Mystic Dominator

Chapter 548: trader again

"no problem."

Ronald nodded in agreement, and the two immediately lowered their altitude and speed.

[Infinite Negative Field] is completely different from the development direction of the original world. Not only has the city of Springs not been established, but there are not too many large human settlements nearby.

As far as the destination they both approached.

It's just a residential area that can be called a town.

Another few minutes passed, and Baproul spoke:

"Ahead, let's inquire first?"

Cult Warlock refers to a roadside camp.

Because it's still night, a team of 'locals' are setting up camp here. Ronald could see the carriages and bonfires in the camp, apparently a group of traders walking outside.

Such nights and roadside camps.

It was somewhat similar to what Ronald had encountered at the beginning of his time-travel.

There was an inexplicable smile at the corner of his mouth, and Ronald nodded in agreement:

"Okay, let's find out about these people first."

"But Baprole, you have to be careful, don't toss out your strange personalities."


Baproul raised his eyebrows.

At this moment, he remembered Ronald's ability to escape the seal of Little William, so he nodded honestly:

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Landing on the ground, the two approached the camp at a normal walking speed.

Watching the bonfire flickering in front of his eyes, Ronald stepped forward with great interest and spoke to the camp guard:

"Several, can I disturb you for a while?"

"You... ah ah ah!"

Ronald was pretty sure that the guards were normal at first.

However, at the moment when the other party stood up and moved his gaze, and even prepared to ask questions and communicate, a terrifying change appeared on this innocent guard.

while making eye contact.

Numerous abscesses and cracks appeared in his skin and flesh, and his entire body began to twist and deform uncontrollably. A person who was originally good, turned into a hideous monster in just a few seconds, and could only make some inexplicable shouts from his mouth.


Ronald was also stunned.

He didn't feel any magic fluctuations, nor did he notice that someone around him was planning to attack.

Everything is fine, how come people are like this.

Ronald turned his head to look at Baproul subconsciously, this cult warlock's spell can definitely cause such an effect.

Baproul, who was in the line of sight, was as dazed as he was now.

"Kate, what's wrong!"

Meanwhile, the rest of the camp paid attention to the movements of the guards.

A few people immediately got up and approached this side, and then...then the result was no different.

As soon as his eyes saw Ronald and Baprol.

Their bodies began to undergo completely consistent changes.

In such a blink of an eye, several flesh-and-blood monsters that could only utter meaningless roars appeared in the camp!

"Master wizard, spare your life!"

"We're just ordinary traders, we didn't do anything weird!"

"Master wizard, please let us go!"

At this time, the merchants who finally came out of the camp saw the horror of the guards.

These smart people with flexible brains immediately realized something, and they all knelt in place and worshipped in the direction of Ronald and the two of them, but they didn't dare to look up at all.


Faced with such a situation, Ronald turned his head to look at Baproul and asked in a voice only they could hear:

"This didn't do it?"

"Can't you feel whether I did or not?"

Paprol spread out his hands simply, without even lowering his voice.

The cult warlock is not afraid of crooked shadows now. The fact that he did not use any spells, Ronald can feel through the observation of magic fluctuations.

Ronald frowned, and he had nothing to say.

He didn't know the reason for the current situation, which was not at all what he expected at the beginning.

The air around the camp was silent for another few seconds.

At this time, among the traders kneeling on the ground, one of the most daring ones dared to speak:

"Master wizard, did you bring some very powerful magic item and forget it?"


Hearing this, Ronald and Baprol looked at each other.

This businessman's statement is a novelty.

Could it be that in this world, powerful magic items can still bring this kind of influence to people?

From the spell types of Ronald and Baproul.

Presumably it's a Baprole problem.


Looking up, Ronald was naturally attracted by the dark red robe of the cult warlock. His Sword of St. Catalina is well wrapped around his back. If he sees a powerful magic item, it can only be this, right?

Paprol's ability to act is as crisp as ever.

Only when this conjecture came up, he took off his robe and put it away, wearing only simple white underwear:

"Okay, now look up."

Baproul's voice fell, and the businessman who was still shaking raised his head honestly.

Thus, the fact that all conjectures can make sense appeared in front of us.

The businessman who looked up this time also saw Ronald and Baprol, but there was no change at After simply confirming the appearance of Ronald and Baprol, he immediately lowered his head Go down:

"Sir, we are all honest businessmen!"

"Please forgive me!"


Ronald has mixed feelings in his heart now.

Who would have expected this world to be so bizarre!

Ordinary people will suffer this level of damage just by seeing powerful magic items.

Compared to what you see in the church library.

Everything in front of me is even more outrageous.

At this moment, an idea came to Ronald's mind.

Compared with the world where history is sealed in the outside world, has this mysterious side prison that has been in the past few decades made great progress in changing the world?

Here after all.

There is also an 'artificial god' who can't figure out the details!

With the help of the peak creation of this dark age, to what extent have the spellcasters in the seal improved?

There is absolutely no communication between the two worlds inside and outside...

Or to put it bluntly, is Daantrian really able to deal with the casters here?


Thinking of this, Ronald sighed.

Each world has its own development, and now he and Baproll have to face all kinds of problems arising from it.

These seven days, I am afraid it is not very easy.

With emotion in his heart, Ronald said to the merchants at the same time:

"You guys get up first, I'll ask some questions."


The merchants were just trembling, and no one dared to straighten their bodies.

Faced with the situation in front of him, Ronald glanced at the indifferent Baprol behind him.

So he stretched out his finger.

A snap of fingers rubbing against the ring.


"Now get up and answer my question."

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