Mystic Dominator

Chapter 590: time

- Infinite negative field.

——In the early morning of November 2nd.

— Seven twenty-one minutes and fourteen seconds.

This is information provided by the Bradshaw Railroad Guide the last time Ronald checked the time.

- Infinite negative field.

—In the early morning of November 12.

— Seven thirty-nine minutes and fifty-one seconds.

This is now the information provided to Ronald by the Bradshaw Railroad Guide.


"Katrina, do you feel that something is not right?"

Ronald turned his head with a stiff neck, then looked at Katarina beside him and asked the question.

Although there has always been a considerable gap between the time flow rate of the outside world and the [Infinite Negative Field], it has always been stable!

Ten days outside, one day here; ten seconds outside, one second here.

Having been active in the [Infinite Negative Number Field] for six days, Ronald never gave up the habit of checking the time from time to time.

But now what?

Ronald subjectively only a few minutes passed.

But the time given to him by the Bradshaw Railroad Guide is that the outside world has spent ten days!

Know when the harvest day is.

But it's November 11th!

Faced with such information, Ronald's mind was in chaos, and countless bad guesses flooded his mind.

Standing beside Ronald, Katerina's expression was a little stunned.

Although she is powerful, she doesn't have a spell that can accurately check the time, and now she naturally doesn't understand the reason for Ronald's change in attitude.

So she took out the original scripture and said the spell simply and straightforwardly:

"His name was Gail Donick, and he was just a country boy who had never been to Trantor before.

Or should I say, he didn't really come..."

In the next instant, Katerina's expression suddenly changed.

This time [Psychohistory]'s inference was fast and accurate, and the result was the worst.

——Barrier Mountain uses the rarest time series scripture.

——Things have come to the point of no return!

He met Ronald next to him.

Although the information they received was not exactly the same, they both realized how dire the situation is now.

Katerina spoke almost without thinking:


"Come on, let's talk on the way!"


"From the relationship between the whole earth and the sky will begin to constitute our cognition!"

Ronald's movements were also unprecedentedly crisp.

Katarina's voice landed, Ronald first snapped his fingers to activate the state of his [God's Chariot], and then the abilities of [This Round] and [Equal Round] in "The Great Compendium of Astronomy" were also activated.

"It's ridiculous to try to trap the opponent with the maze created by the designer himself!

I have wide skies to go wherever I want to go.


Ronald didn't say a word of nonsense.

The Wings of Icarus were also used as a means of acceleration.

The figures of the two rose directly from the ground, smashing the air like two arrows, and at the high speed of tearing the picture in front of them, they went straight to the position of the barrier mountain in the distance.

That's the fastest Ronald can offer at the moment.

But every second of perceiving the time provided by the Bradshaw Railroad Guide, the rapid passing of time, gave Ronald a terrifying sense of distance that he could never keep up with.

--all of these.

- It's too late.

In the previous plan, they designed the time just right, and even left a certain amount of strain space.

But no one expected that Barrier Mountain still hides such a hole card.

Enough to change the original text of the world!

Ronald probably also had guesses in his mind.

He and Katarina had quite a few references in the wilderness, which showed that there was no change in the subjective time they passed. Then considering the isolation of [Infinite Negative Number Field] and the outside world - there are two possibilities.

The barrier mountain cuts off the connection between the [Infinite Negative Realm] and the outside world, and the overall time of the two worlds is broken and reconnected, so it can produce such an effect.

Or the time in the [Infinite Negative Field] was frozen, but some of the time in the Barrier Mountain suddenly accelerated by one day. Under the basic premise of a fixed elapse of time, the flow velocity of the outer world is the same as that of Fortress Mountain, but it is cut off from other places in the [Infinite Negative Number Field].

under these circumstances.

Ronald and the two did not notice any difference.

"Ronald, how did you find out?" At this time, Katerina asked loudly beside Ronald, she couldn't confirm how much Ronald was aware of the situation.

"I can determine the most accurate time!"

"Just a few minutes ago, the outside world suddenly passed ten days!"

Ronald spoke his findings simply and directly.

Hearing this answer, Katerina opened her mouth to help Ronald determine the actual situation:

"It's the original text of the time system!"

"Barrier Mountain has an original time series, and they just used this thing!"


Ronald's tightly twisted eyes continued to sink.

Katerina's words helped him narrow the speculation to the second.

Barrier Mountain - contains the original text of the time system!

This is not only the problem that their actions are too late, but also the follow-up countermeasures to face the barrier mountain. There are so many things to consider when fighting an enemy who can interfere with time!


Above the sky, the sound of the violent wind was left far behind by the voices of the two.

With the blessing of [Infinite Negative Field] and the activation of a series of spells, Ronald's current limit speed surpasses even the wizard's common sense.

Even Katerina, who has always been extremely strong.

When he saw this speed, his expression subconsciously turned into admiration.

With Ronald's current terrifying speed, neither Katarina herself nor the false **** on Barrier Mountain could catch up.

In just over two minutes, the two approached the position of the barrier mountain from the air.

At the position of the barrier mountain that they have always observed, the powerful magic barrier protects the fortress, providing defense while hiding the figure of the floating mountain.


At this time, Katarina sneered.

She also understands how tense the situation is now, and Katerina, who doesn't want to waste time on unnecessary things at all, took out the original "Dharma Sutra" from under her roughly poured destructive magic into it, and then slammed into The position of Barrier Mountain was thrown over!

Bang bang bang - bang!

Just listen to a series of exaggerated noises.

This original book that countless people longed for was thrown out by Katerina as a disposable grenade, and then with the help of the terrible destructive power when the original book collapsed, the defense of the barrier mountain was instantly destroyed.

Then, the air fortress caught the eyes of the two of them.

Flesh and blood connect to the ground, evil magic spills out everywhere, howling and screaming...

At the moment of seeing this thing, there is also a powerful mental pollution attacking people.

A soil and green tentacles fused together, like a terrifying floating mountain like a demon in the world.

Just floating in the air.

Even Ronald, who was originally aggressive, was a little surprised at this moment:

"This... this is the barrier mountain?"

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