Mystic Dominator

Chapter 591: wake up technique

Mental pollution type attack.

Huge green tentacles, evil magic spilling out everywhere.

Just seeing the scene in front of him gave Ronald a strong sense of sight.

This is not... Forget it, let's go straight to it.

Isn't this the system spell used by Baproul!

Ronald didn't forget what happened just now. Baproul had already been killed by Glenta in the magic barrier, and the robot under Katerina's control would not be able to lie and deceive.

So what the **** is going on?

A cult warlock who is confirmed to be dead, how can his spell affect the fortress mountain a hundred miles away? Or... the so-called being killed by Glenta was just a hoax?

Take a look at Fortress Hill now.

The entire mountain has completely lost its original shape. The green tentacles, which are indistinguishable from the soil, run through and fuse on the mountain, both large and small, constantly attacking all life around them, accompanied by extremely deadly. mental attack.

Even if you get hit by a tentacle.

If defensive spells are not enough to resist this mental pollution—

So it is only a matter of time sooner or later that the body is finally affected by the continuous mental attack to mutate into a monster.

face such serious problems.

However, the remaining wizards in the fortress mountain have nothing to do.

The most capable group of great wizards are now leaving the [Infinite Negative Realm] with the artificial gods, and the strongest left behind can only barely maintain the status quo.

Now if you want to deal with the problem on the fortress mountain.

In addition to cleaning up with targeted spells, it can only completely destroy the entire floating mountain.


Ronald was stunned for a few seconds, and Katarina simply activated the spell.

When she deduced the current situation, her nervous and serious expression instantly burst into laughter: "I'll just say, the result at the beginning was that both of you could go back, so how could there be one less person."

"What the **** is going on?" Ronald asked.

"Remember when we escaped from Barrier Mountain?" Katarina replied immediately, "At that time, Baproul used the Perfection Technique to create a huge body, and then the wizard of Barrier Mountain moved his mind."

Ronald raised his eyebrows and immediately realized a possibility:

"They intercepted Baproul's physical tissue, so Baproul he..."

Katerina's action simply nodded and said:

"Yeah, just as you thought."

"After all, it is something created by the technique of perfection, and there are always guys who are obsessed with research. It is precisely because of this that when Baproul was destroyed by Glen Tower just now, the physical organization on the side of the barrier mountain sensed the main body. 's demise, and then immediately took over Baproul's consciousness."

After a paragraph of explanation, Katerina continued to explain:

"However, because of the isolation of the enchantment, the process of transferring consciousness with spells is not perfect, so now this guy is completely letting spells wreak havoc here, so this is what happened."


"Wake him up first."

After understanding everything, Ronald continued to fly forward with Katarina.

The moment they approached the barrier mountain to within 100 meters, the unconsciously controlled green tentacles suddenly waved and fell towards Ronald's head.


Facing a huge tentacle with a length of 100 meters.

At this moment, Ronald clearly realized how difficult it is for the wizards at Barrier Mountain.

The oppression brought by the volume, the powerful force that cannot be resisted, and the mental attack that works all the time.

This attack from Baproul.

Even the north wind blowing through the sky was smashed in half together!

"Ronald, I'll stop the attack, you wake up this guy."

Almost at the same time, Katarina broke away from Ronald's flying spell and greeted her.

Katerina's plan is very simple, Ronald, who has more experience in cooperation with Baproul, must be the best person to wake up this guy now.

As for Katarina herself...

She is only responsible for helping to clean up the 'disturbance' around.

The situation where she can handle the situation completely by her strength, in Katarina's view, is the best chance for her to relax herself.

Immediately, strong and tenacious magic power covered both fists.

After the simplest reinforcement, which was still the magic wrapping the body, Katarina slammed the tentacles with a ruthless punch.


After a loud noise.

On the huge tentacle, just a little back from where Katarina was in contact, the green flesh burst open, and the broken body mixed with tissue fluid directly dyed the ground a large area of ​​color.


At this moment, the tentacles waving wildly on the barrier mountain all stopped.

Although they were not consciously manipulated, they were frozen in place for a while in the face of such things that were completely outside the situation.

But soon, fierce reactions appeared on these tentacles.

Understanding that an absolute threat like Katerina appeared here, he immediately pulled out a few larger tentacles from the barrier mountain, and then pulled them towards Katerina's position together.

That is, in the face of such an attack.

Katerina turned her head and turned her gaze, sending Ronald a confident smile:

"If you don't act fast, I can't guarantee that I won't spoil this guy!"


Ronald has absolutely no doubts about what Katerina is saying now.

Continue to let the fight go, even if the entire Fortress Mountain is destroyed by Katarina, he is fully convinced.

But the problem is - how to wake up Baproul.

The reality is not the same as in the movie. A few people concerned can make the unconscious protagonist regain consciousness with a roar.

This is a technical job!

Time is urgent, in this case.

Ronald had a flash of inspiration and immediately thought of something.

—The pink envelope that Baprole gave himself to 'contact' the cult warlock when they first met in Springs.

Items that can transmit information.

Should be able to wake this guy up!

Before entering the [Infinite Negative Number Domain], Ronald thought about going with Baprol, so he just had this thing on his body.

Thinking of this at the moment.

Ronald immediately took out the envelope, injected magic power and threw it

The spell activates the envelope very quickly.

In less than five seconds, the pink envelope still flying in the air exploded directly under the influence of magic.

However, it is different from what Baproul described last time.

This thing exploded, but it exploded, but the power that exploded was not the ability of a bomb at all!

A powerful mental shock that was enough to stun most creatures, accompanied by merciless mental pollution, spread to the surroundings at the position of the envelope.

The protection of the [Guardian Angel] on Ronald was deployed almost immediately.

affected by this.

Katarina, who had just torn off two tentacles, froze.

The huge tentacles in front of her also stopped attacking.

The air around Barrier Mountain fell into a quiet atmosphere.

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