Mystic Dominator

Chapter 596: diametrically opposed

The more time passed, the more uneasy Ronald felt.

Judging from the water level of the island, the water level of the world's sea water is not unusual to increase or decrease.

So where are the islands that were supposed to be seen?

It can't be the group of artificial gods. When they pass by, they still have time to blow up these islands, right?

When passing by, I didn't notice any signs of powerful spells.

Even if Ronald and the two arrived a few days later than the artificial god's team, this phenomenon would not occur.

Ronald frowned.

Seeing his companion's expression, Baproul couldn't ask any more questions about the color of the sea.

"Ronald, what did you find with that expression?"

"The island, the island is gone." Ronald replied immediately, "I went out to sea last time in the typhoon incident, and I have a general impression of the surrounding terrain. On the way back to Springs, I should pass by a few. island."


Baproul blinked silently, his expression completely blank.

In terms of exploring the environment, Baproul's ability is actually not as good as Ronald's. At this moment, under the limitations of the information he has learned, he can't figure out what's going on at all.


"Do you still want the envelope from last time?"

"Give me one if you want."

In the tense atmosphere, Baproul briefly asked a question, then recreated the envelope that Ronald woke him up in the [Infinite Negative Field], and then handed it over.

This is also a small act of desperation.

Wherever there is a little news.

They will discuss the possibility of this during the flight, and even deduce some strategies that may be useful.

- But the truth is that we don't know anything.

The wizards residing on the island knew nothing of the actual situation, and Ronald and Baprole returned to this world, also without any source of information.

In this case, if you can come up with an idea...

That can only be said to be a foolish guess.

Restricted by this information dilemma, Ronald even had an idea.

——Is it time for me to create an original book of prophecy spells?

Although this spell will not give absolutely accurate results, it is still valuable as a reference in this dilemma.


In silence, the two continued to fly in the air.

Leaving the [Infinite Negative Number Domain], Ronald's flying spell naturally couldn't continue to fly at the outrageous level of supersonic speed. But even so, Ronald still vaguely felt that his speed was a notch faster than before entering the [Infinite Negative Field].

It's a pity that there is no reference object around the vast sea.

The information given in the Bradshaw Railway Guide is only the familiar place name and time of Shen Riyang.

How much is the actual improvement?

That still needs to be tested in a suitable environment.

At sunrise and sunset, the two used the direction of the rising sun to identify the direction, and then continued towards the location of Springs.

Fortunately, Ronald and Baprol are both extremely powerful casters.

The flight at sea for several days has not yet stretched their bodies to the limit.


When the land appears in front of you.

The situation is completely different.

Ronald moved in the direction determined by the position of the sun, and when he saw the coastline, what appeared in front of the two of them was not Springs—but an unfamiliar land.

Just look at the outline of the ground overlooking Pingchuan, as well as several unfamiliar sea exits.

Ronald knew this was definitely not Springs!

"Ronald, how did we get here?"

At this time, Baproul played a very important role. He pointed to the coastline in the distance with one hand, and said with great certainty: "Isn't this the place of the Principality of Purvikta?"

"Privicta Duchy?"

Ronald recalled with his shallow knowledge.

During his studies at Springs, he had heard the name.

It was a tropical country across the sea from Grid, almost close to the planet's equator, and it had a weak presence in the world because it was rich in fruits and pigments.

Then, strange things happened.

Gred is a country in a temperate high latitude region, the Principality of Purvikta is a tropical region, and the Sunshine Ocean has a part of the coastline in both.

Ronald followed the sun's rise and fall.

How could it be possible to come to such a latitude in the opposite direction?

Not to mention Ronald's current flying speed, there is no reason to be able to span such a long distance in just a few days!

"'re not mistaken, are you?"

As soon as Ronald said, Baproul almost patted his chest and said:

"Ronald, I have been around the world all the year round, playing hide-and-seek with the official websites of each country, and my familiarity with geographic locations can even be compared with the best geographers."

"I can't go wrong with this kind of question!"

The confidence in Baproul's answer is beyond the sky.

Even though he knew that this cult warlock was unreliable, Ronald was still persuaded by Baproul's attitude at the moment.

Seeing the change in Ronald's eyes, Baproul excitedly introduced this place:

"Speaking of which, I took people to teach in this country for half a year before. The education level of the people here is far less than that of Grid. I don't know how easy it is to deceive, and the fruits sent are especially delicious. "

"If it weren't for my wife and I's honeymoon being too public, the investigators here found out that I would definitely live here for a few more years!"

Ronald interrupted Baprol:

"You said investigator... It's not Grid here, and there are investigators to deal with the matter?"

Baprol explains it quite familiarly:

"Because the material output here is good, Grid has the intention of colonizing here. As a sweetness before the official start of construction, Datrian rented out the security business of the Bureau of Investigation here at a favorable price."

After speaking, Baproul added after a few seconds:

"Of course, Purvikta only hired investigators in the metropolitan area. After all, with their attitude, they only need to be relatively safe around the metropolitan area. A protection mechanism like Grid's also It's not something you can learn from these places."

After a few conversations, Ronald's understanding of the Principality of Purvikta has transitioned from paper to reality.

Look again at the approaching coastline.

Ronald also had a certain degree of thought in his mind.

——Returning to the original world is certain.

The answer of the sorcerer of Barrier Mountain and the thinking activities of ordinary people in front of him can all prove this point.


"Let's go take a look first."

The information provided by Baproul was analyzed in his mind.

Ronald reminded in a low voice, and then began to continue to speed up the flight.

what is going on.

The results can only be obtained by conducting an on-the-spot investigation in person.

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