Mystic Dominator

Chapter 549: Bulwark Mountain

"Your name, identity, purpose of appearing here?"

"Or, Carter..."


"Go to the fishing village by the sea, and prepare to bring in some dry cargo to sell in the mainland."


"How much do you know about these guards?"

"If we ordinary people see the wizard's spells, or some very powerful things, they may be affected."


"They're all like them, and they don't even look like people after seeing it? All the things of powerful wizards have this effect?"

"No, this is a relatively rare situation. Among the rumors I have heard, ordinary people encounter a relatively bad situation, which is the end of a lifelong disability. It is unheard of to become a monster like this. The villain dared to guess the ability of the adult just now."


With the help of law spells, Ronald easily got the answers he wanted from these traders.

What happened today also appears to be a rare occurrence.

Inferring from the information Ronald had learned before, this should be the result of the dual effects of the spiritual pollution ability of Baproul's spell system and the ability to transform his body.

If the canon is of the common harmless type.

For example, the spell provided by Ronald's "Bradshaw Railroad Guide", even if ordinary people see and realize the meaning of the spell, it will not cause them any harm.

Thinking of this, Ronald glanced at Baproul.

Although neither of them knew about it before, the culprit in this matter was the spell system of this cult warlock after all.

I am afraid that only the robe possessed by the leader of his school can cause such a tragic scene.

"Hey hey hey-"

Perceiving the look Ronald was looking at him, Baprol smiled somewhat honestly. After leaving this question behind, the cult warlock took a step forward and asked these traders:

"Tell me, is there a big move in the world recently?"

"For example, there are many spells... a situation where many wizards have to gather?"


Hear Baproul's inquiry.

The faces of the traders under the control of the law were all blank.

After abruptly waiting for several seconds, an older businessman answered:

"Sir, we are just ordinary people, and we don't even have the qualifications to look up outside the academy tower. You talk about the wizard's movements, how can we know this!"

Hearing this answer, Baproul's eyes froze.

Meanwhile, Ronald asked another question without hesitation:

"Then change the question."

"As traders, you should be the most sensitive to commercial activities. In the past few years, is there any special situation outside the scope of commercial circulation of normal material operations?"

Just after the question was spoken, Baproul walked over without hesitation and said with emotion: "Ronald, your brain is turning really fast. Before I could react, you already came up with a solution!"

Ronald shrugged indifferently:

"It's just a matter of getting used to this kind of problem."


The two whispered a few words, and the traders in front of them were not slow.

Now that the question comes to their specialization, there should be a lot of answers:

"In this regard... I know that the materials consumed by Barrier Mountain have been increasing rapidly in recent years!"

"I was lucky enough to send a batch of magic materials six months ago. When I entered the city, I stored them in the warehouse. There are indeed many more people delivering materials than in previous years?"


Businessmen, you said a word to me, and quickly locked the target at a place called the Wall of the Wall. According to them, the material output of the entire world, or the [Infinite Negative Realm], has been converging there recently.

So, Ronald squeezed his hand and interrupted the merchants' remarks like pouring beans.

Then take the topic a step further:

"Okay, now tell me about this barrier mountain and tell me everything you know."

A businessman answered without hesitation:

"Since the world was divided by those evil mages, Barrier Mountain has always been the center of our entire world, where the wizards built the academy tower, and always..."

From a businessman's point of view, things may be distorted and glorified.

In Ronald's eyes, these things can probably be summed up in this way.

——The time starts from the day it was sealed.

After about two years of fighting each other, the spellcasters who were sealed in the [Infinite Negative Field] finally realized the current situation, and then a long-sighted wizard Edith stood up.

He led the losers of the dark age to Fortress Mountain and established a spell research organization that does not divide schools, shares resources for all, and is completely based on ability.

The reason is that under the flow of time between the two worlds.

Those who are sealed will not be disadvantaged in the ability of spells

Under a common threat, people tend to become cooperative.

For seven years the academy organization on Barrier Hill integrated all the schools of [Infinite Negative Field], and then began to decipher the original code wholeheartedly, and cultivate a new generation of magicians.

With this kind of perseverance.

The environment of [Infinite Negative Number Domain] has undergone three great changes, and the abilities of these spellcasters are by no means comparable to those of the Dark Ages.

At present, around the academy tower on the fortress hill, the social structure in which the world is completely ruled by wizards has been formed and stabilized, and the process of deciphering the original code and improving the spell is changing with each passing day.

Although there is no relevant news from the dealer...

But from Ronald's point of view, the spellcaster who was sealed in the [Infinite Negative Field] had definitely embarked on a form of magical civilization where everything was determined by spells.

After seven days.

If the [Nine Rings Secret Society] can open the seal on the harvest day of the outside world...

No, don't even think about it that way!

Even if the [Nine Rings Secret Society] outside fails to act on the harvest day, the spellcasters in the [Infinite Negative Field] will one day be able to break the seal and return to the original world.

Since they can cooperate so sincerely.

Then, under the premise of increasing magical abilities, this is an inevitable event.

The powerful spells of the past will be solved sooner or later in the face of ever-improving spellcasters!


Ronald could deduce this information.

As a school leader, how could Baproul not realize it.

Seeing Ronald asked about the situation, and then let these traders forget their memories and fainted.

The cult warlock took the initiative to deal with the flesh-and-blood monsters that the guards turned into.

He asked at the same time:

"Ronald, what do you think of this situation?"

"As far as the two of us are, I'm not very optimistic about the result."

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