Mystic Dominator

Chapter 583: Dynamic adjustment

In a sense.

Ella, the councilor wizard of Fortress Hill, has a considerable degree of tacit understanding with Ronald in terms of combat.

After confirming his superiority in power, Ronald made the decision to move forward with his sword and launch a merciless pursuit.

And Ella, who turned into a humanoid insect—

At this moment, she also has a battle plan that suits her best.


With a light sound, the wings contained behind the insect unfolded instantly from the folded state. The almost completely transparent membranous wings perfectly matched the impression of Coleopteran insects.

Wings as thin as cicada wings began to vibrate at high speed behind him.

Accompanied by a rather harsh sound, Ella's speed increased to an unimaginable level.



The next second, the most direct attack collision appeared here.

Ronald had the advantage in strength, but Ella managed to see the chance of victory in terms of speed. Both of them were stronger than the other in their strongest abilities, but they did not reach the point where they could completely suppress the opponent.

So accompanied by three hits.

The result of this fight came out soon.

Probably completely adapted to this new body, Ella did not show the obvious drop in the first impact after the fight. With just one swing of the body that took a few steps back, the balance and posture returned to normal.


Ronald was a little surprised.

The layer of hard shell covering the opponent's body has a strength that is completely beyond imagination.

The arm blade covered with sawtooth collided with the Sword of Santa Caterina, but with Ronald's strength, it was completely unable to cause any damage to it.

Be more accurate.

It didn't even leave a trace!

As for the power of the sun, which was able to destroy the opponent's body with good results just now—it doesn't work at all now.

High temperature resistance, anti-slashing, and resistance to magic erosion.

These three perfect attributes seem to be specially tailored, and they are prepared for the battle with Ronald!


Ronald quickly distanced himself in silence.

Taking advantage of the gap between the two of them retreating after the second fight, he had to think about a very important issue that even determined the outcome of the battle.

The properties exhibited by the opponent's insect shell...

Is it the ability of the spell itself, or is it a state specially adjusted to fight Ronald after being attacked by Ronald?

The former is not bad, Ronald can only think that he is unlucky, that he has encountered an enemy who has the ability to restrain himself.

And if it's the latter-

Then the focus of the follow-up battle is to control how to hide one's abilities and find opportunities to instantly subdue the enemy.

The Barrier Mountain wizard in front of him, after all, has a strong vitality that will not die even if the head is cut off. If this existence also has a defense system that can be dynamically adjusted, then every time he fights, he needs to think carefully and carefully.


Immediately, Ronald silently adjusted the attacking ability of the Hell Black Mist.

This is the last card of today's battle.

Although the Bulwark Mountain wizard in front of him is powerful and has transformed into the appearance of an insect, at the same time, Ella's judgment characteristics as a human still exist, and she has not been attacked by the black fog of hell.

Next, Ronald only needs to make sure that the other party has not prepared any extra body or defensive measures such as distracting consciousness, then the sudden attack of the black fog of **** will take effect immediately!

Of course, the action to confuse the enemy before that is also done early.

With the tactics decided in the heart.

The dark fog of **** brought by Ronald immediately began to fill the entire dark prison passage.

And under Ronald's deliberate manipulation.

These black mists did not immediately show their lethal effect, but only played a role in blocking the line of sight, as if it were purely to block Ella's excellent insect vision.


The top wizard of Fortress Mountain naturally has her two brushes.

Seeing the thick black fog coming towards him, just a thought, a layer of magic shell appeared on the surface of Ella's body as protection.

It's just not what Ella thought.

When the black mist completely occupied every space around her, she did not feel that her defensive spells were threatened. This black mist composed of magic power... just to hinder her vision?


A few seconds of confrontation in the dark passed.

Ella, who has become half-human and half-worm, spoke for the first time:

"Young man, you have a good eye."

"It's a pity that this little trick is useless."

The battle from Ella's perspective - Ronald in front of her discovered the keen eyesight of the insect state, so he used this spell to restrain the enemy.

too naive!

Sticking out her tongue, in the form of this humanoid insect, Ella continued to use a special sound generator structure to speak the human accent, but there was some strange feeling in the tone:

"My current ability is not limited to being as barren as you think, get ready to die!"


As soon as the voice Through the reconnaissance perception of the black fog of hell, Ronald was aware of Ella's actions at the moment.

This time, the witches from Fortress Hill had a clear target to attack Ronald.

But the raiding process is very special.

Under the premise of maintaining the previous speed and strength, Ella moved in the black fog at this moment, and did not make any sound, no matter the vibration of the air or the sound of her feet stepping on the floor, all disappeared.

To be blunt.

Ella's whole body seemed to melt into the air!

If there is no black fog transformed by the power of **** to determine the opponent's position, then even with Ronald's hearing, I am afraid that he will not be able to find the opponent's position and actions without losing sight.

In the face of such an enemy attacking him.

The corner of Ronald's mouth evoked a bitter or happy smile.

Complete darkness combined with a silent attack is simply the most in-tune ability!

It's hard not to think about Ella's attack method now - this is something that was made again in order to target a completely dark environment.

- This is undoubtedly a head-scratching question.

An enemy who can transform his body all the time, and then give birth to new abilities, can only be described in one word in front of anyone - tricky.

But at the same time.

Ronald also has some subtle happiness in his heart.

The tactic that I quickly decided a few seconds ago should be a hit.

Next, try to find a way to test Ella's hidden backhand, make sure that the "Hell Arc" spell can handle this guy, and then immediately take action to subdue the enemy, even Ronald has completed the goal of this battle.

In general--

The situation is still within Ronald's conjecture.

A good result, right?

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