Mystic Dominator

Chapter 525: Status of the industrial zone

"Do you know where Rumil is?"

Ronald did not expect Lalaiye to offer such conditions.

With the ability of this spy chief, it is impossible for him to not know what Rumir means to him, and he will never joke with himself on this kind of thing.

Is this really showing her favor?

Or...what kind of trap is the other party trying to set up by taking advantage of this?


Laleye seemed to sense Ronald's suspicion.

The spy chief just dragged Eddie to the outside, and smiled lightly at Ronald:

"Just happen to know something about this guy."

"Let's talk slowly on the way."

Ronald looked at the factory in the back and heard the sound that the three investigators were still cleaning up the battlefield. It was probably Lalaye who moved his hands and feet again, and they didn't notice what was happening outside as they were not far away.

Sighing slightly, Ronald followed Lalaiye out of the factory.


"It's going to be a little smoother tonight..."

After leaving the factory, Laleye summoned a rental carriage that should not have appeared at this time, handed Eddie over to him, and instructed the driver to take the man back to the apartment in the riverside area.

Then the two walked down the streets of Springs at night.

Lalaiye still spoke calmly:

"Mr. Ronald, is your attitude towards Rumil a must-kill?"

Ronald replied:

"The accumulated conflicts between me and Rumil are irreconcilable. If so many things hadn't happened, no one would have the time to kill anyone."

"Is that so..."

Hear Ronald's answer.

Lalaye nodded slightly, but his expression became intriguing.

He glanced at Ronald slightly, and seemed to have a different opinion on the answer.

"Then I wish you the ability to carry out your will."

"Mr. Ronald."


The two of them were speechless all the way.

The semi-abandoned industrial area is actually a hard-hit area for fighting at night, and chases and confrontations between spellcasters occur from time to time.

Ronald, however, just followed Lalaiye.

All this seems to have nothing to do with them.

Even though the air was tense and the scene was beside him, these people just didn't respond to the passing Ronald, as if they didn't exist.

Silently memorizing this scene, Ronald followed Lalaiye forward.

When they reached the southernmost edge of the industrial area, a human gathering place ahead caught Ronald's attention.

It was a two-story building with a direct view of Shen Riyang.

It can be seen from the structure that it is an office building built by a factory.

The surrounding activity traces can tell that this place has fallen into a semi-abandoned state, but Ronald's investigation through the power of "Rage" is still difficult to determine that there are two-digit people hidden in the building.

Most of these people feel helpless and dazed.

But in addition to pure despair, there is also a trace of happiness buried in my heart.


Ronald frowned.

He was brought here all the way by Lalaye, and there was no sign of human activity if he walked further ahead.

Could it be that the Rumir he was looking for was hiding in this building now?

Laleye's timing was perfect.

The doubts in Ronald's heart emerged, and he immediately said:

"As you think, Rumil is hiding here now."

"But apart from what Mr. Ronald saw before, she is probably a little different from what you expected."

Ronald, who sensed the situation inside the building, felt strange.

Now that he heard Lalaye's words, he immediately turned to look at the spy, and asked in a serious and serious tone:

"What do you mean by that?"

"What's wrong with Lumire now?"

Lalaye still smiled.

He activated his spell in front of Ronald, and while a unique spell surrounded the two, Lalaiye stretched out his hand in the direction of the building:

"Rather than talking about it, let's go in and have a look."

"I'm actually curious about your options, Mr. Ronald."

Ronald looked at Lalaye motionless.

The eyes of the two met in the dark night, and then they guessed each other's intentions from the silence.

Three or four breaths passed, Ronald nodded slightly.

This time, I don't need Lalaiye to lead the way, after all, the building of the destination is right in front of me. He simply reset the spell on his body and walked into it silently.

In the process of moving forward, Ronald vaguely felt that there seemed to be an invisible barrier between himself and the surrounding environment. Refer to [Guardian Angel]'s defensive ability not activated...

Lalaye used the spell just now, it should be used to hide the trail.

It turns out that Ronald was right.

He randomly found a broken window and jumped into the building. The people inside didn't respond to his arrival, even when Ronald showed movement.


When Ronald saw the situation inside the building with his own eyes.

He was stunned for a moment:

"It's all... children...?"

At this moment, at least as far as Ronald's eyes could see.

One of the individuals previously captured by the power of ‘Rage’ was actually a child who was underage.

Some of these little guys were wearing newsboy work uniforms, some were wearing tattered workers' clothes, and some were wearing clothes that didn't match their figures at all, and it was obvious at a glance that they were picked up.

And not too close to Ronald.

A pair of brothers and sisters, who seemed to be around ten years old, were whispering in the corner of the wall.

With Ronald's current hearing, he could easily hear their conversation.

"Brother, I'm a little hungry."

"Be patient, you won't be hungry when you fall asleep."

"But... will we still have food tomorrow?"

"Trust Lord Rumil, as long as we get back what she needs, we won't starve to death."

"So... brother, when will the factory start?"

"I also want to go to North City with Lull."


"Be obedient, go to sleep first. Everything will be fine."


Ronald's fists clenched involuntarily.

Just hearing this conversation, he could guess what was going on here.

After the large-scale abandonment of the industrial area, the child laborers who were thrown away but have no support will naturally fall to this end. Rumil is now hiding in the industrial area and is hiring this group of child laborers work for her.

So I'm going to kill Lumir tonight...

The biggest difficulty to face is this!


There were footsteps behind Ronald.

Laleye's grasp of timing is still extremely delicate.

He crawled into the building right behind Ronald, then the second Ronald saw and realized what was going on.

A curious smile appeared on the face of the spy chief:

"Mr. Ronald, I believe that Rumil is definitely not an opponent of a strong man like you."

"But before you start, what are you going to do with these children?"

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