Mystic Dominator

Chapter 588: hapless wizard

There is only one person who jumped out of the void.

He was wearing a robe characteristic of the Barrier Mountain Academy.

Seeing this scene, Ronald realized that the situation was not very good.

- What about Baprol?

The person who came was Glenta, one of the three councillor wizards.

But the cult warlock who entered the magic barrier with him has disappeared completely.

And carefully looked at the appearance of this hospital wizard.

Glenta's iconic college robe can see a lot of potholes on it at this moment, and it is obviously the damage just caused.

So the worst guesses came to Ronald's mind.

Could it be that……

Baprol was killed by this guy?

Ronald guessed the result with peace of mind, but faster than he thought, he also counted Katerina beside him.

It was almost the moment when Glenta appeared in front of the two of them.

The witch with bright red hair moved.

A second ago, Katarina was still beside Ronald.

In the next second, Katarina came to Glenta at a speed that was completely unbelievable to Ronald, and pressed her right hand, which was shining with iridescent light, at the head of the enemy in front of her.


There was a loud crash here.

Glenta, who had just escaped the magic barrier, didn't have time to react at all, and was instantly pinched in the face by Katerina, and then smashed to the ground.

The blow was so powerful that even cobweb-like cracks appeared on the ground.

at the same time.

Ronald also noticed something—

Although Glenta looked miserable, she wasn't actually hurt too badly. At this moment, a pale yellow transparent film appeared on the body of the Bulwark Mountain Senator. Although it had begun to collapse under Katerina's decisive attack, it still helped Glenta to resist the physical impact.

At this time, Glenta also realized who the enemy who attacked him was.

He stared at the red-haired girl in front of him with extremely angry eyes, and immediately shouted out an angry rebuke:

"Katrina, how dare you betray us!"

"You know Barrier Mountain..."

"I'm not going to answer your question." Katarina interrupted Glenta with a cold expression, and while she continued to exert force on her hand, she finally threw a sentence to the wizard in front of her, "If you have any questions, go to **** and find Ars. Just ask."


As soon as the voice fell, the protective spell on Glenta's body collapsed directly under the strong pressure of Katarina, and the magic power on the whole person instantly rioted.

But Glenta is not a face-to-face.

Killed by Katarina.

At this critical moment of life.

Glenta activated the life-saving trump card he prepared, and his figure flickered, barely disappearing to the ground before his head was crushed abruptly.

Then, the councilor wizard suddenly appeared in the air.

At this moment, Glenta has time to observe the surrounding situation.

If Glenta remembered correctly, then the word spirit he activated at the beginning built a complex barrier that contained all six of the enemy and allies.

But what about in front of you?

The feet are intact, Ronald and Katerina, a man and a woman.

Further away, there are extremely strong magic fluctuations that have not dissipated, and there is also a dying figure.

Two enemies are in front of you, but none of your companions can stand here.

Today's battle...

Is it too dangerous?

Ronald and Carter, whose eyes were locked on the ground...

Woolen cloth? What about Katerina?

Suddenly, Glenta found that Ronald was the only one left on the ground under his feet, and the other party was still looking at him with pity!


Glenta realized the problem, and then quickly looked up while preparing to cast the spell.

It's a pity that when he saw a long leg thrown up high and slashed towards him, the magic power that should have been mobilized immediately suddenly violated his will, and there was no sign of driving the spell.

——My spell is disturbed!

——What the **** can interfere with the original spells he set up in advance?

Faster than Glenta's thought, Katerina hit her whip leg from top to bottom.

The slender and graceful thighs smashed directly on Glenta's right shoulder with absolutely deadly force. The poor wizard was completely unable to analyze the current situation, and was smashed to the ground again from the air.


The miserable figure smashed to the ground and stirred up dust.

Looking at the scene not far away, Ronald scratched his hair and walked towards the battlefield.

Katarina's fighting style is as strong as her own.

Simple and rude magic power covers the surface of the body, and the swift and ferocious attacks greet the enemy one after another. If there is no power of the same level, it can only be expected to fall into the disadvantage in an instant.

But in the identity of the wizard of the Glenta Councillor.

It's still a bit surprising to be beaten like this under the suppression of pure force.

Ronald wondered if there was any spell that he hadn't figured out that played a role in the battle.

It didn't take long for Ronald to walk to the battle center.

But in just a few seconds, Katarina chased down from the air, and Glenta, who was on the ground, was an old punch.

When Ronald came to them...

The picture is very miserable.

A whip leg that fell from the air directly dislocated Glenta's right shoulder and torso, leaving only the unbroken flesh and blood connecting the general shape of the body.

And on this wizard's face, the necessary tool for releasing the spirit of words - the mouth.

Katarina had already punched her crookedly.

Not to mention casting spells with this mouth, it is very difficult to even breathe.

"Katerina, you...this..."

Ronald opened his mouth.

But aside from calling out the name of his companion in front of him, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Ask about Baprol?

Just looking at Glenta's current appearance, it doesn't look like she can answer questions.

Not to mention that under Ronald's perception, the magic power fluctuation of this councilor wizard has been reduced to a limit state, even if he stops all strengthening spells and instantly stuns in the next second, it is a reasonable performance.

However, hearing Ronald's voice, Katerina finally stopped her tyranny against the enemy, and then straightened her hair and smiled at Ronald:

"I don't like dynamic enemies very I'll make you laugh."

Ronald quickly shook his head:


"It's this guy's current state, it seems that it's not convenient for us to ask him questions..."

Katarina smiled and stopped, signaling that Ronald didn't have to worry about the whole thing.

Then he pulled up Glen Tower, who was in a miserable state.

Katarina kept her eyes on each other, and then recited her original incantation in front of Ronald again.

This is also something that countless people are familiar with—

"First, robots must not harm humans, and they must not sit idly by while humans are harmed;

Second, robots should obey all human orders, but must not violate Article 1;

Third, robots should protect their own safety, except those that contravene Articles 1 and 2. "

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