Mystic Dominator

Chapter 518: people who know

The source of wood for making dolls and the way to buy paint.

Part of the nature of the spells used by Rumir, and the knowledge gained from Arya's mouth.

above points.

That's all that Ronald got out of town tonight.

After cleaning up the puppet-making workshop in the birch forest with Arya, the two cleaned up the traces that might make people suspicious, then made an agreement and left separately.

It's already late at night.

Ronald also doesn't have to pay as much attention to his covert work as before.

Directly using the [This Round] spell to fly over Springs, he fell from the balcony of his apartment, and then opened the curtain and walked into the house.

"Ronald, are you back?"

Hearing the movement on the balcony, Heloise immediately greeted her.

Seeing Ronald's solemn expression, she immediately realized that things had changed since she left.

However, facing Ronald, Heloise still held back her curiosity and said to Ronald first:

"I've already contacted Ginkgo Biloba."

"Knowing that it is related to the mysterious side, the chamber of commerce seems to attach great importance to it. In the afternoon, a preliminary statistics on the sales of rare wood can be made."

Hearing the girl's explanation, Ronald nodded gratefully:

"Heloise, trouble you."

"I met Arya in the suburbs here, and then encountered some special circumstances. In the birch forest to the north, the situation of the puppet guards is more exaggerated than that of the manor..."

Ronald informed Heloise of the situation in great detail.

After hearing the abilities of those puppets, Heloise's face was also quite ugly.

As someone who used to work as a spy.

The first thing she thought of was to use this kind of puppet army for military purposes. In terms of what Ronald encountered, the combat power of this thing can definitely become a very terrifying force.

Even in other aspects, such as material production and other work.

These puppets, which are supported by magical abilities, can be continuously increased in number, do not eat oil or coal, and can even work for a long time, are all meaningful existences.

After listening to Ronald's description, Heloise couldn't hold back at all.

She rarely showed an anxious look, and even paced back and forth in the living room, murmuring in her mouth.

"Fairy tales... the spell system of dream fairy tales..."

"I have never heard of this thing, and the classified information in the department has not mentioned its existence. Such a dangerous spell... Ronald, is that Arya really credible?"

He has been with Ronald all this time.

As a spellcaster who grew up in this world, Heloise was actually hit harder than others. After all, Ronald told the truth when he communicated with her.

After being hit by such information again tonight, Heloise finally truly panicked.

Looking at the girl's appearance, Ronald's reaction was also very direct.

He simply walked over to Heloise, then held her hand and the two sat together on the sofa in the living room.

"Heloise, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

"Let's talk about whether Arya can be trusted or not, but dealing with Rumir is something we must do without a doubt. It's hard to infer how things will change if things are too far away, but it's certain to hold fast. Exactly."


Comforted by Ronald, Heloise's mood quickly calmed down.

In just over a minute, she rearranged her thoughts:

"In that case, tomorrow morning we will take the information on the paint brand. Rare wood and a large number of paint purchases, the information on these two aspects can be combined.

Ronald nodded:

"It is too difficult for us to investigate this matter personally. Negotiation and search work are time-consuming and labor-intensive, and the timeliness is easy to miss. Now, we can only hope that the Chamber of Commerce can help."

First nodded in agreement, and Heloise proposed again:

"Ronald, I'm still not at ease with that Arya."

"Listen to what you mean, she knows the lunatic Baproul, and my old boss also knows the existence of this guy. This kind of special person must know her details. Otherwise, if you fall into her trap... "

Thinking of this, Heloise frowned and shook her head:

"Anyway, that must not be a good thing."


Ronald could understand Heloise's concerns.

Arya, who can enjoy the same level of treatment as a spy leader and a cult warlock leader, is definitely quite special in her identity. It is indeed more appropriate to find out.

So Ronald's eyes naturally turned to the wall of his living room.

"In this apartment now, there may be insiders present."

"Just ask them directly."

With that said, Ronald got up from the sofa, opened the door and knocked on the neighbor's door.

bang bang bang --

"Ms. Fanny, is it convenient for you to open the door now?"

For the mysterious side caster who recently lived in Springs, it is almost an extravagant hope to sleep peacefully at night. As the neighbor of the owner of the original book, the master and apprentice pair of [Twelve Witches] did not sleep very well.

So knocking on the door at this moment, Ronald is very sure that he will gain something.

After ten seconds, the door was opened.

The witch Fanny dressed in a robe looked at Ronald at the door, and then asked curiously:

"It's so late, Mr. Ronald, are you..."

Ronald goes straight to the point:

"I collected some news about Lumire today, do you have time to talk about it?"

"Ah?" The witch Fanny was stunned, but she didn't even react immediately.

After entrusting this matter to Ronald, she certainly couldn't just sit at home and wait for news herself. During this time, inquiring with students in Springs was almost the whole of the witch's life.

However, the result of the work is that there is no news at all.

In a city with a population level like Springs, the means she used to use in ordinary places were limited everywhere, and she was in a situation of powerlessness at all, and disputes between old and new nobles and mysterious side forces would be involved if they were not careful.

Not to mention the troubles brought about by the changing situation in Springs!

But just today, the holder of the original book recommended by the great witch - Ronald Adler.

Really bring the news?

Thinking from the memory flow to here, the witch Fanny just woke up from a dream, and her voice couldn't help but be excited:

"Ah, this... Of course I have time!"

"I, do you want to come in and sit down, or shall I go to your place?"

Ronald showed a consoling smile, and his tone was calm:

"Come to my side, let's talk slowly."

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