Mystic Dominator

Chapter 524: cooperate

In the dark night of Springs, a ray of moonlight slanted on the ground, just separating Ronald and Laleye in two worlds.

He stared at the Entrod spy in front of him.

Ronald knew in his heart that the other party would not be aimless.

The information that Heloise once possessed, and the abilities displayed by the other party, it is absolutely feasible to collect and understand herself.

In the face of such a person, insisting on being tough will not bring any benefit or change, and now it is better to be realistic.


"How much do you know and when was it confirmed?"

Ronald was silent for a long time before speaking again, during which the gunshots even rang out in the factory more than once.

And Lalaye immediately realized something when he heard Ronald's question.

A real smile hung on the corner of his mouth, and Lalaiye even bent over to salute Ronald before speaking this time:

"This also starts with Heloise's mission record."

"A young man who knows almost nothing about the mysterious side, as a descendant of Adler, there is no problem with this. But after obtaining one scripture, two scriptures, and a third scripture, he can still maintain such a stable attitude. Keep cracking spells..."

"As you pay attention to your strength from the beginning, you can naturally see the problem."

"In the beginning..." Ronald lowered his eyes.

Lalaiye was right, from the first night after crossing until he entered Burrenwich, what he and Heloise experienced together was enough to prove the problem.

If time could be reversed, of course he would choose to conceal his abilities.

Fortunately, although Ronald knew little about the world, his later caution was still useful.

The problem with early exposure is that of Heroes.

no one knows...

Wait, maybe Rumir counts as one?

After all, in Montenegro and Burrenwich, this guy is also a member with a strong sense of presence.

Ronald bowed his head in contemplation, while Lalaiye began to advance the conversation:

"So Mr. Ronald, can you do me this little favor?"

"I can use my own country to guarantee that I will also seal up your secrets after this incident, and no third party in the world will know about your abilities."

At this moment, Lalaiye's smile is somewhat calm.

He had already expressed a rather friendly attitude, and if Ronald was still someone who could analyze things normally, it would be impossible to refuse his invitation.


Ronald raised his head in silence, his expression still unchanged:

"I still have things to do in Springs and can't be far away until then."

"Can't you leave too far..." Hearing Ronald's reply, Lalaye continued to ask as soon as he rolled his eyes, "What do you need to deal with... [Nine Rings Secret Society] or Lumir?"

"Or, can we move the time back a little?"

"After the harvest day?"


This guy, Lalaye, really stuck his time at the point he cared about the most.

Ronald had no doubts about the connection between the man in front of him and the cult warlock, and he was about to intervene in Payday's plan, which was now known to Laleye.

Maintaining his expression, Ronald nodded and said:

"Of course it's fine after harvest day."

"But we can't see the end of that time now. If the harvest day really brings great changes to the world..."

Lalaiye followed Ronald's words and continued:

"If there are any unforeseen changes, of course I will not be **** others."


Ronald took a close look at Lalaye's expression.

Although the power of 'Rage' cannot perceive the other party's emotions, the spy's calmness in his eyes will not deceive people when he answers his own question.

Soon, a bold inference came to mind.

"Can you answer with such confidence, you have used prophecy to peep into the future?"

Hearing Ronald's rhetorical question, the smile on Lalaiye's face grew even thicker.

He made no secret of nodding and admitted:

"Even if this kind of thing is not clear, the most basic attempt is necessary."

"In our domestic experiments, although the results obtained are varied and strange, there is one thing that will never be shaken about future changes."

State power? The mystery side of the overall situation? Or even the future of the entire world?

Seeing Lalaye's confident and generous appearance, Ronald raised his hand curiously:

"What won't shake?"

Laleye immediately replied:

"In any case - the ability brought by the original can still be used."


Faced with such an answer, Ronald did not show any surprised expression.

He stood opposite Lalaye, even a little disappointed in his expression.

Lareye captured the look.

Then out of respect for the original holder, he immediately asked:

"Mr. Ronald, do you have any questions about this?"

"Although it doesn't have the size of Grid, Entrod's spell has also been proven through long-term experiments, and the results of the prophecy do not need to be doubted."

"It's not the reliability of the prophecy that I doubt." Ronald shook his head, and said to L'Alaiye equally succinctly, "I just think that many people don't seem to realize the criticality of this matter."

The smile faded from Lalaiye's face:

"Mr. Ronald, do you mean...?"

Ronald explained:

"The original text is also a mysterious thing after all. If all spells in the future really fail, then the original text will naturally lose its mystery. The future predicted by something that may disappear in the future is really so powerful. Reliability?"


Lalaiye didn't answer Ronald's question.

He just lowered his head and thought for a few seconds, then pointed to the factory beside him:

"It looks like the fight is almost over, let's talk somewhere else."

At this moment, about five seconds had passed since the last gunshots were heard in the factory, and Ronald could even hear the words 'wood', 'spell', and 'investigation' mentioned by the people inside.

The three investigators who entered the factory were all injured.

But they still dealt with the things in the This is a key clue related to the whereabouts of Rumil, Ronald has no plans to let it go. Even if Lalaiye doesn't want to have contact with people from the Bureau of Investigation, he at least has to look around to see the situation.

So Ronald explained:

"I'm planning to……"

The words of refusal were only said at the beginning, and Lalaiye raised a finger to his mouth in front of Ronald and made a silent gesture.

At this moment, a dark cloud in the sky just drifted past and blocked the moonlight.

The moment when both of them were in complete darkness.

Lalaye smiled and said in a low voice:

"Mr. Ronald, those puppets are nothing to study."

"In order to show my sincerity, I can take you to find Rumil first. What do you think?"

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