Mystic Dominator

Chapter 582: insect?

The deliberations in Ronald's mind continued.

He hadn't forgotten the information Katerina gave just now.

Only one of the three powerful wizards sent by Barrier Mountain is female.

- Ella.

Then there is no doubt.

The enemy he is facing now is the one who is good at body transformation magic among the three powerful wizards.

But there are some differences from what Katerina said.

From Ronald's aesthetic point of view, this wizard named Ella has an excellent appearance and figure, and only visually measured the past - the age is also the age of a young girl.

"Wizards who have lived from the dark ages to the present also love beauty just like normal people..."

Facing this enemy that should have been dealt with by himself.

Ronald snapped his fingers, and the magic power surged.

Using the most convenient law spell, he blurted out like this in an instant:



- Ella on the opposite side.

——It seemed that Ronald was so indifferent at all.

As a powerful original holder, he didn't even say a few scenes before the battle to show his nobility as a great wizard.

So brutal and direct...

Did you do it?

However, the rich mental activity can not interfere with the battle.

Disturbed by the law, the wizard named Ella stumbled.

At this time, as the accumulation of great wizards showed up.

In such a blink of an eye, the defensive spell prepared by Ella was activated, directly awakening her sanity from the daze.

However, when Ella broke free from the spell control, the moment her eyes returned to clarity.

The irreversible battle situation is also reflected in the pupils.

In front of her, Ronald had swung his sword into a position less than two meters away, igniting the dark holy sword of the power of the sun. The dangerous blade was almost placed in front of Ella, and a goose bump immediately came up.


How terrifying is Ronald's strengthened physical fitness!

Even in the battle against the strongest man on the fortress mountain, the artificial god, he can go back and forth for several rounds. Although the wizard in front of him is proficient in the magic of physical transformation, he is also unable to react at such a time.

In an instant—

The reflection of Ronald on Ella's retina hasn't even disappeared.

The sword of Santa Caterina wrapped by the power of the sun has already slashed across her neck at this moment, and the person's head has been directly chopped off!


what is this?

Rolling victory?

The battle went so smoothly, even Ronald was at a loss for victory.

The strongest wizard of Barrier Mountain is not the only one, right?

Soon, the astonishment in Ronald's heart disappeared.

Because with the help of the power of 'Rage', he felt confidently that this witch wizard whose head was separated still maintains a very active thinking intensity at this moment!

This guy!

He didn't lose his life immediately because of the severed head!

Instead, she was figuring out how to disguise her death, and then launched a counterattack against Ronald!


Discovering this, Ronald's follow-up pursuit was almost in one go.

Without hesitation, he raised his right leg, aimed at Ella's head and stepped on it. And the head in front of Ronald immediately exploded like a watermelon was stepped on!


Ronald felt troubled now.

Such a brutal attack method was still ineffective against the wizard in front of him.

It was as if Baproul could transform into a huge alien monster by using the Perfection Technique. The most powerful wizard of the Fortress Mountain is now also proclaiming her power to people with her physical strength.

Even though their heads were separated, they were then tragically destroyed.

But even with this treatment, Ella did not lose her life, and her active mind showed no sign of weakening.

How to describe it...

As far as Ella was concerned, losing her head was just a minor inconvenience that wasn't a problem, like getting a finger scratched while cooking.

So far.

The rhythm of the fight began to slip out of Ronald's grasp.

During the period when Ronald suddenly attacked and even crushed Ella's head, Ella, who fell to the ground, finally completed her spell.

The magic surges—

I saw her headless body suddenly jump back, and while controlling her body movements, her originally curvaceous body suddenly began to deform, accompanied by an incomparably powerful magic.

The woman's skin then began to form a chitinous-colored crust, with bumpy spikes and serrations spreading across it, culminating in a beetle-like armor with a pair of unspread wings on the back.

But the most concerning thing is the cut on her neck.

A completely insect-like head emerged from the wound and replaced Ella's original beauty head. The densely packed compound eyes collected the surrounding scenery and provided information for this guy.

it looks...

Really scary and disgusting.

This series of complex-sounding changes actually happened in the blink of an eye in a wizard.

Standing a few meters away, Ronald, who saw this scene, instantly realized that something was wrong.

He decisively put away the sword of Santa Caterina.

Swiftly and crisply, he stood up in front of his subconsciously told Ronald - he might be in trouble.

In nature, insects are always at the most appalling level if the effects of size are discarded.

The wizard in front of him doesn't care whether the original book of the other party is "Insects" or something else.

In short, the body can be transformed into this insect with magic.

Then it will bring powerful power to the caster, and it is almost a result that can be guessed without thinking.

The next development is also the same as Ronald estimated

The moment he erected the sword of Santa Caterina against his chest.

The wizard in the shape of a humanoid insect had already crossed several meters to Ronald. With the support of her legs with huge strength, the part of the distance she just retreated showed an almost instantaneous feeling of movement.

Immediately, she slashed across her jagged arm.

The target is naturally Ronald's head!


An unpleasant voice sounded in the position of the fight.

Then Ronald and the insect-like wizard each took a few steps back.

Ronald is now very attentive to details in battle.

For the first time, Ronald took three steps back, while Ella's humanoid insect took six steps back!

——It is his own strength that is stronger!

Hands-on with this result.

Ronald would naturally not hesitate in battle.

The power of the sun shining on the legacy of the saint in front of him became violent, and the black mist around him also gushed out from the corners of his cuffs and clothes.

The mist that completely covered the passage was like a beast of shadows.

The dazzling pitch-black blade is so bright that it is impossible to look directly at it.

With the combat state he could adjust as quickly as he could, Ronald charged towards the opponent again!

Now that the advantages are confirmed—

Then keep chasing and keep expanding it!

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