Mystic Dominator

Chapter 597: Purvik Tower

Seasonal changes are not apparent in tropical countries.

When Ronald and Baproul landed on the ground, the clothes, activities, and skin color of the city's residents all proved the geographic location, and Baproul's judgment was confirmed again.

With the help of the reconnaissance advantage of the power of "Rage", Ronald took Baproul to the ground and asked the name of the city casually:

"Paproul, what is the name of our city now?"

"Pulvik Tower."


Ronald cast a surprised look at Baprol.

The cult warlock told the little knowledge that will not be mentioned in the atlas of the origin of Grid materials:

"Pulvikta was originally a city-state from the beginning, and the subsequent forces radiated around it, so it became a country. So here, the capital is the name of the country, and the name of the country is their capital."

"By the way, this place also has a brother city in the interior, but people are not as willing to accept the protection of Grid as Pulvicta, and they have now become independent."

"I see……"

Ronald nodded in understanding, then reached out and tore off the mask from his face.

Showing his true face again, Ronald walked out of the remote location in the corner of the city at the same time.

Judging from the way ordinary people pass by.

Except for the bad evaluation of impetuous people.

The city is doing fine right now, and there's nothing worth paying attention to.

So Ronald quietly drew a mark on the edge of the wall with his right hand.

He leaned on the side of the road and waited quietly.

- This is the common symbol of the Bureau of Investigation.

If the city is in the same situation as Baproul said.

Then, aware of the fluctuation of magic power here, the investigator in charge of this area should soon find it.

At this moment, Baproul on the side spoke with great interest:

"Speaking of Ronald, I often use this mark, and in some cases it works really well."

You use this thing to blow people away when you're running away...

Or plan to ambush investigators and set this thing up as bait?

Ronald glanced at Baprol and did not go any further on this topic.

He just left the [Infinite Negative Number Domain] with mixed tastes.

Katarina's final battle and purpose, the distant Springs, the Barrier Mountain wizard who broke the seal and returned to this world.

These are all things that Ronald is very concerned about right now.

The contemplation did not last long.

After a few minutes, Baprol on the side sighed in a low voice:

"Yo, it came as fast as ever."


On the side of the road, two investigators dressed in local colors hurried over.

Probably inherited the work efficiency of the Bureau of Investigation.

Even in cities outside this country, their ability to work is still so good.

"These two... sirs?"

Coming to Ronald and Baproul, the younger investigator stepped forward.

"We noticed the marks left by the two of you, what's the matter?"

Ronald replied immediately:

"That's it, the two of us went to sea in Springs some time ago, and after a period of time on the sunken ocean, we were ready to return. However, we moved forward with reference to the position of the sun at sea, and we ended up at Purvik Tower!"

"If possible, I hope to give some help or answers."

Ronald was not sure whether the investigator in front of him had used the [polygraph].

To be on the safe side, he chose to organize the language a little.

When he heard Ronald's question, the young investigator immediately showed an expression of "that's true", and then explained it very skillfully:

"Sir, you probably didn't know it overseas before."

"The world now is completely different from before..."

The young investigator was very patient and told Ronald little by little about the changes that had taken place during this time.

The communication ability to pass the level on the mysterious side.

Investigators at Purvikta received an urgent notification from headquarters on Harvest Day.

A mysterious team of spellcasters appears in Springs.

Then there was an attack of great impact!

During the battle, Queen Daantrian showed the strength of the strongest on the mysterious side, and led her subordinates to successfully repel the incoming enemy.

But at the same time, the enemy caster was only repulsed by Grid.

They left Springs, centered on Grid, and spread the mysterious side of cognition wildly around the world, greatly changing the human group's understanding of the common sense of this world.

Therefore, [Alienation of the World] appeared frequently.

Changes of this magnitude are beginning to affect the world, and spaces in many places are also extremely unstable.

It is not uncommon for Ronald and the others to encounter diametrically opposed situations.

In fact, it is the result of this change.

Ronald listened to the investigator's description and kept nodding to indicate that he understood the situation.

Investigators at Purvikta are different from Springs.

They didn't know Ronald's appearance, they just thought that in front of them was a spellcaster who encountered ordinary events.

For Ronald, this kind of ordinary treatment is really rare.

However, three minutes after explaining the incident, the young investigator's expression suddenly froze.

He opened his mouth, but made no sound.

Then he raised his right hand with a weird expression and pointed to Ronald's back:

"The sky... the sky..."

Ronald turned quickly.

In fact, at this moment, not only the investigators, but many ordinary people in the city also turned around and looked in Shen Riyang's direction just like him.

Or...the sky above the sea in the distance.

As we all know, because of the radius of curvature of the planet, when people look into the distance, their perspective will eventually come to the sky.

But now, that's different.

The end of the original sky quickly stretched out into darkness. For some reason, the scattering of sunlight could not block the light that appeared there.

- This fast-spreading black.

——It is a sight that can only be seen in the dark starry sky!

Is this the effect of magic?

Ronald and Baprol looked at each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's Neither of them noticed any magic fluctuations.

It's not like human beings are causing this vision...

I'm afraid no one can do it to such an outrageous level.

At this moment, Ronald narrowed his eyes.

With his excellent eyesight of this level, he can actually see farther scenes more clearly than ordinary people - especially in the details.

The changes are actually not limited to the sky section.

At this moment, the sea surface that is bent downward in the distance is rising from far to near, and it is constantly tending to become a flat state!

His eyes were focused on the distant sea.

As the changes continued, Ronald suddenly shuddered, and his expression darkened even more.

Because of this starry sky that stretches over the sea.

Ronald... he looks very familiar!

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