Mystic Dominator

Chapter 580: 6-member council

"Mr. Drake, you are..."

The sudden change in the attitude of the three of Ronald was naturally seen by the businessmen who were with him. Approaching the direction of the three, the owner of this small caravan took his daughter and started talking.

But now the situation is special.

Seeing the new tricks coming out of Fortress Mountain, the three of Ronald are all nervous now.

Businessmen should ask questions.

Katerina just pointed with one hand, blocking his next words with movements and eyes.

"Listen, this is where wizards fight, not where you should go."

"If you want to continue living with your child, leave now!"


The businessman looked stunned.

Although he had only known Ronald and the three of them for less than two days, he could see that these people were extraordinary. Now Katarina is telling the truth, and the previous vague reminders also appeared in the businessman's mind one by one.

"Go, let's go!"

Without much hesitation, the businessman who was aware of the danger immediately turned his head and greeted the carriage to change directions, leaving without the slightest hesitation.


Just watched the merchant and his carriage go away.

Katerina breathed a sigh of relief before turning her eyes to Ronald:

"There are three wizards out, right? What characteristics do they have?"

Hearing the inquiry, Ronald seriously recalled everything he had discovered before:

"The three of them were all at a fairly high position on Fortress Mountain, which is almost the east, northeast, and west of the Well of Judgment. At the same time, they should be in more complicated buildings. I have found that they frequently pass through stairs or corners etc..."

Ronald tells everything in detail.

In exchange, Katarina's expression became more and more serious.

When it was finally said that the three wizards rushed in their direction in a way of two empty places, there was basically no confusion in Katerina's eyes.

Although the ability of [Psychohistory] is temporarily unavailable.

But after so many years in the position of head of the Astronomy Department, Katerina's accumulated information is enough for her to distinguish the current situation.

"It's serious enough..."

"Half of the six-member council came out to deal with us. This is an unprecedented super 'preferential treatment'!"

"The Council of Six?" Ronald frowned upon hearing the word.

"That's right, the Council of Six." Katarina nodded to confirm, and then spit out a series of titles, "Six old immortals who have lived from the Sealed Age to the present, the founder of Fortress Hill Academy, the supreme ruler of all wizards, The six strongest spellcasters known... Meanwhile, it's time to pursue our enemies."

Katerina's tone became more and more serious, and even Baproul didn't have time to joke, but asked at the moment when the voice landed:

"How well do you know them?"

"Something like strength, spell system, etc.?"


Katerina bluntly introduced:

"There is no doubt about the strength of these old guys. Although I can guarantee victory one-on-one, it will definitely take a lot of time."

"As for the spell system - these three guys today, I know one of them is an old woman named Ella, she is playing body transformation spells; the other is Glenta, who is good at enchantment and word spirit;"

Named the identities and abilities of two six-member council members in a row.

However, when it came to the last person, Katerina was a little hesitant:

"The last one... He is probably Alston. This guy has never leaked his spell system, but based on some clues, I guess Alston may be one of the early people involved in the false god-making plan."


"Three on three, let's cook one by one?"

The atmosphere between Ronald and the others was indeed tense at first, but after hearing Katerina's introduction, Baproul quickly returned to his rhythm, and the tone of the conversation was extremely relaxed.

"There is a specialization in the art industry. I suggest that the old woman named Ella solve it with the two of you. I will choose one of the other two guys to deal with."

Although there are some suspicions that he is not confident in his spells.

But Baproul's proposal is very constructive.

In Ronald's experience, this kind of situation is usually encountered in normal film and television works or games. It is usually a routine of physical enhancement versus physical enhancement, spell specialization versus spell specialization, and the protagonist must deal with local bosses.

However, if Tian Ji's idea of ​​horse racing is used to deal with the problem.

Then, after actual operation, it can actually determine the final outcome to a large extent.

Immediately, Katerina also spoke:

"I'm still worried about that Alston, just leave it to me."

When it comes to the battle, Katarina takes a more serious attitude. She directly takes down the toughest enemy among her enemies, and then she leaves the follow-up choice to Ronald and the other two.

And on Ronald's side.

With Baproul's remarks that he was unwilling to deal with Ella, then Ronald is the only one left to deal with the sorcerer of the body transformation system.

Simply assign each opponent to deal with.

The three began to discuss how to fight afterward.

Due to the high quality of the enemies they will face this time, the main plan itself is quite simple Fight and then win.

In the face of powerful enemies, some careful tricks are not really useful. This upcoming battle will ultimately test the hard power of the participants.

If anyone can quickly deal with their enemies...

Then the number advantage of three to two is formed, and the difficulty of the battle will naturally drop immediately.

The three of Ronald told each other about the details of the battle.

The three councilors on the other side of Fortress Hill are also quickly approaching their positions.

I don't know what type of spell was used, but they were almost certain of the direction of Ronald and the three.

Just over two hours.

Ronald saw the one of the three wizards flying in the air.

Different from the other wizards in the Wall, this 'big man' of the six-member council wears a snow-white wizard's robe, and the wisdom he has accumulated over the years can be seen on his old face.

As a wizard who focuses on spell combat.

This guy with both strength and wisdom is definitely the most difficult type of enemy!

"Baprol, Katerina."

"They're here..."

Ronald reminded his companions, and the corresponding preparation spells also began to activate one by one.

Also at this moment.

The enemy sorcerers flying in the air and they are drawn closer again.

The next second, the old wizard's eyes locked on Ronald and the three of them.

Although I had never seen these three unfamiliar faces, the experience accumulated over the years made the old wizard understand immediately—

These three guys.

is the enemy!


"About seven hundred meters ahead, the enemy!"

The same simple reminder told the companions below, and the old wizard immediately recited the incantation:


The sinner should be a prisoner, his wife's house; the wicked should be his family! "

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