Mystic Dominator

Chapter 579: capricious

"Mr. Drake, have you been to Fortress Hill before?"

"I went there not long ago."

"Then have you seen the wizards on the Wall? Are they as capable of flying as the legends say?"

"Well... that's not why wizards can fly, right?"


On the way to Fortress Hill, Ronald and the merchant's child were talking in a low voice.

Compared with Baproul and Katerina, it seems that Ronald is more likely to be liked by children, so after meeting these three strangers, it is basically Ronald who talks to the child.

However, hidden beneath this seemingly normal journey is an extremely dangerous road ahead.

For businessmen.

The current barrier hill is not a good place.

The dungeon building hidden in the tunnel leading to Fortress Mountain may allow them to trade at this moment, and even bring more lucrative profits. However, temporarily losing the oppressive role of wizards as the upper class, what will happen to ordinary civilians...

Thinking of this, Ronald couldn't help shaking his head.

Since the day they met, he has also hinted at the merchants and his words, revealing the news that Fortress Mountain is not suitable for travel. However, the other party has his own ideas in doing business and does not consider giving up this business plan at all.

On the other hand, the condition of Barrier Mountain was perfectly in line with the prediction.

The next day in the daytime, Barrier Mountain confirmed through contact spells that the first wave of wizards sent out had been ‘annihilated’.

Then they did not send a second wave of pursuers immediately.

After strengthening the spell to protect the barrier mountain again, they continued to stabilize the internal situation, and at the same time prepared for the timing of breaking the seal three days later.

It wasn't until the second day that Ronald and the others continued to move forward with the Merchant Motorcade.

The second wave of wizards who stopped them was selected.

Then, in the direction where Ronald and the three escaped from the barrier mountain, a full seven great wizards, the original holders of the barrier mountain, set off from the mountainside and moved forward in a fan-shaped array.

Detective spells that are absolutely above the horizon are deployed.

What it brings is the detection effect of sufficient insurance.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for ordinary holders of the original code to fool through such a level-capable search. The three Ronalds benefited from the previous anti-reconnaissance preparations, so they were not exposed soon.


Suddenly, Ronald's expression changed.

Things have changed again.

Ronald and his companions were prepared, and the attack plans for these great wizards had already been planned.

But at the moment when everything is ready to go.

These seven people stopped!

All of their positions suddenly came to a halt, and they soon began to retreat.

In just a quarter of an hour, all the seven great wizards who left Barrier Mountain returned to the academy, and then quickly dispersed back to their original positions and began to devote themselves to the work of the integration staff.

This performance...

It's as if Barrier Mountain decided to give up the pursuit of Ronald and the three!


When things go wrong, there must be demons.

What's more, the scene in front of me directly contradicts Katerina's prediction!

Ronald comforted the little girl in the caravan casually, turned his head and reminded his companion:

"Hey, something doesn't seem right."

"They came down from the mountain and then quickly went back on their own."


"Is this because I forgot to bring my keys when I went out?" Baproul subconsciously popped out an impossible guess.

Katerina is more direct, the spell of [Psychohistory] is read out directly.

"His name was Gail Donick, and he was just a country boy who had never been to Trantor before.

Or should I say, he didn't really come..."

The expression on the girl's face gradually darkened.

This time, she took almost no time to get out of the prediction state, and her tone was also irritable when she answered Ronald and the two.

"No, this has been overshadowed by powerful causal spells."

"There are thousands of speculative results, and it is completely impossible to accurately judge the real situation."

"This looks a bit like it." Hearing the result, Baproul had no intention of worrying at all, but rather praised the behavior of the barrier mountain, "If this guy Daantrian encounters this kind of thing in Springs, come down. One second is a large set of operations of anti-causality, anti-prophecy, and anti-reconnaissance. If you can figure this out in a few days, the pseudo-god has made rapid progress."

Katerina immediately refuted the cultist's praise:

"Fortress Mountain's anti-reconnaissance system has actually always been in effect in the form of enchantment, and my prediction is to bypass its system. Now my spell will fail - the result may only be that they have done targeted processing ."


The three looked at each other, and Ronald clearly and decisively concluded between the eye contact:

"There are two possibilities now."

"First, Bulwark Mountain has put the matter of dealing with us in the most important position, so they are adjusting their plans with the goal of targeting us; second, they are ready to completely switch to the defense and maintain their maximum vitality before the seal is broken. , the return of the expatriate, the new shielding spell, are all for this purpose."

Ronald's conclusion came quickly.

Katerina and Baproel just exchanged and immediately agreed with Ronald's idea.

Then comes the problem.

-Which is the truth?

Faced with different situations, the three of them have to deal with completely different things. This is the difference between confronting the enemy and testing hard power, and sneaking in secretly and testing flexibility.

"I think they should be afraid!" Baprol never mind expressing his views at such a time. He immediately chose the facts he was willing to believe, and even extended his own experience. .

"Actually, it was the same when I was leading the school."

"If the people under your hand are likely to be caught in one pot, my guiding advice is usually to run away quickly, and preserving the vitality is the biggest guarantee for a comeback in the future."

Katerina's view is completely different:

"Bulwark Mountain's lunatic is different from a lunatic like you."

"If it wasn't forcibly sealed back then, most of the wizards here are actually the kind of guys who want to die together. Don't underestimate their decisiveness in this kind of thing."

"Looking at the existence of life, whether it's their own or ordinary people's, these guys see it as a measurable bargaining chip."

"Don't expect this group of people to come up with any plan to preserve their strength!"


Baproul and Katerina each have their own ideas.

Naturally, it is hard to stop when the discussion is heated.

However, it didn't take too long, Ronald shook his head strangely:

"Stop for now, you two."

"Now... someone has come out of the barrier mountain again..."

With Ronald's powerful reconnaissance ability, he clearly felt that there was another wizard leaving the academy in Barrier Mountain.

It's just that it's different from the last six great wizards.

This time, I left Barrier Mountain.

There are only three people!

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