Mystic Dominator

Chapter 578: The limit of human reason

"Ronald, when you dealt with that false **** before, I never saw you use the perfection technique."

Ronald was lost in thought.

However, Katerina responded quickly.

She didn't seem to want Ronald to go deeper into the topic, so she took the initiative to raise new doubts:

"I helped research some of the original texts before."

"Maybe I can offer some help if needed?"


Ronald looked seriously at Katarina beside him.

The smile on Katarina's face revealed determination and indulgence.

If he opens his mouth to delve into the previous topic now, he will definitely not get any good results.


Sighing slightly, Ronald chose to respect Katarina in front of him.

"My most commonly used scriptures are actually divided into three at the beginning, and then I collected them after a lot of things. However, since the original scriptures were completely recovered, one of them has not been seen at all..."

The question of "The Divine Comedy - Purgatory" has always been on Ronald's mind.

When he obtained this part of the original text, he got the ability to finally use it to strengthen his physical fitness, but Ronald did not encounter any chance to activate the other content of "Purgatory".

Right now, I am in the final trial of the "Paradise".

This is indeed a problem that needs to be solved.

On the other side, Katerina was also in deep thought, she hesitated for a long time before asking:

"Ronald, you said that this part of the original text was taken back from someone else, so is there anything special about this person?"

"She...she is an accidental product of anomalous spell experiments."

As soon as Ronald said the beginning, Katerina immediately responded:

"That experiment is related to your original scripture?"

Ronald nodded:

"That's right."


Katerina slapped her forehead directly.

In the next second, the expression suddenly realized:

"Your wizards outside are really good at playing!"

"This is the original script, you dare to make this kind of trick up?"


"It's not up to me either." Ronald smiled shyly at Katerina. "When the experiment started, I didn't own the original book."

"Okay okay." Katerina waved her hand, and then said sternly:

"Anyway, I understand the situation."

"Tell you, Ronald. Because of the relationship between the former holder and the original scripture, your part of the scripture spell is linked to her existence, or you can find a way to obliterate her from the concept of existence, or else You can only use more primitive methods."

Rumil's words, in order to prevent her from resurrecting on other puppets.

This guy was sealed in a vial by Arya with "The Arabian Nights", and then threw it into the sea to form the strongest spell seal.

Now let Ronald of [Infinite Negative Number Domain] obliterate Rumir from the concept of existence...

Honestly, difficulty equals impossible.

As for the more primitive way...

Ronald's eyes narrowed, and when he realized Katerina's consciousness, he immediately asked:

"You mean the original method, the original test?"

"That's right." Katerina nodded, "but you don't have to worry about this. The rigid requirements of the original test are too disgusting, and the degree of danger is also high..."

Having said this, Katerina suddenly stopped.

With the reminder stuck to her lips, she chanted the spell with a weird expression in the next second:

"His name was Gail Donick, and he was just a country boy who had never been to Trantor before.

Or should I say, he didn't really come..."

[Psychohistory]'s spell was activated, and Katarina immediately fell into the focus of predicting the future.

But this time is very different from before.

Relying on the tree trunk for nearly three minutes, Katerina still insisted on this predicted state-until a sudden magic burst out of her.

At this moment, Ronald took a step back subconsciously.

The strength of the magic power that appeared on Katarina's body in the [Infinite Negative Realm] was only a line higher than that of ordinary great wizards. But when he sensed this magic, Ronald had a feeling of 'this thing is completely formed as a whole, indestructible,'.

Not to mention the various spellcasters he encountered before, even when facing the artificial gods directly, Ronald did not feel this strong characteristic will in the opponent.

If I had to describe it, it would be like...

Katerina's magic is the same as having mind and life!

Ronald's shock didn't last long.

Only a few seconds after Katarina entered this state, [Psychohistory]'s ability to predict the future was successfully ended.

At the same time the eyes regain clarity.

This extremely special magic fluctuation also disappeared from Katarina.

"This is my perfect technique - [Galaxy]."

"How about it, don't you feel shocked?"

First of all, she explained the situation just now, and Katarina made a joke with her perfection technique.

And feeling the aura just now, Ronald could only nod his head and reply:

"It's very It even made me look forward to the completeness of this original scripture."

Katarina nodded, all the magic in her body disappeared at the same time.

She also continued to answer Ronald's question:

"You can indeed look forward to it."

"Although you can't beat me for sure, the complete technique you can provide in this three-in-one scripture is definitely the most practical thing."

Ronald scratched his hair:

"I'm not a Baprol, and I think about competing with people every day in terms of force. The ability to destroy things is to measure the value of things - although there is no problem, but I don't really like it."

"Haha." Katarina shook her head with a smile, "You don't like it, but there are many people who like it. Not only the fighting ability, there were some wizards in the Barrier Mountain before, and I thought about dividing the magic power according to the original text. Three, six, nine and so on!"

"So what's the result?" Ronald was a little curious.

"The result?" Katarina looked mocking, and her eyes shifted to the air where the barrier mountain was located. "The result is naturally still looking at people!"

"The same original scriptures can bring completely different results when held by different people. It is even more stupid to simply compare this thing. It is like a knife and a sword. Both are weapons that can cut people to death, but there are really two Each individual holds a sword and divides life and death, it still depends on the individual's ability."

"Okay, it's almost time, don't talk about these boring things."

Katarina looked very disgusted with this sort of grading.

After saying a few words full of sarcasm, she turned her head and walked towards the camp, and said to Ronald at the same time:

"Ronald, the ability you will get in the future is called [The Limit of Humanity]."

"Remember, it's very important to everything to make timely choices when necessary."

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