Mystic Dominator

Chapter 577: under the tree in the morning

early morning.

Two hours before departure in the morning.

Ronald got up from the camp and went to a tree by the roadside and leaned his body on it.

At this moment, the sky is still the main color of black.

In the quiet wilderness, there is almost nothing but the sound of the wind blowing across the earth.

For Ronald now, the road ahead is full of unpredictable circumstances.

For example, the businessman who came to the camp last night——

This is just a very small team. My father takes his family to do some small business in this world, which can be regarded as maintaining a happy level of worry-free life.

And because of the status of the materials collected by the barrier mountain during this time.

Their current goal is to transport the goods on the carriage to the barrier mountain, in the hope of earning some start-up capital to buy stores in the future.


In the current barrier mountain, they should not be able to make any money.

Ronald looked up, and the sky in the direction of Barrier Mountain was naturally pitch black. In fact, after stabilizing the internal structure of the wizarding group, the powerful magic enchantment has completely hidden the mountain of the barrier mountain suspended in the air.

Don't say at this distance.

Even if it continues to approach, it is impossible for ordinary people to see the barrier mountain with the naked eye.

Under the leadership of the artificial gods, the wizarding organization of Fortress Mountain has a feeling of completely blocking everything.

"Ronald, you got up early."

At this time, Katarina also came here at the end of the morning.

With the strengthening of the spell, the three holders of the original can completely abandon sleep within a few days.

However, Baproul is loyal to his own desires and is resting comfortably in his dreams at the moment, while Ronald and Katerina have no plans to rest.

Coming to Ronald, Katarina simply said hello and leaned against the tree, her tone and eyes naturally shifted to the legacy of the saint behind Ronald.

"This sword... is quite interesting."

No matter how insensitive he is to people's names, he should react at this moment.

Ronald heard the meaning of Katarina's words, and immediately took off his saber, and then untied the black cloth wrapped around it.

"The sword of St. Catalina, given to me by the people of the church."


"Vive Lindsay Catalina, that's my full name."

Katerina was silent for a few seconds, and then introduced in a complicated tone:

"I heard that before being sealed, my grandma was still a royal family, and her ancestors also had a history of being named saints by the church."

Ronald generously handed over the saint's legacy:

"Want to see it?"


Katarina thanked her in a serious tone, then took the dark sword in her hand, her fingertips slowly slid along the edge of the sword, and finally stopped at the position of the sword grid.

"Black Rose, this is the family crest of our family before it was sealed."

"Even now, I can still see this color and texture on the shirt I prepared..."

Katerina introduced Ronald the legacy of the saint like a treasure.

And Ronald, also confirmed a point in the process.

Using the harsh condition of the Sword of Santa Caterina, when it came into the hands of the wizard, it entered a very active state.

There is no doubt that the other party is the authentic inheritor of this saint's legacy.

"This guy actually has some skills. If you put magic power into the black rose above while defeating your opponent, then you can gather the ability to manipulate people's minds, and then fully work on a specific target."

"If you use her to deal with powerful enemies in the future, you must remember to use this trick."

Finally, with a generous introduction, Katerina returned the dark saint's legacy to Ronald.

She had absolutely no intention of getting this family treasure back.

to the opposite.

Katerina leaned against the tree trunk, with a very happy smile on her face now:

"Ronald, I found that people here are still used to calling each other by their surnames; in the outside world, it seems normal to call each other by their first names, for example—Ronald."

Hearing the topic raised by Katerina, Ronald explained it from his own perspective:

"This difference presumably comes from the improvement in the efficiency of information transfer."

"For example, when a lord suddenly died when the means of communication were backward, it was difficult for his territorial people to know about it in time, so the successor would use the surname of the deceased lord as a title, which would naturally allow others to quickly understand their identity. ."

"And with the improvement of the efficiency of information transmission, this kind of problem will naturally disappear. At this time, in order to reflect the characteristics of the person, and even get rid of some bad influence of the predecessors, it is more common to call the first name instead of the last name. ."


"This kind of thing is not something that you will study when you are full."

After a few seconds of silence, Katarina gave Ronald a subtle look.

Then she no longer delved into this topic, but pointed to the sky in the direction of Barrier Mountain.

"Actually, in my estimation, it is inevitable for the two of you to leave the seal and return to the outside world. The escape and battle in the early morning yesterday was actually the result of some selfish interference from me."


"When I was in Fortress Mountain before, I was always paying attention to your situation. At first, you blocked the three great wizards alone, but people from other disciplines also came to support, and finally faced more than a dozen enemies who held the original tome. - It's really amazing..."

Ronald's emotion came from the bottom of his heart.

Thanks to the cracking of the so-called "divine script", the great wizard of Barrier Mountain holds the original script, which basically means that he has activated the complete technique.

Although there is a gap with school leaders like Baproul.

But the real fighting power still exists.

Katarina was able to stop this number of original holders by herself, and she didn't even get hurt at all - if Ronald really wanted to evaluate it seriously, Katarina said that she was the strongest of the three, I'm afraid is the truth.

A simple sigh carried Katerina's words.

Ronald noticed one thing:

"You said just now... the two of us will definitely break out of the seal?"

"Although this world is said to be a seal, it actually existed before the decisive battle. The battle of the wizards is just to open this entrance, and then turn an area into a place where they can survive."

Katerina explained a few words in a calm and then leaned over to Ronald and patted him on the shoulder subtly:

"The world is not something that humans can play with casually. If you want to keep going, some things must be done by someone."


Ronald heard the decisiveness in Katarina's words.

Then there was silence.

——【Infinite Negative Number Field】.

Ronald, of course, knew the real name of this world through his original ability. However, the knowledge he possesses is not enough to reveal the truth of the world from this name.

To make Katarina show such an attitude.

What will it be?

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