Mystic Dominator

Chapter 619: square attack

It was a string of colorful little people with no heads in sight.

From the street to the northwest of the church district, they came in a mighty way.

The soldiers who provided protection, the police who opened the way, the performers who showed the show...these were all members of the team.

Without any thought.

This is the procession of the Payday Celebration.

The number of people in this team was so large that it even directly swept away the original maze layout on the church district square, making it a real maze of people composed of countless humans.

The most eye-catching among them is the Royal Convoy in one-third of the team. The city's ruler, Queen Datrian, is now sitting in a longer and larger version of the car.

From Ronald's current position, he can see the dress on the Queen's body. The three main colors are purple, gold and red. There are all kinds of accessories and gorgeous clothes. The extravagant and noble clothes are extremely dazzling.

- This is just the structure under the cartoon style.

Ronald believed that if he saw what the other party looked like in reality, it would definitely be an extremely beautiful and luxurious dress.

At the same time, around Her Majesty are the priests of the church, the head of the Royal Knights, the representatives of the mages of the [Scroll Research Association], these people with high status.

They protected the queen like a star in the moon, each with a smile that matched their identity.

What Grid wanted to show at this festival.

Even in the world of picture book style, one or two can be clearly seen.

So, a question that must be considered appeared in Ronald's mind.

——Is this picture happening in reality?

Normal spells can do things that ordinary people can't do, and the original spells can provide more powerful and incredible power on top of this.

And what about the perfection art that symbolizes the strongest power on the mysterious side?

This Ronald has personally experienced it, and it is a terrifying ability that even time can be modified!

In the labyrinth picture book world he is currently in, if it is to create a cartoon-style field in the sense of fantasy, and then they will play chase games in it.

But if this is to modify cognition and concepts.

What about the spell that connects the real Springs with this picture book maze?

If that's the case... then everything that happens in this labyrinth world is a projection of the real world here!

As soon as the idea came up.

Ronald remembered the announcement before the game started.

Failed pursuit - the pursuer will be teleported back to where the game started; if the pursuit is successful, the pursuer and the fugitive will be teleported back together.

This description of 'teleport back to where the game started' can be very elaborate.

If this complete technique just constructs an illusion.

Then after the game is over, the way this announcement should be announced should be 'after the pursuer fails, the pursuer will be bound in place, and then the fugitive will be teleported directly out of the city'.

It's definitely not this 'teleport back to where the game started'.

After all, theoretically speaking, their own positions have not changed.

Simple inference yields a result.

Ronald started to have a headache.


"Ronald, look there!"

Just when Ronald was contemplating this question, Patricia suddenly patted Ronald on the shoulder.

Look in the direction pointed out by the other party.

Ronald immediately understood Patricia's thoughts.

——is the caster of the [Nine Rings Secret Society].

From the direction of the organ area, the last team of the [Nine Rings Secret Meeting] was stepping on a cute bird flying from the air, and the target was obviously the procession that had just arrived in the church area.

Just before Queen Datrian was about to speak.

These spellcasters attacked below without hesitation. More than ten spell attacks with cute shapes and colorful colors flew directly to the ground, like a beautiful rainbow painted in the air.

At the same time, the investigators who had been prepared for a long time immediately shot.

The investigators scattered around stood on the base points of the magic circle and blocked all the attacks with a transparent protective spell. The spells that exploded in the air were like gorgeous fireworks.

It was in this scene that Ronald saw Her Majesty's original spell for the first time.

It was completely different from the battle that Claudia had shown.

Queen Daantrian waved her hand gently, and twenty dotted lines of glittering bookshelves appeared behind her. The next second, without chanting spells or other actions, the attack spells shot out in salvo from the void around the queen.

Lights or fireballs or something like that.

Take Ronald's excellent viewing location.

I even saw an old-fashioned Mercedes-Benz sedan in the attack, and smashed it directly into the enemy's face.

Of course, the presence of the car does not mean that there will be a problem with the attack effect.

without anyone's help.

With her alone spell, Queen Daantrian completely suppressed more than a dozen [Nine Rings Secret Society] casters, and then shot them down from the air.


Such a powerful scene appeared in front of everyone.

Even the huge stone statue that wanted to strike just now returned to its original position tremblingly, and then posed with a serious expression.

"Dantrian, today is the end of your group!"

"The orthodoxy of the world should be mastered by the right people!"

At this moment.

Some of the casters who were shot down stood up.

He stood up straight in the posture of a cartoon villain, and pointed his finger at Queen Daantrian in the celebration team, and thick black lines spread around this guy in an instant.

Look at the traces like crayons painted on the air.

Ronald realized immediately - this is the phenomenon of magical convergence, which is shown in this picture book style world.

In an instant, the caster's spell was completed.

Two crimson rays of light shot out from his hands, and the powerful beams like laser bombardment divided the ground, the crowd, and the buildings into two. Except for the parade that was directly blocked by the Queen, there was almost nothing around to stop this spell. the way forward.

At the same time, it is because of the right viewing position.

Ronald bowed his head slightly and saw the traces of a beam of light on the ground.

Although the world belongs to the picture book style.

But as long as it is carefully identified, it can still be seen that this is a trace after high temperature roasting.

At this time, the investigators who were ready began to approach the [Nine Rings Secret Society], showing a vague tendency to surround this group of people.

Ronald's eyes followed the timing of this screen and saw something unexpected.

He saw what he was chasing!

——Those are five [Nine Rings Secret Society] casters with cute painting styles who are fleeing far away.

It's just different from the news given by the Sphinx.

These four guys, with a wounded man, are trying their best to explore the maze, and then run to the southwest of Springs!

And Ronald gets game tips.

But let him go to the home in the due west river bank area to investigate.

Right now in the labyrinth, military action is prohibited, and Ronald has no intention of participating in the battle in the square.

The choices in front of you are simple-

It is to catch up directly on the premise of being able to see the opponent's back.

Or continue to abide by the rules of the game and go to your own home in the river bank first!

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