Mystic Dominator

Chapter 517: fairy tale guardian

In the woods is a sword that keeps looking for puppets and then kills them.

The fog of **** spread gradually on the ground, not letting go of any suspicious corners.

Ronald and Arya were simply flying in the air.

A spell with strong self-disciplined action ability can successfully help them accomplish their goal tonight.

Simple and easy in a few minutes.

In the birch forest, not a single puppet was still active.

The magic sword flew back to Arya's side and quietly suspended behind her. At this moment, the quiet appearance made people completely unable to imagine the powerful power it had when destroying the puppet just now.

Arya nodded with satisfaction, then turned to Ronald and asked:

"Ronald, have you found it?"

"Some discoveries."

Ronald responded immediately.

Ever since he finished chanting the spell, he has been paying attention to Black Mist's investigation in the woods. Not even just the puppet area, but the surrounding area was also included in the area to be safe.

Rumil's personal workshop is placed in the woods.

Although it did not implement the tradition that the mysterious side likes to hide things underground, there is indeed a place with obvious signs of construction, and there are many tools in it.

Take Arya to the destination.

This secret base belonging to Rumil appeared in front of the two of them.

A simple wooden house stood in the cleared woods, and the remains of the puppet, cut in two, lay near the open door, and before even getting in, an unfriendly smell of paint wafted into the nose.

The main body of the wooden house is brand new, and even the traces left by cutting the wood can be clearly seen. It was built in the wild woodland, and there are no weeds growing on the ground near the house.

Looking around, Ronald immediately made a judgment and fell to the ground:

"This place hasn't been established for too long, and we came just in time."

Arya naturally followed:

"It can only be said that it is fortunate in misfortune."

Ronald and Arya are both powerful spellcasters, not to mention the "cleaning" here as if they had just washed the ground.

Destroy the defensive spells set up around the cabin.

The two of them walked into the wooden house with a rather relaxed attitude.

The newly built workshop by Lumir is not large, and it is similar in size to an ordinary hunter's hut. However, the interior of this simple house has its own structure.

In the center of the room is a workbench for adjusting and transforming the puppets. The tools used by the carpenters are readily available here, which are obviously used by Lumire's work.

On the right side of the room, paint buckets of various colors are neatly arranged.

In addition to the paint buckets of the same color but different packaging, Lumire even put sticky notes on the buckets, with fairly recognizable notes indicating which paint was bought from which company.

And on the left side of the room, where things are most worrying.

It was a pile of puppets that were built up in layers and only finished in shape.

They just wait to be painted and cast spells, and instantly become Rumir's handy all-purpose tool.

Seeing this, Arya smacked her lips in dissatisfaction.


"You should clean up this thing too."


As soon as some complaints were spoken, the sword behind Arya flew out instantly. The sharp blade slashed back and forth on the stacked puppets, and quickly caught these 'fish that slipped through the net'.

And in the process, Ronald has reached the back of the room.

In the last remaining position of the workshop, two iron safes the size of a wardrobe stand here, guarding some secrets for Rumir.


Ronald didn't think about it, he untied the sword of Santa Caterina and slashed.

With a light sound, the cabinet door was instantly destroyed.

The hardness and sharpness of the saint's legacy are not within the range of attacks that the two safes are designed to resist. Even with the spell set by Rumir, the Sword of Santa Caterina directly exposed the contents of the safe.


Staring at the contents of the safe in front of him, Ronald blinked speechlessly.

The things in the cabinet on the left are still normal. The precious gems and casting materials are kept here. The safe is in the central compartment, and there is even a notepad with a few pages.

But the cabinet on the right...

There is a grill and some meat products, as well as a good amount of condiments. Emotional Rumi is not only working here, but also her life outside camping.

Looking at the harvest in front of her, Arya reached out and took the notepad in the cabinet on the left: "I'll take a look first."

Ronald nodded and replied, "No problem."


There is not much content in the notepad, and Arya can read it quickly.

In less than a few minutes, she closed the notepad and handed it to Ronald.

"I guess right, this guy got a certain original text of the fairy tale system. In order to ensure the safety of this world, we'd better seal it as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Ronald immediately had a question in his mind.

So he tentatively said:

"To be honest, I don't know much about the spells of the fairy tale system..."

"Curious?" Arya tilted her head, but there was no emotion in her eyes. After being questioned by Ronald, she thought for a moment and then spoke directly, "It's a little troublesome to monitor, but you can refer to the information announced by the [Book Research Association] that night."

Ronald's eyes narrowed, his expression thoughtful:

"You mean, fairy tales also belong to a knowledge system?"

"The system is too much, but these fairy tales are indeed a kind of information, and there is also the possibility of spreading and threatening human society." Arya nodded in agreement with Ronald's guess, and then continued to add, "But actually Speaking of which, fairy tales are much more dangerous than ordinary spells."

Ronald understood again: "Because of unstoppable contagion?"

Arya immediately nodded and said:

"The witch who lives in the forest, the knight who saves the princess, the kind person who has a magical experience..."

"Elders tell stories to Small changes in daily life, these are facts that cannot be ignored in fairy tales, and there is no effect if they are blocked."

Ronald said:

"So in the face of this kind of thing that is not easy to stop the spread, necessary changes are necessary."

Arya shook her head with a wry smile:

"After all, no one wants an animal stone that can talk. There are dragons and witches hidden in the forest city, and a world where you may be abducted by goblins when you walk on the road."

While sighing.

Arya handed Ronald the notepad that recorded the spell transformation experience, and then continued in a complicated tone:

"So at the beginning of everything, the founder of my school took on the task of sealing these possibilities."

"It's my turn to encounter problems today, and I can only say where my responsibilities lie."

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