Mystic Dominator

Chapter 587: new spell system

Ronald was a little surprised.

The spells in the original canon of "The Origin of Species" belong to the type that can be used directly after deciphering. So after Ronald turned the page and read the first line, the whole spell of this tome appeared in his mind.

At the same time, because all the spells of this original book were mastered by Ronald...

The powerful and complete technique contained in it.

It was also mastered by Ronald at the same time!

The first is a series of common canonical spells:

【Variation】——This ability is divided into two forms: mild and gradual evolution and intense evolution. Once the spell is activated, the former type will continuously strengthen the life essence of the caster at any time, providing it with powerful vitality.

For example, an old wizard like Ella, who is nearly a hundred years old, has obtained the terrible vitality that has been broken or smashed into flesh under the strengthening of spells.

As for the intensity of the latter.

It is to instantly burst out this continuous vitality to achieve the effect of strengthening the attack or repairing the body.

At the same time, this continuously growing vitality is also the cornerstone of the "Origin of Species" spell. In addition to the normal use of spells, the abilities provided by this scripture basically require vitality as a support.

【Competition for Survival】——Kill creatures and extract their excellent genetic traits.

【Natural Selection】——Genes extracted by 【Competition for Survival】 can provide corresponding enhancements to the caster under the action of this spell, and can maintain up to three kinds of body modifications at the same time.

【Mutation Law】——This is an ability to further improve the spell system.

It can unify the two effects brought by the [Mutation] spell.

While strengthening the base of vitality, it will also merge gentle gradual and violent evolution into a permanent passive reinforcement.

【Instinct】——Simple and rude reinforcement.

It gives the caster great reaction speed and limb control.

And when danger is imminent, the spell occasionally alerts the caster of the danger.

During the previous battle with Ronald.

With the help of this ability, Ella should be able to miraculously dodge the attack launched by the [Invisible Hand].

[Hybridization]——This is the upper-level spell of [Survival Competition] and [Natural Selection].

When this spell is activated, the genetic traits stored by the caster will break the limit, and the number of three genetic traits will be limited to six.

【Adapting to the environment】——As the name suggests, this spell can give the caster the ability to adapt to various environments. Not only heat or extreme cold, but also conditions such as low light or lack of oxygen.

【Kind Species】——The last spell of "Origin of Species".

It is also the most important spell in the normal system.

With this technique, the practitioner will allow a small modification of the collected genetic traits to be stored, and if this is carried out for many years, the most suitable abilities can be obtained according to the needs of the practitioner.

Moreover, according to the life force operation of this spell, the caster can also transform the body of others other than himself.


"It's really amazing..."

After perceiving the spells provided by "Origin of Species" in turn, Ronald gradually understood the situation he encountered in the battle just now.

Various long-term and powerful passive enhancements, and a spell system built on the basis of vitality, no matter what the circumstances, "Origin of Species" is definitely a powerful original.

At this time, Ronald stood up and looked at Ella beside him.

The original texts that have been used all the time are forcibly stripped away, and the spells maintained in the unconscious state also begin to weaken.

If nothing else, this guy is dead.


Shaking his head towards the enemy, Ronald turned his head and walked towards Katarina.

At the same time, he began to think about the biggest problem after the new original canon.

- The technique of completeness.

After the original text of "Origin of Species" is completely mastered, it provides a powerful ability called [Design Evolution].

Just activate this perfection technique.

The accumulated vitality in the caster's body will enter an active state far beyond imagination, and quickly correct the most perfect bodily functions according to the state of the caster.

Ella's resistance to sharp blades, immunity to the power of the sun, resistance to Ronald's other spells, the ability to quickly break through the attack of the [Guardian Angel]...

All unexpectedly powerful traits in combat.

All of the characteristics that Ella immediately corrected with the support of this perfection technique.

As long as the stored vitality is strong enough.

A wizard who possesses this perfection technique really has the powerful ability to force any enemy to death!

But it was this ability that caused Ronald a trouble.

--too ugly!

—Not at all human!

Those passively effective spell enhancements don't matter.

However, spells such as [Natural Selection] or [Design Evolution] can really transform the appearance of the caster, and then can provide the corresponding enhancement ability.

The terrifying look of Ella just now that she could star in a horror movie.

It is the result of various reinforcements taking turns.

Even if Ronald is a pragmatist.

But if you let him fight and turn into that ghost...


"'s better to use less in the future..."

In less than two minutes from the place where the original text was drawn to Katerina's side, Ronald decided on the positioning of the original text of "Origin of Species".

Passive spells like Vitality Enhancement are always on.

As for those things that modify the body - unless it is absolutely necessary, he will never use it!

On the other side, Katerina looked at Ronald's expression when he came back, and immediately showed an ambiguous smile:

"Ronald, it seems that the harvest is not small?"

"I have heard about the deeds of this old woman Ella, but she raised a lot of handsome guys in her tower, and she lived a small life without leaving home."

There was a chill behind Ronald's back: "This guy's deeds... are all like this?"

Katerina explained with a smile:

"Well, that's it."

"She uses handsome guys to do body transformation experiments every both academic and life, she has a really unhappy life."


Ronald looked behind him subconsciously.

Although he also remembers Ella's glamorous appearance before using the spell.

But contacting this guy after the spell unfolded, Ronald thought a little, but he still felt uncomfortable in his stomach.


While Ronald and Katarina were chatting.

The air in front of them suddenly distorted, and the reaction that was only when a lot of magic power dissipated appeared here.

——Baproul's battle is over.

- People are coming out!

Just a few seconds after realizing this.

A figure in a robe suddenly jumped out of the air!

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