Mystic Dominator

Chapter 620: detective props

- Go to the river bank first.

When this picture book labyrinth world became more and more chaotic, Ronald made a quick decision in his heart.

He did not make this choice simply to abide by the rules of the game.

Rather, Ronald actually took into account the actual situation in Springs right now.

Like the five [Nine Rings Secret Society] casters who ran to the southwest. In the direction of their current route, they must pass through the slums, a small part of the river bank, then through the commercial area, and finally reach the port area of ​​the escape destination.

From a purely geometrical point of view.

This is indeed the shortest route in a straight line to the port area.

But if you take into account the urban areas they need to traverse, the reality is very different.

This route, on the contrary, will add considerable trouble.

For example, in the next impoverished area, under the premise that housing construction and human activities will become obstacles to the maze, Ronald can intuitively confirm that it is definitely the most difficult maze in the entire Springs.

Just thinking about the difficulty of traversing the urban area, I know that passing through there will inevitably face many problems.

——What about the prompt Ronald got?

——Go to your own home in the river bank first.

Assuming that there will be no additional trouble, they only need to cross the river bank area and then pass the commercial area, and they will reach their final destination port area in no time. And along the Wes River, you can also have some of the best natural road signs in Springs.

Make a decision in your heart.

Ronald immediately reached out and patted his companion on the shoulder:

"Patricia, let's go."

"Now we have no possibility of participating in this battle. The first priority is to break free from this world constructed by the Complete Technique as soon as possible."


Patricia nodded silently.

Looking at Doudouyan who was fighting in the square, he finally took his eyes back with the conversation.

Follow the ladder to the tower back to the ground.

In the labyrinth where the terrain has completely changed, the two groped and walked outside.

Compared to the previous crossing of the border forest, this time forward is much more difficult. Due to the fierce fighting taking place in the church district, the surrounding labyrinth terrain changes due to crowd changes almost every once in a while.

Under such frequent changes, it took Ronald and Patricia nearly half an hour to finally get out of here.

After finally touching the location of the Wes River, recalling the scene when she left the church square just now, Patricia finally couldn't help but ask her own concerns:

"Ronald, do you think this fight happened in reality?"

Ronald nodded and replied:

"It's very likely that it is."

"Do you remember when we first entered this world, we heard those descriptions? Some of them revealed some information..."

While groping the maze, Ronald told Patricia of his guess. The girl calmly accepted the result, but the expression on her lovely face inevitably showed some loneliness:

"If in the real world, as Nicklaus, I should also contribute to this battle..."

Ronald comforted and said:

"Thinking about it like this is a bit of a bullshit."

"If it wasn't for the actions of the two of us, then the [Nine Rings Secret Society] casters who were hiding in the industrial zone, and the guys we are now hunting down, would definitely have a greater impact on the city."


During the conversation, the two moved on.

On their way to Ronald's home on the banks of the river, they encounter a new type of maze.


Because it is completely in line with the river course of the Wes River, when some roads are completely blocked, Ronald and the two need to see the boats moored by the Wes River, or the cargo ships that are still in operation. Then go up and use these things to move in position.

It took another quarter of an hour to go back and forth.

In the end, by very coincidence, they jumped off the boat that shared the barbecue in the early hours of this morning, and saw the apartment sitting quietly by the river.


What exactly does the sphinx's reminder mean?

With such doubts, Ronald circled around to find the door of the apartment, and then walked smoothly to his room on the third floor. As soon as he opened the door, he saw a few things on his desk.

A magnifying glass, a compass, and a pipe.

These three things gleamed on the table, clearly worried that others would not discover their existence.

At this time, following Patricia beside him, he asked rightly:

"Ronald, when we went out last night, you didn't have any of these things at home, did you?"

"Don't worry about that." Ronald shrugged and continued in a rather innocent tone. "We've met talking cats, stone statues trying to strike, and pancakes calling for help before they're eaten."

"I wouldn't be surprised if I had something extra in my house now."

Patricia nodded cutely:

"You're right."


During the conversation, Ronald went to the table and picked up three things.

Then, his body is not under his control.

It is as if the props are obtained in the game, and then the character will show it to the player. Ronald involuntarily raised the magnifying glass and looked at the table-a lot of details that ordinary people could not find, such as the production date, usage experience and other information suddenly appeared in front of him.

——This is a tool that often appears in detective games.

After showing the magnifying glass, Ronald raised the compass in his hand high again - the pointer under the protective case immediately turned, pointing to the south and west, and it swayed a little bit from side to side.

The function of the compass is also very obvious, that is, the props that point out the positions of the [Nine Rings Secret Society] practitioners.

Finally, Ronald took his pipe and took a hard puff.


Ronald, who didn't like smoking, was immediately choked by the taste of shredded tobacco. But at the same time, he also felt that his head became refreshed for a while, and even the idea of ​​​​thinking about the solution of the maze was much clearer.

- This is to help you find your way.

After the three props are body control will return immediately.

Looking at what he was holding, Ronald had to admit that the hints given by the Sphinx were very important. Each of these three props can be of great help right away.

At this time, Ronald turned his head to look at Patricia.

The girl was looking at herself with Doudou eyes in astonishment. Obviously, this kind of glittering collection of props is also not within the scope of her life experience.

So Ronald passed the compass in his hand:

"Patricia, this compass will point out the location of those [Nine Rings Secret Society] casters. You can take it and observe the movements of the other party."

Patricia took the compass and looked at Ronald:

"how about you?"

Ronald glanced at the maze outside, then took a sharp puff on his pipe:


"I'm in charge of walking the maze..."

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