the morning. My colleagues all know this."

The investigator continued to ask:

"According to the registered information, you are a member of the Copenhagen School, right?"

"That's right."

"Why work at Burrenwich Station."

"Because it was introduced by a friend, it's Arida, you know."

"You are from the edge of the Yoiz Forest..."

"That's right..."

The two asked and answered, and time passed by.

Finally, after a question that had nothing to do with today's incident, the investigator suddenly asked:

"Do you know how to use your own school's art today?"

"Huh?" Ronald asked with a bewildered expression, "Using a spell...?"

Immediately Ronald's face suddenly realized:


"I see!"

"It was a car accident at the station gate... No, you should have disguised the scene."

"You are here today to investigate the mysterious side..."

"Shut up!" Ronald's talk was immediately interrupted by the investigator. He gave Ronald a low look, "Tell me if you used a spell today, don't guess."


Ronald shrank his head in fear, and defended himself in a trembling tone:

"I don't even have the school imprint..."

"Whether it's the Copenhagen School or other schools, I can't even use the spells I learned."

——Ronald did not lie.

——He never learned magic, he used the original scriptures.

The investigator frowned, but continued to ask:

"Have you ever had an argument with anyone today?"

Ronald still answered honestly:

"I haven't had an argument with anyone today, and I haven't had an argument."

——Magic books can’t be considered human, right?


The investigator was silent.

Never used spells, never had a dispute with others...

After thinking for a few seconds, he took out the notepad from his brown coat, and then said:

"Tell me about your itinerary today in detail."

"I'll just make a record at the end."

"no problem."

Ronald smiled happily, and honestly stated today's itinerary.

——The itinerary at work.

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